This pretty Avicular Versicolor

Zoologists belong to the family of tarantulas spiders, and lovers are called one of the most beautiful and brightest representatives of this tribe. The main habitats of this species are the Antilles, Guadeloupe and San Martinique.


These are rather large spiders, although not the largest among tarantulas. The body size of Avicularia is about 6 cm, the leg span is 17 cm. Young spiders are blue in color with white stripes on the abdomen. Below you can see how a young individual looks in the photo.

Young spider

Avicular versicolor after eight molts becomes similar to an adult: in the color there are red, as well as green and blue colors with a metallic tint. Externally, this spider is compared with a spectacular brooch made of colorful feathers.

Such a giant among arachnids, of course, can afford a diet more diverse than its small field and other brethren. Therefore, Avicular Versicolor feeds not only on insects, but also on other spiders and even various small creatures - chicks, frogs, mice and fish trifles.

However, it is worth noting that the digestive system of these spiders is still not designed for meat, but for the absorption of insects and smaller spiders as food.

Habitats and behavior

Under natural conditions, these spiders weave themselves the so-called "air minks" - nests from the web of a tunnel-like appearance with entrance and exit. They are located in wood voids, among the branches. But this is housing, and in order to hunt, the spider leaves its house and sets up an ambush. Avicular versicolor is a creature of the twilight lifestyle, so the spider goes hunting after sunset. Avicularia runs pretty fast and is able to make small jumps. A novice keeper should take these points into account.

Female individuals reach puberty in a year and a half or two, males somewhat earlier.

How many live

Although many species of tarantula spiders are considered record holders for life expectancy (some specimens, for example, a Mexican named Brachipelma Emilia, are able to live up to 30 years of age), the life cycle of Avicular Versicolor is limited to 6-8 years.

Adult spider

Females live longer than males. True, this is by human standards. It is customary for arachnologists to count the age of an individual by the number of links that it experienced. A young tarantula sheds about once a month, an adult - once a year.

Contents of Avicular Versacolor in captivity

This species of tarantula is considered an unpretentious exotic animal, which is increasingly preferred as a pet: it is not particularly demanding on the conditions of detention (for example, it easily tolerates high humidity), can even breed in captivity and lends itself well to selection.

Brood spider

In addition, a spider bite is harmless to humans - in terms of irritation to the skin, it is approximately equal to a bee sting. Yes, and a spider bites only if it feels a direct threat. It does not have irritating hairs on the body. It is not considered aggressive and has a calm disposition. If danger arises, he will prefer to flee or hide in shelter.

The person who contains this spider must take into account its natural living conditions. Not every terrarium will descend for Avicularia, but vertical with a minimum size of 25 x 25 x 35 cm per adult. It is necessary to take care of good ventilation from all sides. Well, most likely, the spider will appreciate any "decorations" in the form of pieces of bark or tree branches, among which he could build his home.

Sphagnum moss or chopped coconut shell (coconut substrate) is placed at the bottom, three centimeters high. There should always be clean water in the drinker. It is desirable to maintain the air temperature from 22 to 26 degrees Celsius.

avicularia versicolor photo

They feed Avicularia versicolor 1-2 times a week (young spiders more often) with feed insects (usually these are different types of cockroaches and crickets), no larger than their abdomen. It is sometimes permissible to diversify the diet of a spider with cubs of mice and rats.


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