S. Dovlatov, “Compromise”: a brief summary - funny about sad things, and sad about funny ones

“Compromise” (Sergey Dovlatov) is a collection of small autobiographical stories or, as the author calls them, “compromises”. The action takes place in the 70s in Estonia, then another of the many Soviet republics. What time was it? We can say that this was a period of those very “compromises”, mutual concessions between society and the ruling party. In the official ideology, the leading role of the party and the path of developed socialism remain unshakable . However, other moods reign in society: this is an increasing rebellion against "grayness" and "wretchedness." In literature, in the cinema, in the press and just at home, during the “kitchen” conversations, the very “truth” flashes, but without liberties - this is the main concession on the part of the state in exchange for “silence” in the remaining 90 percent. But is it possible to endure this “unequal compromise” for a long time?

S. Dovlatov, “Compromise”: summary

The first compromise: the protagonist, journalist Sergei Dovlatov, writes a note about the International Scientific Conference in Tallinn. Among the participants were scientists from countries such as the USSR, Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Further, the author ironically talks about how he was accused of political myopia, as the countries are listed in the wrong order. It turns out that the list needed to be compiled not in alphabetical order, as is customary, but on the basis of other criteria. In the beginning - countries with victorious socialism, and then - all the rest. He copied several times. How much did they pay? Only two rubles. Hoping - three ...

Dovlatov compromise summary
The second compromise: the sublime article “Rivals of the Wind”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Tallinn Hippodrome. Famous jockeys, master riders persistently develop the breed and weekly delight the audience with their success. After pompous quotes from a daily newspaper, the author’s story follows about what is really happening at the hippodrome. This place is a miserable sight - a dirty field, slanting stands, and a crowd constantly visiting the bar, since only here they sell cheap port wine for bottling. The journalist, after two or three sketches made in a notebook, appeals for “help” to the protagonist of the article - a promising young jockey Ivanov. He “prompts” him the name of a well-known leader, and together they win a large sum.

The third compromise: a note in the Estonian Youth newspaper about young and talented guests of the capital. The heroine of the essay is Alla Meleshko, a student at the choreographic studio, whose faithful companions are a volume of Blok and a camera. Who is this “romantic person” really? There is such a category of young and “not that vicious, depraved, no ... rather, careless” girls, who, for countless deeds and desires, “can hardly guess the soul”. Alla came from Dvinsk and became the next "acquaintance" of the journalist Mitya Klensky for one night. They had a fun and carefree evening in one company, and the next day it turned out that Klensky had left and did not leave her a penny of money. Dovlatov offers his way out of this situation - to interview her, then they will pay her twenty rubles, or maybe more.

S. Dovlatov, “Compromise”: the summary does not end there

The fourth compromise: the column “Estonian Primer” consists of cute, harmless rhymes. The protagonist of the poems is the bear, which helps the Russian children learn Estonian. The instructor of the Central Committee closes the column, having seen in the image of a harmless bear a chauvinistic hint that every Estonian is an animal: "Am I an instructor of the Central Committee of the party - a beast?"

compromise Sergey Dovlatov

The fifth compromise: the anniversary of the liberation of Estonia was marked by the birth of the 400,000th resident of Tallinn. As Goethe said, “A man is born, then the whole world is born!” Although Goethe never said this, as, however, no one ever knew what the baby had just been born in a row. A candidate for the title of “a man doomed to they chose happiness for a long time. The first newborn turned out to be the son of an Estonian and Ethiopian - this is a clear “marriage.” The second - the son of a Jew - all the more. The editor-in-chief agrees only on the third, since he is the son of an Estonian and a Russian member of the Communist Party. One more thing remains important thing - happy parents should name Un Lembit. For this father offered a bribe of 20 rubles. He agrees.

The sixth compromise: the radio program “Meeting with an Interesting Person” was prepared by journalists L. Agapova and S. Dovlatov. The candidate of economic sciences is on the air. Four years later, a scar appeared on the face of journalist Agapova. A self-taught engineer with four classes of education will rush at her with crazy eyes, to whom in an impulse she proposed to become a participant in the next graduation. However, after seeing his "ingenious" drawings of the house of the future, the expert suggests handing him over to the asylum. The program is closed. The hopeful "innovator" will hit Lida with a metal ruler on the head, and her career will be interrupted for a long time.

