DK them. Gorky - St. Petersburg Cultural Complex

Every year, the people's demands for "bread and circuses" become deeper and more stringent. Theater trends are becoming obsolete, many projects have already been traveled hundreds of times, and cultural activities are gaining more demand. DK them. Gorky in St. Petersburg is still popular thanks to grandiose events and constant innovations.

History of creation

The historical beginning of the place is revolutionary time. In 1917, in a small building on the site of the Palace of Culture, the Committee of the Union of Working Youth was located, and it was here that the meeting of the Sixth Congress of the RSDPR was held. In 1919, an architectural competition was announced for a project by V. Dubrovitsky to create a leisure center. The architects of the capital's schools participated, but no worthwhile work was chosen.

dk im gorky st petersburg

In 1925, it was decided to erect a building on the model of the combined competitive works of A.I. Dmitriev and A.I. Hegello. September 1, the Moscow-Narva House of Culture was founded. In less than six months, D.L. Krichevsky amended the construction. Exterior and interior decoration worked out by a native of the Academy of Arts - A. E. Gromov.

Building structure

The main aspect of the future DC's appearance is simplicity and scale. The facades are quite minimalistic, there are no lush decor elements, everything is conservative and at the same time grandiose. Blank walls are slightly diluted with glazed surfaces. The clarity of the lines in the best traditions of constructivism. The central part has an oval shape, which is interrupted by several six-story pillar-boxes. They contain stairwells and management rooms. In the center is the Great Hall and the lobby, and the lobby is located on the floors. In the side compartments there is a concert hall, a cinema hall, a sports center, a library and clubs. Ticket locations were added a few years later.

Cultural Institution Development

The official opening took place on the day of the decade of the October Revolution. In 1929, the building received its final name - the A. M. Gorky Palace of Culture. Here the performances of leading Soviet and later foreign theaters began to be actively staged. In 1935, enthusiasts achieved the organization of their own ballet circle, which laid the foundation for the development of their own DC teams: sports teams, a theater troupe and other creative groups.

m Baltic

An even greater calling was received by the St. Petersburg Palace of Culture. Gorky after winning the Paris World Exhibition. The award was rightfully earned by A. I. Hegello for his enormous contribution to the implementation of the project. He was so fond of the people that he functioned even during the years of the blockade. Since 1968 it has been positioned as an architectural monument and historical site.

Rich heritage

At the very beginning of his creative career, DK repeatedly received Vladimir Mayakovsky. In those same years, Zinaida Reich, Alisa Koonen, Igor Ilyinsky shone on the stage of the palace . A memorial plaque on the facade is dedicated to them and other outstanding artists. The walls are remembered by many folk artists: Anatoly Papanov, Evgeny Leonov, Inna Churikova, Oleg Yankovsky, Edith Piekha, etc. Foreign artists also arrived at the nearby Baltic Station, where Baltiyskaya metro station was opened nearby for the convenience of residents.

Palace of Culture named after AM Gorky

For several years, the outstanding actor Arkady Raikin delighted Leningraders and guests of the city, his topical humoresques and the manner of the game that caused a loud laugh. One of the memorable townspeople was the opera "Juno and Avos", where the legendary Nikolai Karachentsev soloed. During the heyday of the 70-80s, the composer Andrei Petrov and the virtuoso of choreography Yuri Grigorovich began their careers here. More than 70 sections are open for opening new talents: theater, ballet, and art. To this day, thousands of Petersburgers study there.

Modernity for a recreation center to them. Gorky in St. Petersburg

By its eightieth birthday, the Palace of Culture was carefully renovated, cleaned to a shine and modernized with new equipment. On a regular basis, classical productions are held here: the acclaimed “Juno and Avos”, the performances “The Naked King” and “The Fatal Inheritance”. One of the favorites for the public is the production of “One Year Summer” performed by the Bolshoi Drama Theater, which is part of the recreation center.

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In addition to theatrical events, in the framework of the Palace of Culture, performances of Russian and foreign pop stars take place. Choreographic and singing groups of the CIS countries periodically appear on the poster. Annually, the international festival of Igor Butman's "Triumph of Jazz", the rock and roll festival, the singing festival "Romance Melody", as well as literary and poetic readings are held.

Mandatory item in the cultural program

The Palace of Culture is able to receive 2,000 spectators in its Great Hall, another 300 in the Small Hall and 120 in the concert hall. This is a large enough facility to hold celebrations. The leadership did its best: according to critics and visitors, the organization of events here is top-notch. Information about tickets and upcoming events can be found on the official website or on posters of St. Petersburg. Getting from the city center is simple: the red line, the Baltiyskaya or Narvskaya metro station. The building of the Palace of Culture Gorky in St. Petersburg is located at Stachek Square, 4.


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