Do-it-yourself canopy construction: work procedure and photo

Almost every master who knows how to handle the tool with at least a little can build a canopy with his own hands. To do this, you need to consider the whole process step by step. There are many options for such buildings. They differ in functionality, durability and scope. Features of the construction of awnings, as well as the recommendations of experienced craftsmen will be discussed later.


The construction of awnings is a responsible undertaking. There are many options for such designs. They can be autonomous, located at a distance from the house. Such a canopy serves as a place to relax in the country or in a personal plot. Often canopies are attached directly to the wall of the house. In this case, the design can perform several functions. For example, it can be a carport, an indoor playground for children’s games, a place of rest for adults, etc. There are many options for operating such buildings.

Construction of a pent roof canopy

If the structure is separated at a certain distance from the house, it can be single-pitch or gable. More complex roofing options are rarely built with one's own hands. The canopy, which is built near the house, usually has only one inclined slope. The main varieties of the shape of the roof of the canopies are as follows:

  • semicircular;
  • rectangular or square with one sloping or straight slope;
  • triangular gable;
  • irregular shape.

The construction of the roof of the canopies, as well as its supports, can be made of different materials. The durability, strength and aesthetics of the building depend on this. Supports can be made of wood or metal pipes. Some masters use plastic for these purposes. However, this material is only suitable for a roof made of very lightweight materials. Moreover, such a design will be fragile. It is better to attach it directly to the wall of the house.

The canopy built from the terrace looks spectacular. Its roof will create a shadow at the entrance to the house. As a result, it will not be so hot inside. If you need to park the car in a secluded shaded place, it is also recommended to build a canopy.

A roof of a similar design can be made of such materials:

  • tree;
  • polycarbonate;
  • reeds;
  • metal;
  • other roofing materials;
  • shockproof glass;
  • the cloth.

If you plan to create a canopy for the summer kitchen, it is better to use a metal frame and non-combustible materials for its construction. When creating such a design over the pool, it is better to give preference to a canopy that is not afraid of damp.

Features of the building

There are certain standards for the construction of a canopy. Such a design should not exert additional load on the foundation of the house if it is attached to one of its walls. Any canopy should not affect the structural features and safety of the buildings to which they are adjacent.

DIY canopy construction

This is a relatively light construction. It may be among auxiliary buildings. However, carports, including for a car, should not be an object of entrepreneurial activity. This is a relatively simple structure, which is often built in a country house or garden.

It is worth noting that permission to build a canopy is not required (Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation). However, it is worthwhile to understand which building can belong to this category. For example, a garage and a carport have a number of differences. A canopy can have a maximum of 3 closed walls. At the garage all the walls are closed. It has a wide opening for vehicle entry. So that the canopy is not recognized as a capital building (and does not need to obtain a permit for its construction), it must meet the following requirements:

  • can be carried over without causing serious structural damage;
  • is collapsible;
  • has no foundation;
  • does not have stationary communications (except electric);
  • not an object of movable property.

If the building meets the above requirements, it is recognized as temporary. In this case, permission to build it is not necessary. This must be remembered when planning the procedure for erecting a canopy.

It is also worth noting that some canopies have a foundation, as they are built of heavy materials. However, this does not mean at all that such a design can be recognized as capital. If only one condition from the list is not fulfilled, this does not give the right to recognize the canopy as a capital structure. However, if there are two or more discrepancies, it can be recognized as a stationary design. In this case, the canopy will be considered as an object of self-construction. It will be subject to dismantling.

Material selection

Do-it-yourself canopy construction can be done from different materials. First of all, you need to pay attention to wood. This material is the easiest to process. Almost any structure can be easily built from it. With proper processing, this material will be durable.

Natural wood looks spectacular. Such a canopy harmoniously fits into any landscape design. If it is created near the house, it is worth considering the features of the facade design. Typically, for a summer residence or a country cottage, wood is most suitable when it comes to creating such a structure.

The disadvantage of natural material is its exposure to adverse weather conditions. In this case, wood is subject to burning. Therefore, before starting construction work, it must be treated with a flame retardant and antimicrobial agents.

Fix all the elements with bolts or special screws. This work is within the power of even a novice master who has not previously created such buildings. It should be borne in mind that wood, if properly processed, can stand for several decades without requiring repair. To do this, use dry board or glued beams during construction work.

