Connie Cucumber F1: reviews. Variety Characteristics

It is good to grow cucumbers in regions with a mild climate, you can take several crops one by one and not worry that the seedlings will die from the cold. Another thing is the northern regions, the Urals and Siberia. To get a good harvest, it is necessary to plant an early ripe variety, resistant to temperature extremes and various diseases. This is what Connie F1 cucumber is. Reviews call him one of the most beloved by Russian gardeners and gardeners. It is distinguished by excellent productivity, unpretentiousness and excellent taste of fruits. Let's take a closer look at the merits and features of this variety.

connie cucumber f1 reviews

What is this variety?

We are considering a self-pollinating hybrid for open ground and greenhouses. This is Connie F1 Cucumber. Reviews suggest that this is a reliable variety that annually gives gardeners a consistently high yield. In the inflorescences, female flowers prevail, that is, the plant is pollinated independently, which means it can be grown in completely closed greenhouses. If summer comes late in your region, then plants are planted in the ground with the onset of steady heat. Very soon, 40-45 days after germination, a massive harvest begins. Fruits can be the basis for summer salads and serve as an excellent side dish, they are also suitable for winter harvesting.

Fruit characterization

What distinguishes the Connie F1 cucumber from the rest? Reviews say that it gives amazingly delicious greenery. The variety characterizes the beam arrangement of the fruits, which means that the yield will be very high. The fruits are small, about 8-10 centimeters, finely tuberous, beautiful, oval in shape, bright green in color. It is very pleasing that the greens have no bitterness, the flesh is tender, crispy, deliciously delicious. Universal fruits, they are great for pickling, marinade and summer salads. Good and in itself a cucumber Connie F1. Reviews attribute it to the most delicious gifts of a summer cottage.

cucumber seedlings at home

Sowing seeds

Seedlings of cucumbers at home begin to land in February-April, depending on the region and the onset of sustainable heat. Connie's cucumber is early ripe, so the plants will have time to yield even when sown in open ground in early June. However, the seedling method is preferable. It helps to reduce the waiting time for the crop by about 15 days. If you have a film or glass greenhouse, then seedlings of cucumbers at home are sown in early April. It will be possible to land it in the ground in the middle of the month. By the time the plants release long lashes, the daytime temperature will already make it possible to remove the covering material. This variety is a powerful, medium-weed plants resistant to a complex of cucumber diseases.

Sowing technology

Despite the fact that today we are considering a Connie F1 cucumber, the description of its sowing is practically no different from the generally accepted one. Due to the fact that the seeds have undergone plasma treatment, they do not need preliminary soaking. Moreover, the growth and yield indicators of this variety are much higher than many others. Most often, plants are grown on supports, 3-4 plants per square meter. If you decide to grow them like a pumpkin, freely weaving on the ground, then 2-3 plants per square meter are enough.

Seeds should be sown to a depth of 2 cm in fertile, breathable, light soil. After 2-4 days, shoots appear, and after the appearance of 3-4 leaves, pinching is done. This will allow you to form a bush, which in the future will eliminate the need to care for wild thickets instead of a neat garden.

Connie Cucumber F1 Description

Cucumber Care

Undoubtedly, Connie F1 is the most productive cucumber of all that is on the market today. Parthenocarpic, beam hybrid in one season can provide you with about 5 kg of fruit per square meter. At the same time, the plant is unpretentious, all care consists in timely watering and top dressing. A lack of water can cause the death of plants or deterioration in the quality of the fruit. In this case, cucumbers are watered only in the evening, with warm, settled water. Cold, tap water can ruin the roots or stop growth. Top dressing is done once every ten days, and the homemade mixture is ideal: one liter of manure per bucket of water.

cucumber seeds f1

Packaging and cost

Connie's F1 cucumber seeds are available in different packages. At the same time, black and white packaging costs much less than similar seeds in a colored bundle with bright pictures. In both cases, inside you will find Agronika plasma seeds in the amount of 10 pcs., Or 1 g. What does plasma mean? That is, the seeds were treated in an air plasma discharge at room temperature. At the same time, the germination of seeds in a state of deep dormancy increases, their resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases, sprouts appear stronger.

varieties of cucumbers for urals

What cucumbers are best planted?

