Holidays in Hainan in August: tourist reviews

"Resort Island", "Asian Hawaii" - as soon as they do not call Hainan! The names of Sanya, Haikou, Dongfang, Wannin, Yalunvan are widely heard by many Russians, especially those who live in the eastern part of the Russian Federation and for whom flying to China is cheap. But is the tropical island a year-round paradise for vacationers? Indeed, in the summer, the rainy season reigns in these latitudes. In this article we will talk about what constitutes a vacation in Hainan in August. Reviews with photos taken by tourists will tell us the whole truth about the weather on a tropical island in the last month of summer.

Hainan holidays in august reviews

The main contradiction

If we look at the sites of travel agencies that advertise holidays in Hainan and sell holiday packages there, then everything looks like that at the end of summer, the island has perfect weather, reminiscent of the velvet season in Sochi. The air temperature is high, and the sea, as they say, warms up to +30 o C. Is this true? Yes, the travel agency did not lie about the temperature indicators. They only kept silent that in the last month of summer the island was in the midst of the rainy season. And what do tourists reviews say about the rest on Hainan in August? And here we meet with a contradiction. It would be logical to think that those who are trying to sell a ticket to Hainan praise the weather in August, and those who bought these promises and faced with reality scold the rainy season. But it was not there! Indeed, there are reviews from which it becomes clear that all day long it rained and a gusty wind blew. But there are also such responses (and there are many of them) that assure that one rain has passed during the whole vacation, and even then at night. Who do you want to believe? Let's figure it out.

Climatic features of Hainan

This southernmost island of China is located in tropical latitudes. And indeed, in the summer in these places there comes a period of showers and typhoons. Already in May, the northern monsoon changes its direction. South winds from the equatorial regions bring heavy rainfall. By mid-summer, tropical cyclones already feel like full owners of the meteorological situation. Powerful winds can tear out trees with roots, cut off power lines and raise huge waves at sea. And only in the middle of autumn the monsoon changes its direction. Clouds gradually disperse, showers become less frequent and clear and calm weather prevails. The so-called "high season" begins. Prices soar, and budget tourists can only dream of a holiday in Hainan. In August (the reviews on this issue are very controversial) the season of showers takes place. But what does this mean in practice?

Hainan island china vacation august reviews

Theory and practice

Geography claims that Hainan, because of its location, is located in the "risk corridor" of the passage of typhoons. But a more accurate science - statistics - says that such disasters happen two to three times a year. And not necessarily in August. Typhoons can pat the island with the same probability in July and September. Therefore, reviews about the rest on Hainan in August are so radically different from each other. There are lucky ones who have not caught a single rain on the island throughout their vacation. Most reviews mention one to two days with showers. Others say that the sky only rained at night. There are also such responses in which people claim that in no case should one go to Hainan at the end of the summer, despite the cheapness of the vouchers. But no one complains about the cold. What are the temperatures on the island in the last month of summer?

Hainan Holidays in August

What thermometers show in different parts of Hainan

Despite the fact that in the rainy season the sun often hides behind dense clouds, the air and sea are not going to get cold. The heat is serious - and at this point there are no contradictions between the advertisements of travel companies praising holidays in Hainan in August and the reviews of the travelers themselves. In the afternoon, the air warms up to +30 ... +33 ° C in the shade. And nights are by no means cold: the thermometer’s column rarely drops below +24 ° . Therefore, housing in Hainan must be selected with air conditioning - without it, you can’t fall asleep with stuffiness. Water indicators are especially pleasing to vacationers. The sea in August on Hainan is warm-warm - at least 30 degrees. The island itself is small in area. But here there are regional features. Typhoons and showers affect mainly the northern, central and eastern regions. Therefore, to rest on Hainan in the wet season, you should choose the south and west of the island.

Hainan holidays in august weather

Who should refrain from traveling to the tropics in August

You will definitely not catch a cold from the cold. Yes, and rain is not the biggest problem, if your goal is to rest in Hainan in August. The weather can suddenly improve and delight tourists with a few clear and calm days. But the difficulty of staying on a tropical island is expressed primarily in high humidity. It reaches 85-90 percent in August. At high relative humidity, heat is particularly difficult to tolerate. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing to breathe. Therefore, a trip to Hainan in the summer should refrain from people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as the elderly. Moving to the tropics during the rainy season will also be difficult for children. Acclimatization will be long and difficult. But if you are young and healthy, and a passive beach holiday is not a priority for you, you can safely go to Hainan in the summer. Moreover, prices during this period are pleasantly pleasing.

Holidays in Hainan in August reviews with photos

Is it possible to swim in the sea?

Temperature indicators of air and water look seductive. It is for the sake of sea bathing that many Russians go to Hainan Island (China). Reviews about the rest in August report that there is a storm, and sometimes a serious one. But, like the sky above Hainan, the sea’s disposition is also very changeable. It also happens that there are almost no waves, and red flags on the beach that prohibit swimming are replaced by yellow. True, the sea remains muddy for a long time. But this does not bother those who love powerful convergence. Hundreds of surfers gather in Dadonghai Bay in August. And the rest of the vacationers prefer the beaches of the cleanest Yalongwan Bay.

Holidays in Hainan in August

Things to do in Hainan in August

You should not think that in the “wet season” it rains for days on end and the tourist will have to sit at the hotel. Not at all! Vacations on Hainan in August are compared with a game of roulette: sometimes it can be that the weather will please you with a clear sky and a calm sea. But even if you are not lucky with meteorological indicators, do not be upset. After all, Hainan is famous for its thermal springs of mineral water, which has a healing effect. And even if you are absolutely healthy, visit the Nantan Balneological Hospital. Baths with rose petals, the addition of Chinese fragrant herbs or coconut milk will be a great alternative to the raging sea. In the rainy season, lush tropical vegetation amazes with its rich colors. It's time to go to the natural park with the romantic name "The deer who turned his head." At the end of August, on the seventh day of the 7th lunar month, the Hainan festival is celebrated magnificently, which can be compared with European Valentine's Day.

Holidays in Hainan in August: reviews of vacationers

Unfortunately, long-term weather forecasts cannot give any guarantees. The capricious weather of the tropics takes its toll. Therefore, you need to decide in advance: to go or not. If your priority is sunbathing on the beach and swimming in the sea all day, then it is better to choose a different time for a trip to Hainan. But if you are aiming to get acquainted with the lush nature of a tropical island, to fully immerse yourself in Chinese culture, to excursions and extreme water sports, then August will be a suitable period. Moreover, the prices for air travel and hotel rooms are reduced. A therapeutic rest in Hainan does not depend on the seasons. Thermal springs are waiting for you year-round.


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