Is there a "fiery hyena"? The end of error

fire hyena

The question of what is a "fiery hyena" is practically meaningless, since the word hyena refers to a predatory animal that lives in Eurasia and Africa.

This animal is neither fire color nor lifestyle. So, apparently, we are talking about hell - a place located near Jerusalem, which some people mistakenly call - "fiery hyena."

Jewish valley

The word "hell" is a tracing-paper from the Greek geenna. This word, in turn, is borrowed from the Hebrew language, which denoted a valley near the Judean capital. She is called Ginn. The place, which many call "fiery hyena" (and in fact - hell), is connected with the history of the Jewish people.


The biblical source tells us that his son, Ahaz, who reigned after his father David, was an idolater and arranged in the "Valley of Hinnom" - as the Bible calls the Ginnom valley - sacrifices. Here the Jews threw their children into the fire to please the idol Moloch. These terrifying details are described in Book 2 Chronicles (28: 3) and in the prophecy of Jeremiah (7: 31-32). It also sets forth the Lord’s promise to curse this place to be called the Valley of Murder. According to the prophecy, corpses will be thrown here without burial. It is noteworthy that many centuries later, this is what happened. In this steep and deep moat, enveloping the wall of old Jerusalem, they dumped garbage and the dead, who were not awarded a place in the cemetery, because they were criminals. Hell (the wrong pronunciation is much more common - hyena) fiery glowed with flame day and night, so that from the decaying moat did not spread infection and stink. The fire was maintained using sulfur.

fiery hyena is

Symbolic sound

Already at the time of Jesus Christ, the name of this ravine became a symbol of hellfire, a place of judgment for sins. The Evangelist Matthew, transmitting the speeches of the Lord, repeatedly mentions hell. Jesus says that if a person feels that he is seduced by the sin of theft, adultery, etc., it is better for him to part with some parts of the body - those that personify lust (hands, legs, eyes) than to destroy the soul in hell fiery. Evangelists Luke and Mark testify to the same thing. In Mark, the "fiery hyena" (remember how correctly - hell) is characterized as a place where "the worm does not die and the fire does not die out," that is, an area of ​​eternal torment.

This concept has the same meaning in the beliefs of the Jews, for whom the Old Testament is the authoritative source . And even in Islam, fiery hell also personifies hell (Quran 4: 168-169).

The synonymous series of this ominous concept includes the ideas of almost all peoples about a terrible place where the souls of unrighteous people writhe in flames. This is tartar, hell, pitch darkness, a region of unbearable suffering. In Christian sources we find mention that the habitat of the devil and the suffering of souls is filled with sulfur.

Why is the court terrible?

The narratives of hell are closely related in scripture to the theme of Doomsday. According to the source, the final trial of all people will take place at the end of time and decide the fate of every living person. This court is usually called “terrible,” although it is not called anywhere in the Bible itself. Scripture tells how it will pass: the angels will gather the living and the dead, believers and unbelievers, and put everyone before Christ. Not only deeds will be judged, but also every word and thought. Christ prepared the kingdom for righteous people, and “eternal fire” along with the devil and his retinue - for the sinners. Another interpretation, based on the epistles of the Apostle John (John 5:24, 3:18) and the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 3: 11-15), states that those who believe in the Savior will be subject to a different judgment than what they will be judged pagans. Their Christian life will be considered. Cases will be checked by fire - whose work is sustained, he will be awarded, and whoever burns, he will be saved, but "as if from fire."

fire hyena jerusalem


This gorge has survived to this day, only today it is not hell (and even more so not a "hyena") fiery. Jerusalem has preserved the moat as a historical monument, where curious rock-climbing tourists visit. And over the slopes of the gorge are modern hotels and entertainment centers.

In culture

Not surprisingly, the great mystery theme of hell became a source of inspiration for writers, artists, musicians. Fiery hell is mentioned as punishment in Melnikov-Pechersky's work “In the Woods”, in the Shakespeare tragedy “Hamlet”, and in many other works of art. Put in the title of the work of the French novelist Joris-Carl Huysmans, it gets a metaphorical sound, emphasizing that hell exists within us, and the only way out of it is faith.

what is the fiery hyena

Gehenna was often portrayed by artists of the Middle Ages; she is also present in Russian iconography. "Fiery Gehenna" was originally called the album of the musical group "DK", released in 1986.

So we figured out that the phrase “fiery hyena” is an erroneous use of the phraseology “fiery hell”, and at the same time we found out what is the meaning of this mysterious expression.


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