Ethnic Identity as a Concept

Ethnic identity is a self-image that is formed in a person when he realizes his own involvement in a particular social group, i.e. in the process of socialization. In this case, it is a question of belonging to a national-ethnic community. This awareness, of course, does not occur by itself, but is tied to the surrounding reality. Therefore, in cases of growing up and socializing a person in an ethnically mixed environment, acquiring an identity is often difficult or differentiated, that is, it does not have a clear link to a single nationality or culture.

Ethnic identity is extremely important for people to gain a social community. On its basis, identity is formed, which allows members of a particular social group to distinguish themselves from others, the need for protection is provided, and if necessary, mobilization on an ethnic basis occurs.

Another basic concept is ethnic self-awareness. This is a basic concept from which ethnic identity flows. Separating these two categories is quite difficult. An ethnic form is considered a form of social consciousness, characterized by belonging to a particular ethnocultural space. The very concept of "ethnos" implies in everyday life a combination of national and cultural traditions, rites, customs, ways of life and specific folklore.

The formation of ethnic identity is greatly influenced by state ideology, as well as socio-political ideas formed by the ethnic elite. An example is the change in the perceptions of most peoples of the USSR in the years 80-90 under the influence of leaders of national movements. Exploring this phenomenon, scientists have even coined the term "imposed ethnicity."

Ethnic identity, according to ethnopsychologists, can be differentiated into seven different types. A normal type of identity characterizes a positive attitude towards the image of one’s people, their culture and values. Ethnocentric - has elements of isolation, the exaggerated value of ethnicity and an uncritical attitude towards it. Ethnic dominant type is characterized by ideas about the superiority of their nation and discrimination of other peoples. Ethnic fanaticism - the complete and absolute dominance of ethnic interests, readiness for victims for their sake.

Other types are ethno-indifferent (indifferent to the values ​​and problems of the ethnos), ethno-nihilism (the complete denial of such values) and ambivalent. The latter type is characterized by a slightly pronounced identity (sometimes double), which often happens in a mixed environment.

An equally important part of self-awareness is civic identity, that is, awareness of one's involvement in the community of a particular state. Civil identification is necessary for the formation in the human mind of a socio-legal status and correlation of the declared status with the real one. For its emergence and maintenance, a sound legal policy of state structures is needed. This formation is especially difficult in a multinational state. Each state in this matter has its own unique experience.

In Russia, with its multinational structure, the ethnic identity of Russians is quite distinctively combined with the state. There are many reasons for this - from the imperial past to the numerous historical upheavals of the Soviet era. Such concepts as an ethnos and nation have for a long time been inferior in the public consciousness of our fellow citizens to the concepts of statehood and the social values ​​of the Soviet system.

Many researchers agree that the Russian national idea should be free from imperial attitudes and narrow national interests and should be a search for new ways for the coexistence of numerous nationalities of the Russian state to overcome economic crises and repel external threats.


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