Popular Holidays in Great Britain: Traditions and Origins

Any state has its own traditions. And as befits in such cases, traditions identify the holidays that are celebrated by the state and people. As a rule, a holiday is dedicated to the beginning of a cycle, whether it is a birthday or New Year, and is tied to the date on which this cycle begins.

Holidays in Great Britain are divided into officially established and the days that fall on them are declared days off, and those that do not give a day off, but are solemnly celebrated. And in fact, and in another case, these days festive events, concerts or processions are held. In the USSR, such processions were called rallies of workers. And, although many grumbled when it was necessary to go to them, but a general good mood came among those people in those days, despite sometimes adverse weather conditions. But today we are not talking about the USSR, but a state with rich and ancient traditions. More specifically about the holidays of Great Britain and the most interesting moments.

London from above

Unbreakable Union

Great Britain is a state on an island located northwest of continental Europe. Despite ancient history, a united Kingdom of Great Britain was formed not so long ago, namely in 1707 through the political merger of Scotland and England, which at that time included Wales. Having gone through some ups and downs with Ireland, the UK appears before us in its modern form as an association of three independent states. This is eloquently testified by the flag of this country, on which the flags of England, Scotland and Wales are superimposed.

Own features

Interestingly, according to a law issued in 1871, days that are non-working and officially approved are called banking days. At this time, banks and government agencies stopped working. At the time of the adoption of the law, four such days were established. It should be noted that in each country in the United Kingdom, today there are a different number of such days. For example, in England there are eight of them. As much in Wales. But in Scotland there are nine of them. And in Northern Ireland (still also related to the UK) there are as many as ten. Here is a "disparity."

First things first

So what holidays and traditions are celebrated in the UK? Let's start with the official, "banking." It is worth saying that the days falling on these holidays are not only days off, but also paid ones, and they are also added to the annual vacation. However, as in many developed countries.

New Year

Like people all over the world, the British do not deny themselves the pleasure of celebrating the New Year. And this is natural and understandable. Despite the different chronology according to which some countries live, the whole world considers the first day of January to be a universal holiday. And whenever possible he meets him on a special scale. The inhabitants of the kingdom prefer to spend it with friends, and often make plans for the coming year, giving themselves promises related to them. On January 1, Londoners and guests of the capital are always waiting for an unforgettable holiday procession, which begins at noon on Parliament Square. Acrobats, dancers, musicians give it a special flavor and cheer up those present on it.

New Year in London

Good friday!

Friday before Easter. This holiday has religious roots. It starts on Friday before Easter and lasts until Monday after Easter inclusive. This Monday is also a day off. Chocolate eggs and cross-shaped buns are traditionally exchanged on this day.

What holidays in the UK?

The first Monday of May is the British rightful weekend, and it is dedicated to the celebration of May Day! No, do not think, no T-shirts, red banners and other Soviet paraphernalia. It's just that the British are celebrating spring on this day. Meet dancing. Traditionally, these are dances around the Maypole and Morris dances. These traditions are hundreds of years old. And the British honor them. For example, there are six styles of Morris dances, each with its own school. Accordions, violins, harmonics are an invariable attribute of these dances, and in the hands of the dancing sticks, shawls and bells. Dancing around the Maypole is dancing around the pillar that represents the earth's axis.

Interestingly, the last Monday of May is celebrated. But here Mondays do not end. The last Monday of August attracts the attention of many tourists to the UK. On this day, a traditional festive procession is held, comparable in scope to the Brazilian carnivals. For those who don’t know, the word "holiday" in English in the UK sounds like a celebration [Celebration].


December 25th is perhaps the most favorite holiday for the whole Western world. And especially for the British. On this day, Christmas is celebrated. This is the most family holiday for the inhabitants of the country. A traditional holiday turkey flaunts on their tables, along with other dishes. And the next day everyone will have another day off, which is called Boxing Day.

In Scotland, January 2 is added to the above holiday (we know why) and the St. Andrew's Day celebrated by the Scots on November 30.

Christmas in London


Holidays and traditions of the UK are so diverse that many of them, although not official β€œbanking”, are no less revered by the British. One of them is, of course, the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Oddly enough, but the monarch's birthday is celebrated in the UK not on the day of his real birth. Since 1908, it has been celebrated in June. But here, not everything is so simple. The first, second and third Saturday of June may be the "birthday" of the monarch. What can you do? Weather!

Halloween in London

It is possible to note several other holidays of Great Britain known to the whole world. Valentine's Day (for some time now it is well known to the inhabitants of Russia). February 14th, it is customary to give Valentine's beloved gifts, thereby showing their attitude towards them. April 1 is an occasion for many to celebrate April Fool's Day. And, perhaps, Halloween. On October 31, with the help of scary costumes and masks, people try to scare away evil spirits. This holiday combined two ancients - the eve of All Saints Day and Celtic Samhain. Now you know about all the most interesting holidays in the UK.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22589/

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