Structural-functional method: description, application features and examples

The process of cognition in theoretical sciences is carried out through special methods. Unlike practice, here the research is conducted through a mental analysis of the sides of the object. The structural-functional method implies a clear delineation of the boundaries of the studied phenomenon. The sciences in which it is most often used: history, cultural studies, bibliological and political science, as well as jurisprudence and criminology. Often it is the main and determining in the study. Therefore, this type of analysis is given such great importance.

functionally structural method

About the methodology of sciences

At the theoretical level of knowledge, not only universal methods are used, but also special ones. The first include those that are suitable for any occasion: analysis, modeling, formalization. Among private science, the following methods of cognition are distinguished: historical, systemic, structural, functional. In some cases, they are called approaches. They can intersect in different areas of knowledge or be supplemented by even more highly specialized ones (for example, a bibliographic method in book science). A systematic approach sometimes involves an analysis of the structure and functions of an object, while the historical one stands in some isolation. But the use of all of them in theory significantly enriches the scientific sphere.


The method includes two components. The structure implies the structure of an object, dividing it into elements. Some of them are dominant, and there are very minor ones. But a characteristic feature is their connection with each other. Each item has its own specific place in the system. Another component of the structural-functional research method is related to the role and purpose of these elements. Their characteristic and functions performed in accordance with it are submitted for consideration. And, accordingly, the influence of elements on the object as a whole and the external environment.

structurally functional method

Both components are closely intertwined in the functional-structural method, allowing him to more fully characterize the sides of the phenomenon. Close to the concept of structure is the term "system". Therefore, in some cases, two methods are combined under one name: structural-functional and system. However, for some sciences it is customary to distinguish between them.

Application features

A purely structural method is used in a wider range of sciences and disciplines. It is indispensable for linguistics, literary criticism, and even for the natural sciences (physics, biology). It is used for a detailed analysis of works of art and some language units. Particular attention is paid to the study of relationships. Each part affects the other, and as a result, the entire system. This is one of the manifestations of the functions of the elements. As a result, it is possible to trace the development and gradual transformation of the subject and the surrounding reality.

They use the method in journalism in close interweaving with history, paying attention to historical facts preceding the appearance of the object. Mass media perform many functions, influencing society as a whole. For example, they transmit and interpret information, entertain and comment on important events.

system structurally functional methods
The structural-functional method in journalistic research contributes to the formation of terminology and classification of science. In the modern world, the role of communications is being studied to improve their impact on humanity.

The specificity of the method in cultural studies

The uncertainty of the boundaries of the subject of research makes it difficult to use the structural-functional method in cultural studies. The concepts of this science are abstract and not related to matter. Therefore, the analysis of specific phenomena in this science has its own characteristics.

structural functional analysis method

For example, if a person’s behavior is studied, then a certain standard with which he is compared is taken as a basis. Human actions are evaluated in a specific situation and in a specific environment. Even a certain length of time is chosen. Only then can the structure of the subject of research be revealed and its analysis be carried out. Limitations in this case are necessary.

In philosophy and sociology

In the West, the method appeared at the beginning of the last century. With its help, they studied society and the processes operating in it. Well-known sociologists from America and Europe dealt with this problem. Among them, American T. Parsons, focusing on the actions of people. He considered them to be the main object of study in order to fully understand the pattern that existed in society.

structurally functional research method

Subsequently, many scholars criticized such views and innovated in the analysis. The structurally functional method in sociology has improved and developed. With its help, we studied deviations inherent and unusual for social processes. At the end of the last century, they were almost forgotten about it for a short period, but now it is being reborn and is actively used in science. We are studying not only society as a whole, but also groups of people, institutions, various associations.

In history and political science

Most methods in historical science take as a basis the historical approach and derive from it. Special combinations appear: historical-systemic, historical-comparative, and others. The prerequisites of phenomena are studied, and at the same time, attempts are made to predict the future, to suggest further developments. The structural-functional method also helps in this. The object of study is divided into structural parts, and all attention is focused on the importance of each of them in a particular era (time interval).

In political science, this method is considered relatively modern: it began to be used only from the middle of the last century. The main task was to find out how to properly regulate the existence of a political institution and through it to influence society. One of the first researchers in this area was D. Easton. He revealed the functions of the political system of the distribution of values ​​between people and their conviction of the obligatory nature of this action. Another scientist G. Almond paid more attention to the structure and expediency of certain actions in politics. He considered the political system as a whole through the aspirations of individuals and groups, parties.

In economics

Based on the fact that all social spheres are closely interconnected, similar approaches are used to study their influence. Each represents a system consisting of separate cells. The state and political structures actively influence the economy. Its elements, in turn, are closely interconnected with the public sphere, well-being of the population, and society.

In economics, the method of structural-functional analysis came from sociological sciences. This area depends on many environmental factors. The standard of living of the population, political instability, legislation in the field of entrepreneurship can lead to serious changes in the economy. Therefore, it is necessary to consider its functions in the aspect of their relations with others.

In criminology and investigations

Mostly the method is used in theoretical sciences, but in some cases it matters in practice. Some of his ideas are traced in modern criminological theories. Specialists carefully studied the identities of criminals, the factors affecting the growth of murders and crimes. Within the framework of the approach, they came to the conclusion that for a quiet life in society, it is necessary not only the presence of social entities, but also the conviction of the population in their effectiveness, work aimed at organizing order. Thefts and other negative phenomena increase during periods of revolution, unstable situation in the country.

structurally functional method in sociology

One of the sociologists, E. Durkheim, suggested that crime also performs some functions. It balances social processes and promotes progress. But a certain level of crime must be maintained in society. Its excessive manifestations will lead to the collapse of the state.

A person commits illegal acts not only because of his inclinations, but also under the influence of external factors. This may be the behavior of the group to which the subject belongs, the presence in people of common goals and ways to achieve them. Aspirations can be directed towards something positive, while funds do not always turn out to be within the framework of the law. The state penal system is another factor; its functions should also be studied in detail.

In literary criticism

In the study of works of art and processes occurring in the literature, various specific approaches are used. Research is carried out on the biographies of the authors, through the phenomena of the era of the creation of the novel (novel, cycle of poems), understanding its meaning and identifying the system of signs used. Followers of the structural-functional method consider the text through artistic techniques.

structurally functional method of cultural studies
The writer, based on his experience and knowledge of the structural features of the work, creates a new object of art. This thing was originally intended for a specific group of readers. Researchers identify similar elements from the text and make a comparative analysis. Each technique has the goal of influencing the public in one way or another, evoking positive or negative emotions in it. As a result, a clear chain of work follows from the writer to the readers.


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