Mysteries about lily of the valley for children and adults

Delicate white bells on a curved stalk with juicy bright leaves - you will find them both in the forest thicket and in the shade of an urban flower bed. You can’t confuse their spicy aroma with any other. What is this miracle? Of course, lilies of the valley! Symbols of spring, joy and happiness, they always cause a smile in children and adults, leaving no one indifferent. Lilies of the valley are dedicated to songs, poems and riddles. In this article, we present a variety of riddles about lily of the valley, in poetry and prose, simple and more complicated.

Examples of riddles

The most common riddles about lily of the valley in poetry. Brief, sonorous and memorable, children definitely will like them.

White peas
On a green leg.

Under the fence, at the gate,
Admire, do not breathe:
Like beads on a thread
Little white ones ...

puzzles about lily of the valley

On the green posts in a row
The lamps are fragile.

Sometimes it blooms in spring,
Find him in the shadow of the forest:
On a stalk, like beads, in a row,
White flowers are hanging.

Fragile bells
In my little garden
On the green stalk
Hid in the shade.

Some riddles about lilies of the valley for children are not very suitable. For example, about the berries of this plant:

Beautiful and tender, you can’t take your eyes off
but if you eat, you will be poisoned and you will die immediately.

On the other hand, such riddles about lily of the valley also have a right to exist, since they talk about the important properties of the plant. Indeed, it is hard to believe that the beautiful, juicy berries of lily of the valley are deadly.

Inspired by lily of the valley

Riddles about lily of the valley can be used at thematic natural science lessons both as a warm-up and at the final stages of work when material consolidation and reflection take place.

riddles about lily of the valley for children

Using examples of riddles, children can compose similar texts on their own. You can also invite students to participate in a thematic gallery of drawings and crafts on the topic. If the lesson takes place in the spring, the best option is a walk in the forest or park - the event "Meeting with the lily of the valley" is guaranteed to appeal to all children!


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