Rose "Robusta" (Robusta): planting and care

At the moment, about twenty thousand different varieties of roses are known. They are grown by flower growers from different countries and climatic zones. Of special honor among their relatives is the rose of Robusta. The appearance of the flower and the rules for caring for it makes it quite popular among these natural ornaments. A flower bed with roses looks attractive in any garden, attracting the envious eyes of neighbors and causing a desire to grow such a miracle of flora in your area. In this article we will try to tell you what you need to know a person who is going to start growing this plant.

rose robusta

general information

Rosa "Robusta", the description of which we present to you, is a low shrub. Its height can reach one and a half meters. The flowers are painted in red, and it is so rich and bright that it cannot be missed wherever they grow. The structure of the buds is smooth, non-double, with uneven edges. Flowers are elongated with many stamens in the center. Usually on the bush buds are located five to ten pieces in the form of bunches. The whole bush is dotted with thorns. And the thorns are so sharp and long that it is impossible to work with the plant without protective devices.

Another noteworthy feature of the Robusta rose is its chic green foliage. It is thanks to this quality that shrubs are often used as a living fence. Large leaves are in perfect harmony with vibrant colors. As for moodiness, the plant is considered unpretentious. It can calmly grow in the shade, develop on various soil and does not require any special conditions. Blooms Robusta (rose) during the summer and autumn. The only disadvantage of this type is the lack of aroma. He is so weak that it is almost impossible to catch.

flowerbed with roses

Choose a variety

In order to understand the species of this shrub, it is important to understand that the Robusta rose belongs to the scrub class. It is called "medium braid". Created on the basis of the famous Rugosa variety, it is the brightest. At the same time, two different subspecies were derived with its help:

  1. "Pink Robusta."
  2. "Cordeo Robusta."

The first has delicate pink flowers with a white center. At the same time, the buds are large, and the thorns are not so sharp and long. The second option is no less attractive. Both of them are highly resistant to bad weather conditions and pest attacks.

park roses planting and care

Park roses: planting and care

For the correct and rapid growth and development of the bush, it is necessary to plant it correctly and provide basic care. There are some tips that are recommended to follow when growing a plant:

  • When planting, prepare a hole measuring 70 × 70 cm. It is recommended to immediately add fertilizer to the ground, for example, a mineral complex: about a hundred grams per bush.
  • While the plant is developing, you can cover the ground around the bush with a special cloth. This will protect the rose from a large number of weed plants, which significantly reduce growth. Also, such a measure helps to maintain the right amount of water in the soil, as it simultaneously protects the earth from drying out.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the formation of the bush and conduct regular spring and autumn pruning of branches. With the arrival of heat, be sure to remove all dried branches. As well as those that grow incorrectly. You can leave about eight strong branches. When pruning in autumn, it is also necessary to remove attention from faded buds.
  • Another point is the plant replenishment, which must be carried out regularly so that the bush blooms lushly, and the leaves are healthy and bright. It is recommended to use special fertilizer complexes developed for this type of plant. If you do not feed the bush, then it will bloom poorly, and the leaves will begin to turn yellow.
  • As for watering the rose, this procedure should be carried out abundantly, but infrequently: as the earth dries.

rose robusta description

Rose propagation

The rose of "Robusta" propagates in several ways. Here are the simplest ones:

  • The usual division of the bush. It is very easy to do. You need to dig a bush, separate the part with cuttings or offspring and root.
  • Another way is layering. To do this, bend the branch of the bush to the ground and dig it. If you do this at the beginning of spring, then by autumn you will get an already rooted bush. Now it can be dug up, separated from the parent and transplanted to a new place.

robusta rose

Problems and their solution

Park roses, the planting and care of which is described in this article, can suffer from the attack of all kinds of pests. And although the plant has sufficient and strong resistance, it does not have absolute protection. What problems are possible? We list some of them:

  • Dark spots - the appearance of such formations on the leaves. They turn yellow and fade. What to do in this situation? It is necessary to remove the leaves affected by the disease. And the whole bush is treated with a solution containing zinc and copper.
  • Powdery Mildew White dust appears on the leaves. She is very similar to flour. It is necessary to treat the shrub with a fungicide, and then water it using “mullein” infusion.
  • Rust - the appearance of red spots on the leaves. Basically, such formations are observed on the back of the leaf. A fungicide will also help here.
  • Aphid attack. The presence of the pest is noticeable with the naked eye, and you need to fight it with the help of any solution against these insects.

Rose application

Various applications of the plant show that it is not only beautiful, but also useful:

  1. A flower bed with roses looks great in any garden as a decoration.
  2. A small but dense fence from this shrub will become a decoration not only for your site, but also for any public place or park.
  3. In addition to decorative, this rose is used for culinary purposes. So, they make jam out of it, tea.
  4. In cosmetology, a flower is used as an aromatic material. Her petals are also added to various bathtubs and masks.

In conclusion, I want to note that the shrub is so attractive that all of the listed rules of care and reproduction are worth it to engage in plant cultivation. After all, all the invested effort, you will see with the advent of spring, when the rose blooms in your garden with beautiful bright buds.


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