Goods for personal use: concept, procedure and norms of import

After perestroika and so many years of establishing friendly international relations with peace-loving states - due to the simplification of formal procedures for processing exit and customs documents - more and more citizens of Russia and foreign states cross the state borders of the Russian Federation. In order not to lose time at customs posts, each passenger needs to know a minimum of concepts and requirements that will add confidence during the trip.

Who benefits from the Eurasian Economic Union

Eyes run up.

A steady flow of goods moves back and forth through the customs barriers of the Russian Federation. This movement is the result of entrepreneurial activities of Russian and foreign legal entities (JL), individual entrepreneurs, state agreements. The creation of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter - the EAEU) made it possible for the free transportation of goods and passengers within its borders to citizens of the states included in this association.

What do you need personality

We travel as a family.

There are different points of view. On the one hand, a little, on the other hand, the procedure is not so easy. The first thing that not a single person can do without is personal use goods (TLP). They are made for personal and family consumption, gift giving, organization of holidays and entertainments. Commodity products should not pose an additional danger to its consumers. For example, electric garlands are goods for personal use, but pyrotechnic amusements are not. There is a list of items that should not be confused with TLP:

• raw materials;

• semi-finished products;

• accessories.

This is all that can be suspected of acquisition for the sake of use in private production and trade. To catch such products, lists have been developed containing the number of each type of product, familiar in understanding the satisfaction of family needs. Table 1 contains the limits on the free import by foreign individuals of goods for personal use that were once used.

Item Type

Quantity, pcs./pers.

Clothing, perfumes, cosmetics, toiletries

Generally accepted

Tablet, laptop


Cellular telephone


Electrical appliances, bike


In the calculations for the free transfer of new TLLs across the border, the restrictions from table 2 should be taken into account (see below).

Is it profitable to buy abroad?

Mine is here too.

The possibilities of importing TLP within the EAEU by individuals (FL) are regulated by the Agreement on the movement of goods for personal use through the customs border of the Customs Union in 2010 . There are types of TLP, the delivery of which from the outside requires permits from the competent authorities. For example, weapons, antiques. The movement by individuals of goods for personal use in larger volumes than stipulated by legal norms is paid in accordance with the conditions of state duties. In 2019, the threshold for paid transportation remained unchanged for smuggled tobacco and tobacco products. As applied to other products, it has dropped. The current state of affairs is as follows (table 2).

Type of transportation TLP, except for tobacco and alcohol


Weight, kg. Quantity

Special TLP

By air

≤10,000 €


In addition to air, including walking

≤500 €


Delivered by carrier, mail delivery

≤500 €

≤31 in one hand for a month

≤200 € (from 1.01.20)



Sturgeon caviar


Fish, crayfish.

In the tank of the vehicle, in a separate vessel ≤10 l.

≤75,000 $ USDiamonds

≤250 g or 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars (cigarillos), or 250 g of tobacco per person over 18 years of age

Tobacco and articles thereof

3 liters per adult


Unlimited quantity with award documents in the name of the importing

Any rewards

In required quantities accompanied by documents drawn up for accredited persons

Equipment, inventory for participation in events in the territory of the EAEU

≤10,000 USD

Cash and (or) traveler's checks

The duty is paid for indivisible goods for personal use. This refers to goods heavier than 35 kg, along with packaging suitable for the day of sale in retail. Paid the import of ethyl alcohol up to 5 liters. The above calculation of norms does not include goods for personal use that contain traces of socks, washings, have stains and dents. These include things that are new in appearance, albeit without tags, industrial packaging that is together or separately with these items. All this should be in real quantities corresponding to the season, the duration of the trip, the frequency of crossing the border, the method of transportation. It is believed that only 1 vehicle (TS), registered in the EAEU country for one and the same person, can cross the border duty-free during the year. Foreign citizens are allowed to temporarily import 1 vehicle for a period of ≤ 1 g. The remains of the dead, transported in the proper form for burial, are allowed through freely.

What if more?

Moving goods for personal use that have exceeded duty-free limits is paid at a rate of 30% of the customs estimate of the excess, if it is ≥ 4 € per 1 kg. In addition to this small things, there are snowmobiles (not sledges and skis), mopeds, vans, motorcycles. Payment for all such machinery, including electric cars and bodies, is realized by the aggregate customs payment (STP). The import of cars in any way, like the items described above in table 2 for personal consumption, is paid at a single interest rate on the cost.