The construction of a canopy for a car or other purposes can be made of metal. The frame is assembled from the profile by means of a bolted connection or from pipes by welding. To perform bends, you will need to use a special tool. This is a pipe bender. It is worth noting that metal structures are more expensive. In this case, the metal must be constantly tinted, protecting it from the adverse effects of weather conditions. But metal supports are able to withstand a roof of greater weight.


Whether it is planned to build a canopy with a single-pitched roof adjacent to the house, or a detached structure with a semicircular roof, it is necessary to create a drawing. This is a plan that reflects the exact number of structural elements, their size in scale. A canopy will subsequently be built on it.

Canopy construction drawing

The drawing indicates how many support legs are required, as well as what section they will have. This indicator depends on the size of the canopy. The weight of the structure and roofing material is also taken into account. It is important to take into account the snow and wind loads in the area when calculating. It is worth noting that if frequent, heavy snowfalls occur here, it is better to make a slope with a large slope. If strong winds blow in the area, a shallow roof is preferred.

The lack of supports leads to the appearance of deflections of the roofing material. Therefore, you need to take into account the total load. If the number of supports is too large, this will result in additional costs.

If you plan to make the canopy relatively small (about 2-3 m in length), which will be attached to the house, you can do just 2 racks. However, for a structure that will stand apart from the house, the number of supports increases to 4 pcs. This is true for the construction of polycarbonate canopies. However, using heavy materials as flooring, it is worth increasing the number of supports to 6 pcs. If it is planned to build a canopy with a length of about 6 m, then the pitch of the support posts should be 1.2-1.5 m.

If it is planned to use light roofing material, the rafter system can be assembled from a small-diameter beam, a metal profile. In this case, the step between structural elements may be less frequent. If you plan to use shingles for decoration, you need to choose more powerful materials. Their step will be frequent.

For support racks, a beam with a cross-sectional size of 15 Γ— 15 cm or 14 Γ— 14 cm is most often purchased. For the rafter system, you should purchase material 15 Γ— 5 cm, and for jibs - 9 Γ— 9 cm. It is extremely important that the supports stand exactly vertically .

The construction of the carport for the garage can be made of metal pipes. To do this, you need to purchase columns 10 Γ— 10 cm or 8 Γ— 8 cm. To create a truss truss, you need to purchase metal structures with a cross section of 4 Γ— 10 cm and 4 Γ— 4 cm. The main supports must be thick. Additional structural elements may be thinner. If desired, over time, the pipes can be overlaid with stone (natural or artificial) or brick.

Installation of wooden supports and rafters

The construction of a wooden canopy for a car, summer kitchen or recreation area begins with the installation of supports. After creating a drawing and purchasing materials, you must begin to work. On the site prepared for construction, marking is done. Wedges are installed in those places where wooden poles will be installed. All structural elements made of natural material must be treated with flame retardant and antiseptic.

Further, in the marked places, you need to drill a recess of 50 cm. The lower edge of the support is treated with bitumen. It is installed in the recess. Empty space is covered with gravel or poured with cement mortar. Using a plumb line, the verticality of their installation is checked. For fixing, you can use an auxiliary beam. It is dismantled over time.

From above, each pillar must be trimmed with a bevel at the same level in accordance with the configuration of the roof. The angle must be calculated at the stage of creating the drawing. The lower edge of the ramp should be at least 1.8 m from the surface of the earth. A higher canopy can be made. Especially if the vehicle is dimensional.

The construction of a wooden carport for a car necessarily involves the creation of a rafter system. For this, a bar is used. The distance between the rafters should be about 1 m. One side will be attached to the wall or a special rack, the second - to the pillars of the support posts.

The connection of the elements of the rafter system is carried out using self-tapping screws and steel corners. If you plan to fix the structure to the wall of stone, brick, you should purchase metal anchors or dowels. Metal corners will also be required.

Completion of construction

The construction of canopies made of wood is relatively short. After the erection of the rafter system, you need to make a crate. It stuffs perpendicularly. The crate should be fixed directly to the beams of the rafter system. The crate is made of edged boards. Its thickness should be 3 cm. The boards should be distributed at a distance of 90 cm. If the roofing material is soft, a continuous crate is created. In other cases, the frequency depends on the characteristics of the material. It should be noted that the distance must be calculated in accordance with the characteristics of slate, polycarbonate sheets, metal tiles and other varieties of materials. Boards should pass in the center and at the joints of the sheets.

