Instantaneous water heater "Atmor". Water heater "Atmor": instruction, reviews

Regardless of whether a hot water shutdown occurs on a schedule or without it, it is always not on time. In order to eliminate discomfort and provide the family with hot water, it is worth considering buying a water heater.

How to make a choice

atm water heater

On the market of modern products you can find both flowing and storage models. The first variety, in turn, is divided into pressureless and pressure. Non-pressure options are distinguished by pressure that corresponds to atmospheric. They are simple and convenient to install, the devices are connected to a cold water supply pipe, and an increase in power indicates that the device is capable of heating a certain volume of water in a minute. If you are interested in the manufacturer "Atmor", you can find a water heater of this company in any store of the corresponding goods. The described equipment is able to heat 1 liter of water, spending a certain amount of electricity.

Power Reviews

atmor instantaneous water heater

If you are considering the company "Atmor", the water heater of this company will be able to satisfy all the needs of the family in hot water. However, you should consider that each model has a certain power. In order not to overpay and become the owner of a model that will not be able to deliver the required amount of water, you need to choose the option that is recommended by the manufacturer. According to consumers, the most common on the market are water heaters, the power of which varies from 3 to 8 kilowatts. However, on sale you can find models that have more impressive power. This is due to the fact that in most high-rise buildings today the wiring system is outdated and does not pull more than 8 kilowatts. If we are talking about more powerful devices, then they can be installed in new buildings or in those houses where there are electric stoves with a voltage of 380 V. You can prefer a model that is made of a certain material, each differs in its characteristics. Among other things, a heating element made of quartz, stainless steel or copper can be installed inside. Consumers are advised to pay attention to the method of installing the element, which can be placed in water or a special flask.

Model Options

water heater atmosphere

Quite often consumers today choose Atmor products, the water heater of this manufacturer is of high quality and long life. If you care about the interior of the room, then you should pay attention to the design of the model, it should correspond to the color schemes. If you intend to connect the device to two points of water intake, then you should purchase an option that is designed to connect not only to the tap, but also to the soul. But the installation conditions can be very different, this can include not only private apartments, but also country houses, cottages, country houses, small enterprises of the type of service stations.

Reviews of specialists

water heater repair

If you still have not decided which Atmore water heater to choose, the reviews of which are presented in the article, then you can use the advice of specialists. They recommend, for the right model selection, to determine with what intensity you intend to use the equipment. To get hot water when solving household needs such as cleaning or washing dishes, it will be enough to buy a water heater, the power of which varies from 3 to 3.5 kilowatts. Such a unit will be able to instantly produce up to 3 liters of water, which is heated to 50 degrees per minute. As for the need for a shower, the power of the unit can be increased, as well as productivity.

Customer reviews of the main technical specifications

water heater atmor reviews

Atmor water heaters, the price of which can be equal to 2.5 thousand rubles, have certain technical characteristics, the latter being common for all models. Consumers like the presence of a pressure switch, which provides protection against pressure drops. You can count on the model to be equipped with overheat protection. According to users, heaters can function at a certain operating pressure range, which varies from 0.25 to 6 bar. Water heating is carried out up to 57 degrees, this indicator is maximum, after which the heating element is automatically turned off. If you prefer the Atmor company, the water heater of this company will be convenient to use. According to users, this is due to the presence of a display where you can see the temperature indicators of the coolant. When operating the equipment, you can adjust the pressure and use clean water, which is ensured by the presence of filters. In the process of connecting to the points of water intake, you can use the set of accessories that comes with the equipment.

Management Features Reviews

atmo water heaters Price

If you like the manufacturer "Atmor", you can buy a flow-through water heater of this company at the point of sale of the corresponding goods at an acceptable cost. However, you should remember that each model has its own technical features. Buyers advise to pay attention of those who are planning to visit the store to the presence of heating elements, which in the device can be two or one. Productivity of the model can vary from 2.7 to 4.5 liters per minute. According to experienced users, this parameter is very important when using the device. The Atmor company, the storage water heater suggests to buy to the Russian consumer. You should also pay attention to the control method, which can be mechanical or hydraulic. Some options for water heaters have variable power, the user will be able to switch between three modes. Very convenient, according to customers, options equipped with indicators, they will notify you of the selected mode. If you choose a water heater with two elements to change the temperature, then the heating power can be used partially or fully.

Having visited the store, you can choose the Atmor company, the instantaneous water heater of this manufacturer is supplied with a marking, if it implies the presence of the letter T, then you will see an assembly in front of which is made of quartz. This indicates an increased life of the device. The cost of such equipment can be equal to 3000 rubles.

User's manual

atmosphere storage water heater

Choosing the equipment described in the article, you will become the owner of the device, which, as a rule, is small in size. Choosing a device with a power of 3 kilowatts, you will become the owner of equipment that will be able to provide you with hot water. The device has a modern design that can be fit into any interior. The power cord passes through the back of the device, the screen is located on the side, which positively affects the appearance. Using the indicator, you can monitor the temperature of the water, and the regulation of the intensity of the water supply and temperature will be ensured by plumbing fixtures to which the equipment is connected.

The Atmor water heater, the instructions for use of which is provided in the device’s kit, must be equipped with special filters, which is true if the house has excessively hard water. Otherwise, the device will quickly fail. Do not install the device in the house where the temperature drops below zero. If you intend to mount the device in the bathroom, then the device must be protected from water.


Repair of the Atmor water heater is not needed if you use it in accordance with all the rules. If the pressure is weak enough, then you should not set a high temperature, otherwise the device will not turn on at all.


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