Where can I go without a visa to relax Russian

We all look forward to a vacation. The choice of a suitable country for a vacation is a troublesome, but pleasant occupation. However, if we consider the procedure for applying for a visa, then it may not please everyone. Fortunately, this is not always necessary. And it's not even that you can go to Russian resorts. There are simply more than 60 countries in the world where citizens of Russia can go without a visa! The fact that Turkey and Egypt belong to such countries is not a secret. Where else can I go?

Where to go without a visa: Asia

where you can go without a visa
If you do not plan to relax for more than half a month, then it is quite possible to choose a trip to Vietnam, South Korea or Laos. During the same period (fifteen days), you can stay without a visa in Hong Kong. The laws of this administrative region that relate to the entry and exit of citizens of other states are different from those observed in the rest of China. An island called Jeju, which belongs to South Korea, can shelter you for a whole month. Travelers in Thailand and Malaysia, the Philippines and the Maldives will be just as pleased.

Where to go without a visa: South and North America

where to go to relax without a visa
In Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador you can relax for at least a whole season, because on their territory foreign citizens who do not have a visa are allowed to stay for 90 days. Several countries in South America beckon exactly the same "free" period. These are Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Chile, Guatemala and Argentina. In Peru, you can stay without a visa for 183 days.

For a whole month you can bask on the beaches of the Caribbean in countries such as Barbados and Cuba, Barbuda and Antigua, Turks and the Dominican Republic, Caicos and the Dominican Republic. The Bahamas, Tobago, Grenada and Trinidad will welcome you ninety days.

Where to go without a visa: Europe

go to the sea without a visa
Any traveler, even if he does not have a visa, can count on a warm welcome in countries such as Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (thirty days). Staying in Macedonia for Russians was previously possible only with a voucher issued by a travel company or invitation. At present, this country can be visited without these additional documents, and you can stay here for up to 90 days. This law is valid until March 15 of the following year (2014). The already mentioned Turkey will be happy to meet Russian tourists who have arrived on vacation for up to 30 days, but in Croatia it will be possible to stay three times longer.

Where to go on vacation without a visa: Africa

Some countries of this continent are also happy to welcome tourists without a visa. It is about Namibia, Botswana and Morocco. You can even get tired of rest here, because no one will ask you to leave the country for 90 days! For a shorter period - 30 days - you can go to Swaziland, Tunisia and the Seychelles.

Everyone chooses a holiday to their liking. Someone wants to soak up the white sandy sand, someone wants to see the deep sea depths, while someone wants to wander along the beautiful old streets of European cities. As you can see, both are feasible. Even to go to the sea without a visa is quite real. So choose your own country and pack your bags!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22627/

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