Temporary tattoo: how long does it last and does it really exist?

According to many sources, there are both “lifelong” tattoos and temporary tattoos that disappear after a few weeks, months or years, depending on the wishes of the client. It is about such tattoos that most young people dream of, and as you know, demand creates supply, so today you can find an institution on almost every corner where you will be offered a cheap temporary tattoo. How much such a tattoo lasts, you need to ask directly in the salon, since durability depends on many factors, but do not rely on the words of the workers of the salon, as many real tattoo masters refute the very fact of the existence of a temporary tattoo.

temporary tattoo

The fact is that any pigment that gets under the skin cannot just disappear without a trace. Some incompetent masters suggest that using permanent pigment can achieve the effect of a temporary tattoo, but this is not so. Over time, such a tattoo will really begin to disappear, however, a rather unattractive blurry spot will remain in its place, which will still have to be removed in the salon. Therefore, be careful if you are offered to get a temporary tattoo for 3 months, which means that you are either a fraudster or an unskilled master, in both cases it is better to contact a different salon.

where can I get a temporary tattoo

What if you do not plan to get a tattoo for life? In this case, the ancient Indian tradition of drawing henna - mehndi may be a great solution. With the spread of this art throughout the world, henna painting has gradually been called the “temporary tattoo”. How much such a pattern is held on the skin depends entirely on its owner. There are many ways to "extend the life" of a tattoo, for example, regularly make masks with natural coconut oil, sesame or olive. Dry tattoos can cause a tattoo to disappear quickly, so take care to moisturize even before drawing.

3 months temporary tattoo

There are many places where you can make temporary henna tattoos : some salons provide this service, as well as self-taught artists who sometimes cope with the task no worse than professionals. Henna drawings have many advantages over traditional tattoos. Firstly, they are absolutely safe, moreover, henna has a positive effect on the skin. Secondly, if a certain technique is not followed, a real tattoo will look just awful, and a henna pattern depends solely on the artistic abilities of a master who performs a temporary tattoo. How long the drawing lasts and, of course, the color of henna will, in particular, depend on how well the artist is familiar with the technique of preparing the necessary mass, but henna will not bring such a catastrophic effect as an unsuccessful tattoo .

It should be noted that the common term “temporary henna tattoo” is a bit inaccurate. The fact is that the definition of a tattoo indicates the introduction of a dye under the skin, which does not happen when drawing with henna. Thus, we can conclude that in nature there is no such thing as a temporary tattoo. How long the henna pattern holds depends on the host’s lifestyle and tattoo care, so be extremely careful and don’t fall into the tricks of scammers!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22629/

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