A few tips on what to do if a newborn’s tummy hurts

In young children, despite their very young age, there are a huge number of different problems. One of them is frequent colic and general discomfort in the tummy.

what to do if a newborn’s tummy hurts

Method 1

So what to do if a newborn’s tummy hurts? The first and perhaps the easiest way is to change the position of the baby. To do this, you must first turn it on one barrel, then on the second, try to put it on the tummy. So the gases accumulated in the intestine will be able to move somewhat and move towards the exit, alleviating the state of the crumbs.

Method 2

What else to do if a newborn’s tummy hurts? You can make your baby a small massage to rid him of gas bubbles, which cause unpleasant sensations. To do this, you need to alternately push the baby's legs to the tummy. This provokes a more rapid passage of gases through the intestines. Alternatively, you can put the child on the belly and try to squeeze the legs in this position, this will also ease the pain. You can also stroke the stomach with a hand. This must be done clockwise. The hand should be warm and not cause discomfort in the crumbs.

how much does a newborn have a tummy ache

Method 3

What to do if a newborn’s tummy hurts ? As a medical device, you can use the mother herself. Scientists have proven that her contact with the child “skin to skin” often soothes any pain of the baby, including those caused by accumulated gases. For this, the mother must lay the baby with a bare tummy on her chest or on her stomach. The baby will definitely calm down, and his discomfort will be somewhat smoothed out, and the pain will be relieved.

Method 4

What to do if a newborn’s tummy hurts? You can use the grandmother's way - to put a warm diaper on the belly crumb. You can warm it with an ordinary battery or a hot iron. It is believed that this will relax the intestines, and the gases will go out calmer and easier without creating special problems for the child.

Method 5

You can also take advantage of various medications from the tummy for newborns. For this, dill water is useful. You can cook it yourself or just buy it in a pharmacy ("Plantex" remedy). It helps to remove gases from the intestines of the child and thus relieves pain. The same result can be obtained by a gas outlet tube, which is placed in the anus of the child and helps the exit of gases. But the simplest and most effective way is to buy a special tool in the pharmacy that is designed to cope with gas in newborns. Examples include Infacol and Espumisan.

from tummy to newborns

Method 6

All mothers know that children have colic. But you can also try to prevent their appearance. What does that require? If the baby is breast-fed, the mother can try to exclude from her diet foods that contribute to the creation of gases - legumes, white bread and pastries, carbonated drinks, onions, fast food, etc. If on artificial, try to change the mixture, maybe it just does not fit the child. And, despite how much the newborn has a tummy ache, mother is simply obliged to try to help him, because only she can ease the suffering of her baby.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22594/

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