Seventh compromise: an article is published under the heading "Man and the profession." Dovlatov writes lively and interestingly about the costume designer of the Russian Drama Theater in Estonia, Voldemar Silde, who undoubtedly was a very talented person. However, after the publication of the article, he is called “to the carpet” to the chief editor. It turns out that the famous fashion designer was supposedly a traitor to the Motherland, and the director of the theater sat for homosexuality. “He did not pester you? - Pester, I think. He gave me a hand to a journalist. That's what I was surprised ... "

Eighth compromise: the newspaper published a telegram to Brezhnev from the Estonian milkmaid. The heroine joyfully reports on high milk yields, on her admission to the party .... Journalist Dovlatov and photographer Zhbankov are sent on a business trip. They should interview the milkmaid, who was not going to write a telegram. But the "comrades" from the neighboring party district committee took care of everything. They organized a meeting not only with the “hero of labor”, but a “warm welcome” at one of the out-of-town “dachas” with a sea of ​​alcohol and two young girls ready to fulfill any whims of the guests. Interviews and telegrams were written during a short intermission of the "cultural program."

S. Dovlatov, “Compromise”: summary continues

The ninth compromise: the article “The Most Difficult Distance” is published about Tiina Karu, a medalist, secretary of the Komsomol committee, a hardy athlete and a promising young scientist. Once Tina turned to the main character with a request for help. The fact is that she had unusual problems with her husband. She needs the lessons of "emancipation" in bed. Dovlatov refused to play the role of teacher. However, he proposed the candidacy of his friend, who really liked her. After several “failures”, the girl finally becomes an “excellent student”. In gratitude, she gives the author a bottle of whiskey.

Dovlatov compromise
The tenth compromise: “They prevent us from living” is a short article about a former journalist E. L. Bush, who once again got into a sobering-up station. The author is nostalgic about the old days, about how he came to Tallinn without money, without work, without friends and without the slightest idea what to do and where to go. They give him Bush’s phone, who doesn’t know him, but he cordially accepts and offers to live with him and his next “lady of the heart”. Bush is a controversial man. On the one hand - good-natured, honest, talented, not compromising with his superiors. On the other - careless, drinking, cynical, living off aging women. As the author himself says, he no longer divides people into positive and negative.

The eleventh compromise. Obituary: eternal memory to the director of the television studio Hubert Ilves, an honest and decent person, whom his friends and comrades will always remember. During the “solemn ceremony” it is discovered that the deceased is not Hubert Ilves, but an “ordinary” person. What to do? Television, live broadcast, farewell words. Let it be as it is, but at night it will be possible to change the coffins. Although what else could happen if the privileged cemetery was not actually buried a friend, not a relative, not a co-worker, but a hypocritical careerist, an unnamed person, without a soul, impulses, disappointments and hopes ...

S. Dovlatov, “Compromise”: summary is coming to an end

The twelfth compromise, the last one: “Memory is a formidable weapon!” - photo report from the next republican rally of former prisoners of German concentration camps. The main character and the same photocorrez Zhbankov are sent on a business trip. The program of the event is as follows: first - a meeting with friends, the emotional part, then the official part, congratulations, and at the end - the long-awaited banquet, for which everyone gathered. At the festive “dinner” after several drunk glasses, it turns out that many after the Nazi concentration camps did not go home, but to Mordovia and Kazakhstan as traitors to the Motherland. The national question arose: who is a Jew, who is a Chukhite. Zhbankov relieves the atmosphere by accepting congratulations and a “wreath” from pioneers instead of veterans.

“In this story there are no angels and no villains ... There are no sinners and righteous people. And in life they don’t exist, ”the author says. Someone makes concessions, someone becomes an outcast .... Although, if not all, then the majority, at least once in their lives, went to this “deal”, obeyed the circumstances, bowed down and acted out of conscience. But the main thing here is to stop on time, otherwise ... The main character abandoned everything and left. “On this tragic word, I say goodbye to journalism. Enough! ” - Sergey Dovlatov, “Compromise”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22582/

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