8-wave slate sheet size. Material calculation

For more than 100 years, the 8-wave slate has not lost its popularity as a material for arranging the roof. Knowing its size, you can calculate the required amount. Sheets also vary in thickness, weight and other characteristics. This must be considered before building a roof. The 8-wave slate sheet size will help calculate GOST. Covering the roof yourself, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the process.

general characteristics

Sheets of 8-wave slate of a certain size are used in roofing works. For such conditions, flat varieties of material are not suitable.

The 8-wave slate, the sheet size of which must be taken into account before purchase, is made of asbestos cement. This is a fragile, but very durable coating. Low cost along with a long operational period make it in demand in the construction business.

Slate 8 wave sheet size

To correctly calculate the amount of material required for the roof, you need to know the sheet size of the 8-wave slate, its weight and thickness. It should also take into account the number of overlaps and curtain rails before purchasing. Correct calculations will allow you to purchase the required number of sheets of eight-wave slate, corresponding to the size of the roof, without excess or shortage.

Scope of application

The size of the 8-wave slate sheet is important for the construction of 1-2 story buildings. In this area, they are very popular. In addition to houses and cottages, the material presented is used to cover farm buildings, baths, etc. Sometimes it is used to equip a fence.

Slate 8 wave sheet size

To install the roof on the rafter system with your own hands, you need to know what load the foundation, supporting building structures are designed for. Indeed, as can be seen from the above parameters, slate is a rather heavy material.

It should be used only if the entire structure is designed for the appropriate weight of the roof. Otherwise, you will have to pay attention to a lighter, but expensive material.

Slate size for roofing

When covering the roof, it is important to know the sheet size of the 8-wave slate. It should be noted that such material equip the roof at an angle of at least 12 degrees.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of such sheets. Its dimensions are suitable for any basis. The width and length of the sheets allow the most economical installation of the material on the rafter system. The use of cutting allows you to organize the process with a minimum amount of waste material.

Slate 8 wave sheet size weight

GOST under the number 30340-95 regulates the production of such products as 8-wave slate. The sheet size, weight and other characteristics sometimes differ from the parameters set by the standard. This may be due to forgery of sheets or the use of their own technical conditions at the factory.

Sheet options

If the manufacturer does not have its own individual specifications for the production of slate in the production, the sheets should not differ from the GOST parameters. Otherwise, such products will be regarded as defective building materials.

The size of the 8-wave slate sheet

In the case when the manufacturer manufactured 8-wave slate according to the standard, the sheet size will have a length of 175 cm and a width of 113 cm. The thickness of the asbestos-cement material may be 5; 5.2; 5.8 mm.

The weight of such a product will vary depending on the previous indicator. They can weigh respectively 20, 20.6, and also 26 kg.

For the correct calculation of the material, it is necessary to know the estimated load on the roof.

Brand and Profile

According to GOST, domestic manufacturers provide the size of an eight-wave slate sheet during manufacture with a specific wave height and step. There are two types of profile. The first grade includes slate 40/150, and the second - 54/200. In the first case, the wave height is 40 mm, and the wave step is 150 mm. In the second embodiment, these parameters, respectively, are 54 mm and 200 mm.

The profile of the presented products can be ordinary (VO), unified or reinforced (VU). Each of them is applied to a certain type of objects. When using a unified profile (117.5x112.5 cm), the least amount of waste remains. VO brand (112x68 cm) is used in private construction, and VU (280x100 cm) - for industrial facilities.

Material calculation

The 8-wave slate sheet size will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of material. It should be noted that the overlap in width can be different. It happens in 1 or 2 waves.

Slate eight-wave sheet size

To calculate the material, the length of the roof is first measured. The result is divided by the width of the sheet and 10% is added for the overlap. This gives the developer the opportunity to calculate the amount of material per 1 row.

Then the distance from the base of the ridge to the lower overhang is measured. The result is divided by length. The stock should be considered about 13%. This allows you to get the number of rows. Next, it will simply calculate the required amount of material.

When buying, take a few sheets more than the value obtained. The material is quite fragile, so in case of breakage you do not need to go to the store again.

Having learned the sheet size of the 8-wave slate, you can correctly calculate the required amount of material. It has a small difference between the nominal and the usable area. The characteristics of this type of slate make it popular among builders. Low waste, durability and relatively low cost keep asbestos-cement slabs for roofing at the peak of popularity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22649/

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