Construction of a wooden carport

Next, you can mount the roofing material. Under it, you do not need to lay a layer of insulation. If it is a slate, it is screwed on top of the wave. For this, galvanized screws are used. Their heads need to be fixed flush. Under the heads it is better to put special washers. They are made of plastic.

Building canopies made of wood often involves the use of metal slate. It is a practical material that is known for its durability. You need to very accurately measure the position of the first sheet. Otherwise, the flooring will be skewed. You need to start from the bottom. When the first sheet is securely fixed, the second is laid on it. It must be lapped.

When the bottom row is created, the material for the second row is fixed in the same way. Overlap is laid not only each subsequent sheet, but also the second and first rows.

Almost any roofing material is suitable for decoration. If the canopy is attached to the house, it is better to make it from the same flooring as the roof of the house. So the design will look more harmonious.

Reed roof

The construction of wooden canopies can end with a very exotic finish. For example, it could be reeds. This type of finish construction is more often used for cottages in the southern regions. If there is a pond nearby, on which a lot of reeds grow, this option will be one of the possible ones.

Construction of wooden canopies

To create a roof from reeds, you need to properly prepare the material. It will harmoniously complement the wooden structure. Moreover, such a roof can be at the canopy, both attached to the house, and standing separately. The second option is preferable, since reeds are not always in harmony with the facade of the main house.

The construction of a single-pitched canopy from the reeds is easier to carry out than to lay a gable roof with this material. However, even round structures can be made of it if desired. First you need to properly prepare the material. The reeds are cut with a knife. Inflorescences are harvested. Stalks are laid out in the sun. They need to be dried very well.

When the material becomes completely dry, it is impregnated with a fire-fighting compound (the same as wood structures). Bulrush is a flammable material. Therefore, such requirements cannot be neglected. The impregnation is poured into a spray bottle. So applying it to natural material will be much easier and faster. The stems should dry again.

Next, the material is treated with an antiseptic. After that, you need to dry the wet reeds again. These actions significantly extend the life of the roof. Impregnations usually remain after processing wooden structures. Therefore, such a procedure does not require additional costs.

The reeds are tied in bunches using ropes. The thickness of each of them should be about 10 cm. The bundles are laid close to one another. Under them should be a dense waterproofing. When all the bundles are laid out, they are further reinforced with a rope. The whole roof is wrapped around it, overlapping several times. Next, fixation is carried out with screws on the edge and in the center of the canopy. So the whole structure will be firmly fixed on the base.

Metal pipes

The construction of carports can be made of metal pipes or profiles. First, a drawing is also created, the weight of the roof and the distance between the supports are calculated. The canopy that holds on to pipes with a diameter of 5 cm looks best. The wall thickness should be about 3 mm.

Construction of polycarbonate canopies

To create supports during the construction of a canopy to the house, pipes of 3.5 m length are most often used. They must be installed strictly vertically. Their edge should be at the same height for each support.

To install the racks, you need to dig holes. Their depth is 50 cm. Next, the flange must be welded to the pipes at the top. It can be perforated or solid. This element will be required subsequently for the installation of a roof truss.

Sand and gravel are poured into prepared wells. Each layer should be 5 cm. They are tamped with quality. Down cover with waterproofing. Then the supports are installed (strictly vertical). To fix them in the holes, you will need to fix them using several large stones. Then concrete is poured into the wells.

If you plan to create a collapsible structure, metal pins are driven into the ground. They should go to a depth of at least 80 cm. The supports will be bolted to them. If necessary, the clamps can be unscrewed, and the canopy disassembled by folding it inside the house.

Farm Construction and Finishing

Next, you need to build farms. These are right-angled triangles made of reinforcement. Each pair of pillars requires its own truss. They are installed on the ends of the racks. Then they need to be lightly welded. After adjustment, they are fixed permanently. Most often, the construction of polycarbonate canopies involves the installation of a metal structure. Between farms 4 reinforcing bars are welded. The crate is mounted on them and the corrugated board is fixed.

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