In fact, not only Connie F1 is great for growing in the northern regions. There are still a large number of hybrids that provide excellent productivity and are resistant to diseases. Let's look at the most favorite varieties by gardeners:

  • It should be noted Cupid F1. This is a self-pollinating hybrid that has a high yield. Fruits ripen in 40-45 days and have excellent taste.
  • One of the highest yielding varieties is Arina F1. At the same time, it is surprisingly cold-resistant, but is intended for fresh use only.
  • Let us introduce you the Voyage hybrid. This is a salad variety of cucumbers, which tolerates temperature differences well, but is still recommended for cultivation in greenhouses. Cucumbers do not require pollination.
  • If you have shaded places on the site, then you can not rack your brains, thinking out what to put on them. Take the seeds of cucumbers near Moscow evenings. Amazing variety tolerates even the most shaded areas and pleases with an excellent harvest.
    garden cucumbers

Varieties of cucumbers for the Urals

The local nature is not particularly affectionate for delicate, thermophilic plants, one of which is a cucumber. Modern breeders offer a large selection of varieties that provide excellent germination, yield and resistance not only to diseases, but also to temperature extremes:

  • I would like to note the Altai variety, early ripe, high-yielding, it can be planted both in open ground and in the greenhouse. The fruits are delicious and crispy, are finding more and more fans among gardeners. They are great for salting and salads.
  • The novelty, only recently released by Russian breeders, is a variety of cucumbers White sugar. It belongs to mid-season vegetables and is distinguished primarily by its white, creamy shade of fruits. They go well for salting and for salads.
  • When growing cucumbers in the open field, it is worth paying attention to the bee-pollinated hybrid Ajax F1. Early ripe variety, perfectly adapted for cultivation in harsh conditions. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing about 100 g.
    which cucumbers are best planted

The most fruitful cucumbers

Each of us wants to have a beautiful garden and a fruitful garden. Cucumbers are a real summer gift. Delicious, crispy, low-calorie, they perfectly complement any dish. When choosing seeds, I want to buy the very variety that will fully provide you with the crop. Today it is quite possible, as modern breeders bring to your attention the following varieties:

  • Masha F1. A variety loved by many. Small, crispy gherkins grow in such quantity that they will have to be salted every day. They are also good for fresh food. Perfectly tolerate a variety of diseases characteristic of cucumbers.
  • For planting in greenhouses, the Courage F1 variety is well suited. These are self-pollinating cucumbers, the first fruits ripen about 60 days after planting. Salad variety, the mass of one fruit is about 200 g.
  • Herman F1. This is the earliest variety that ripens in just one month. The crop is very plentiful, each cucumber weighing only 100 g. Great for fresh food, as well as pickles and pickles.
  • Zozulya F1. This is another early ripening variety, which is somewhat inferior to the previous one. Fruit ripening occurs approximately 42 days after planting. The fruits are larger, 300-400 g each. At the same time, the highest productivity is maintained.

The most productive cucumbers for open ground

In an open garden, it is important to get a crop, regardless of weather conditions. Therefore, you need to choose varieties that are completely unpretentious to temperature extremes. For conservation , the Sparta variety is very suitable , it is a hybrid that has a soft, ageless peel. The universal Farmer variety is resistant even to severe spring frosts. The Altai early variety is very productive and precocious, the fruits begin to be picked up 37 days after planting. Resistant to colds and fungal diseases.

Gardeners reviews

Judging by the reviews of gardeners, despite the abundance of varieties in stores today, one of the most beloved and often bought is Connie F1. The variety is unpretentious, excellent fruiting in any weather conditions, is self-pollinated, which is important when grown in greenhouses. The fruit ripening period is 40 days, even in the most severe regions the bush manages to produce crops during the warm period. As you know, cucumbers are very susceptible to various diseases. Those who planted Connie's hybrid were pleasantly surprised by the complete absence of loss of bushes and crops due to powdery mildew, cucumber spotting, olive spotting and other formidable diseases.

Another feature of the variety, which cannot but rejoice, is its versatility. Connie F1 is great for fresh consumption. He goes to salads and slices, as an independent side dish. No less tasty are the fruits, either in salt or pickled form. Small, neat, crunchy, they have amazing taste.


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