Quality control of construction works

Quality control of work in construction is the verification of the conformity of the materials, products, equipment and structures used to the design technologies for the production of work, the requirements of regulatory documents, design decisions, the construction time and its cost according to design estimates.

The quality of products is necessarily determined at each stage of work: in the preparation of regulatory documents, design, manufacture of materials and components, installation.

The quality of construction works must comply with the requirements of the project and documentation. It depends on the qualifications of engineers and workers, applied products and materials, used tools and machines, compliance with technology.

Quality control of construction works and the adoption of operational measures to eliminate marriage can be internal and external. The latter is carried out by departmental and state control bodies.

The customer carries out technical supervision of the quality of work performed, their volumes, deadlines and accepts fully completed facilities.

State agencies of architectural and construction control sign a permit for the work, monitor the binding of buildings to the selected area and compliance with the rules for the performance of work. Each contractor must have an activity license.

Architectural supervision is carried out by the general design organization, carrying out quality control of construction works and compliance of the facilities under construction with the project.

Internal control over the quality of the measures taken is carried out by employees and supervisory bodies of installation organizations at all stages. Foremen, foremen and foremen carry out operational quality control of construction work continuously and continuously. They bear personal responsibility (both administrative and criminal) for violation of construction laws and compliance with production technology. The chief engineer (as the technical director of the organization) systematically carries out selective (for individual objects) quality control of construction works.

Internal control consists of input, operating, as well as acceptance and laboratory.

Input is a quality check of the accepted design documentation, incoming materials, products, components and equipment. The technical department of the parent company monitors the compliance of the documentation with all the possibilities of performing work during the coordination of the project and receipt of working drawings. At the same time, the quality of materials, equipment and products is guaranteed by compliance with certificates, technical specifications, standards, working drawings and passports. This supervision is carried out by linear engineers, representatives of the customer and the laboratory.

Operational (individual sections of work) quality control of construction work carried out at the workplace is the main type of internal technical supervision. It is carried out both by the workers themselves and by production personnel. It is carried out after the end of production operations, it is aimed at identifying defects and promptly eliminating them. It is carried out according to the schemes developed as part of the PPR.

Laboratory control is necessarily carried out with large volumes of construction. Special laboratories monitor the quality of incoming products and materials, check their compliance with TU, GOST, certificates and standards.

Acceptance control evaluates the quality of already completed structures or their individual parts, as well as hidden work.

Geodetic and metrological quality assurance is carried out by appropriate services and laboratories in order to ensure unity, reliability of measurements, accuracy.

Quality control of construction is an indispensable condition for the construction of facilities, the key to their safety and reliability.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22645/

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