Cathedrals and temples of St. Petersburg: list, features and interesting facts

The northern capital of Russia was originally conceived by Peter I as the center of Russian Orthodoxy. According to the king’s grandiose plan, she was to overshadow the European administrative centers with her greatness, grace and power. Each important event in the life of the city and the state throughout the history of St. Petersburg was marked by the construction of a new church. Many cathedrals and temples of St. Petersburg are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Thousands of people flock to Petersburg annually. Some to adore the great shrines, others to enjoy the wondrous beauty.

The grandeur and attractiveness of the city is bestowed by the temples of St. Petersburg. The list of all churches would take several pages. In addition, in the vicinity of the city there are also many important and significant religious buildings. It is difficult to describe all the Orthodox cathedrals and churches of St. Petersburg. We mention only a few, these are those that are known everywhere and attract pilgrims from all over the world.

Peter and Paul Cathedral

In the fortress laid down by Peter the Great on the site of the future capital of the state, the first temple was consecrated already in the fifth week. This happened in 1703. It was the first pearl in the "necklace" to replenish the cathedrals and temples of St. Petersburg. The spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress was the highest point in St. Petersburg. Beginning with Peter, it was here that the Russian emperors were buried. The remains of the last representatives of the royal dynasty after the discovery of a burial near Yekaterinburg were also brought here. Currently, there is a museum inside the cathedral.

Cathedrals and temples of St. Petersburg

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

The construction of this temple was also conceived by Peter, who was born on the day of St. Isaac of Dalmatia. In 1707, a wooden church was built. The cathedral was rebuilt several times, the current option is the fourth. It was built under Alexander I. Auguste Montferrand was chosen as the architect. Construction took a long time - 40 years. According to legend, the architect was prophesied that after the construction of the church he would die. So he was in no hurry. Interesting fact: Montferrand really rested a month after the completion of construction.

For decoration and construction, various types of marble and granite were used, as well as Ural gems, 400 kg of gold, 500 kg of lapis lazuli, 16 tons of malachite and a thousand tons of bronze. Finishing materials were brought from all over the country. Statues, high reliefs were cast, the walls were decorated with a unique mosaic. The temple turned out to be a truly grandiose structure, accommodating up to 14 thousand people.

temples, churches, cathedrals of St. Petersburg
To this day, in the cathedral there is a revered shrine - an icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Currently, the cathedral has a museum with viewing platforms that offer magnificent views of the city. But on holidays, services are held, to which thousands of believers gather.

Church of the Savior on Blood

This unforgettable temple is one of the hallmarks of the city. Decorated with intricate carvings and bizarre domes, it attracts the eyes of passers-by with its grace and brightness of colors. Interestingly, the structure is more like a painted tower than an Orthodox church. It is all the more surprising that he was erected at the site of the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II. The emperor died of his wounds, and the blood mentioned in the name of the temple is the blood of the king. Now in the temple services are not carried out. This is museum.

Orthodox cathedrals temples of st petersburg

Kazan Cathedral

The list of churches and cathedrals of St. Petersburg is extensive. Description of the Kazan Cathedral is found in every tourist guide. Every traveler wants to get here. The temple was founded as the imperial court on September 8, 1801. The small church, which stood on Nevsky Prospect and served as a court, was simply lost against the backdrop of the pompous Nevsky Prospect. Paul I announced a competition among architects. A lot of projects from eminent and unknown masters of architecture from around the world were presented. According to the plan of the emperor, the new cathedral was supposed to be like St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome. Not a single project satisfied the ambitious emperor. First reluctantly, he accepted the project of the then-famous architect Charles Cameron. But six months later, a new project was approved by an unknown Russian architect Voronikhin. Voronikhin was a former serf peasant of Count Stroganov, but the master's architectural talent allowed him to get free and even earn the title of academician of the Academy of Arts.

St. Petersburg temples list

Construction and decoration took 10 years. The temple turned out to be magnificent and at the same time airy, open. A distinctive feature of the temple is a colonnade of 96 columns, adorning the entrance to the church. Each of them weighs 30 tons. And inside the temple there are another 56 columns. Consecration took place in 1811.

An interesting fact: during the construction, finishing materials that were mined in Russia were used, and the builders were only local craftsmen. Voronikhin himself spent almost all the time at the main construction site of his life. The temple was decorated with statues, which was not typical for the Orthodox Church. Despite the grandeur of the building, the architect could not translate the whole plan into reality. So, at the entrance two pedestals remained unoccupied. According to the project, there should have been sculptural images of the apostles. During Voronikhin's life, plaster blanks were cast. But the architect died two years after the completion of the construction, and the sculptures collapsed. Since then, there is a legend among the people that the pedestals will be occupied when an honest and fair ruler appears in Russia. While the place is empty ...

The main shrine of the temple is the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. It is to her that strings of believers from around the world are drawn. A legend is associated with this icon that it was acquired after the fire in Kazan. In a dream, the Mother of God Matron Onuchina was the Virgin Mary, who indicated the place where the icon lies. The miraculous image more than once helped the Russian troops in the battles. This icon is the patroness of the Russian land. For centuries, commanders have turned to the holy image for help. Kutuzov, before the battle with Napoleon, also prayed in the new cathedral, and the Virgin gave victory to the Russian army. According to legend, while the Kazan icon of the Mother of God is in St. Petersburg, the enemy will not enter the city. For centuries, enemy regiments came close to St. Petersburg, but could not take it.

In the cathedral lies the remains of Kutuzov, who was brought here after his death, in 1813. Also relics of the cathedral are almost a hundred standards and banners of the French army defeated by Kutuzov, and the keys to the taken European cities.

Sampson Cathedral

Mentioning the cathedrals and temples of St. Petersburg, it is worth recalling Sampson Cathedral. This is the first temple of military glory, built in St. Petersburg in honor of the victory near Poltava. It contains non-religious murals that perpetuated Peter and his victory.

The cathedral is also famous for the unique carved iconostasis and a collection of rare icons preserved from the 18th century. The name of the architect of the church, as well as the master who made the iconostasis, is not preserved in history. According to one version, the author of the carved iconostasis may be Rastrelli himself. Each icon is framed in a frame from a special pattern that is not repeated anywhere else. A chandelier consisting of three tiers was still preserved in the cathedral.

The temple works like a museum, but services are periodically held in it.

Alexander Nevsky Lavra

It was erected by order of Peter at the site of the alleged famous battle with the Swedes. And today the temple is a monument to the feat of the Russian army.

Transfiguration Cathedral

This temple is one of the most magnificent buildings in St. Petersburg. Famous icons are exhibited in it: the image of the Virgin “Joy to all who mourn” and the icon of Panteleimon with particles of the relics of the saint.

Church of the Holy Righteous Job

The church was erected in honor of the famous sufferer of the Old Testament. With her is one of the largest cemeteries in the city, where many prominent figures are buried. The church of Job never stopped its work. Even in the harsh days of the blockade, believers came here to strengthen their spirits.

St. John's Monastery

This holy place was founded by the righteous John of Kronstadt. In the tomb of the temple lie the relics of the saint.

Temples Cathedrals of St. Petersburg Description

Chapel of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

When listing temples, churches, and cathedrals of St. Petersburg, one cannot but mention the small chapel in the Smolensk cemetery, known to every believer in Russia and far beyond its borders. This is the chapel of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. The flow of pilgrims to her does not dry out. People go to the saint with various problems, and she helps them with her prayers.

The cathedrals and temples of St. Petersburg are an adornment of the Northern capital and a symbol of its spirituality.


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