Loaded to the fullest.

Table 3.

Car specifications

Duty Size

≤3 years from the date of issue; price ≤ 8 500 €

54% of the cost, ≥2.5 € per 1 cm 3 of engine capacity

≤3 years; price> € 8,500

48% of the cost, ≥2.5-20 € for 1 cm 3 *

> 3 years

1,5-5,7 € for 1 cm 3 *

*cm. Appendix N 2 to the Decision of the ECE Council of December 20, 2017 N 107, tab. 2.

Disposal fees

Some were lucky. There is a category of people transporting TLP across the border without cash costs. However, order is maintained. Goods for personal use earned by honest labor in unlimited quantities are allowed to be imported by the following FL of the EAEU Member State:

A welcome bottle.

• Once a year, to an employee of the diplomatic corps, his family or an authorized representative. A carrier delivering personal belongings of a deceased or seriously ill employee to relatives. Those who state the status of an employee and describe the situation with a list of transported items must be certified by the head of the organization.

• Once a year to a citizen sent to work abroad by the state, under the following conditions: a) the period of residence abroad - more than 11 months; b) the presentation of evidence of the fact and duration of the trip.

• A person temporarily residing outside the EAEU for ≥ 12 months, provided with supporting documentation - TLP worth up to 5 thousand €.

• A citizen who has inherited in a transcendental state from a TLP, a motor vehicle and a motor vehicle 1 unit of each item inclusively.

Benefits for foreigners

All on the shelves.

Avoid discrimination on any grounds! Customs greetings warmly and "aliens from beyond the hill." The procedure for the movement of goods for personal use allows the abolition of fees for groups of citizens, FL countries outside the union:

• Granted the right of permanent residence in a Member State or acquired refugee status in it. Citizens will be brought in used TLP if: a) a year and a half has not passed since the official recognition of these statuses; b) things are purchased prior to obtaining permits on the right to settle in an allied power; c) goods were not transported without payment before indicating this motive; d) motor vehicles and motor vehicles were acquired no later than 6 months before the adoption of one of these statuses;

• Invited to work in the EAEU. They transport used TLP upon presentation of certificates of employment for them from a special list of the union state.


If the totality of the goods is less than the limits of free transportation, then the need for its negotiation disappears. It’s easier to use the “green corridor”. Otherwise, you need to go through the procedure for declaring goods for personal use. Sometimes it’s worth voluntarily fixing the fact of ownership of an object: it is expensive, new and a citizen plans to return with him. The passenger declaration is filled in by all FLs (starting at age 16) and is kept for the duration of the trip. It lists TLPs not for trade or production. It contains information about the accompanying baggage:

• listing available items;

• amount of currency;

• vehicle characteristics.

At the same time, all this is demonstrated to a customs representative, who subsequently certifies the protocol with his signature and seal. Be sure to declare goods exempted from duties.

Start of declaration.

How to determine the value of things

To certify the value of goods, the owner presents checks, invoices, tags, any convincing evidence. If such documents are lost, the customs representative evaluates the luggage using the information at its disposal about similar products.

For identification, prices are taken from catalogs, foreign selling sites and other relevant sources. A customs officer may, on his own initiative, evaluate the goods presented if he has reasonable doubts about the reliability of the information provided by the citizen. Items sent by mail or through the services of an international carrier are also declared. There are rules for this. Transportation and insurance costs are not included in the price of goods.

New or not?


Sometimes it seems that the meaning of words and phrases is quite clear and corresponds to the usual philological interpretation of dictionaries. But when it comes to the matter, one wonders why there was a misunderstanding. Therefore, it is recommended to delve into the content of the familiar rumors.

A similar product is a product that, in the amount of ratings for such parameters as purpose, quality, technique, has a similar value.

STP - the sum of all fees imposed on the goods transported by the PL valued using the TN VED TS encoding.

Carrier - an executor of an order for the international transport of passengers and (or) goods.

Declarant - owner or supplier of registered goods.


Communication with customs representatives will be pleasant if the conscience is clear. A citizen who does not transport drugs, weapons, cultural property and jewelry in an unauthorized manner will always feel respect and friendly participation.


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