F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": a summary of the novel

All Dostoevsky’s novels and stories are based on the experiences of the human soul. He does not care what the hero does. It is important for him what he thinks and what he says. In all the works of the author are the longest dialogues and monologues. And it is very difficult to retell their summary. Dostoevsky (“Crime and Punishment” helps to verify this) is considered a brilliant writer. And not in vain: he looks deep into the human soul.

dostoevsky crime and punishment summary

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": a summary of the first part

Rodion Raskolnikov is the main character of this novel. Poor, dressed in rags. Lives in the apartment. Rather, it’s a miserable comor, but there’s nothing to pay for it either. It has been several months since Rodion left the university.

The young man has a serious, nervous condition. A plan arises in his head, which he mentally prepares for implementation. He decided to kill the old percent-woman.

One evening Rodion meets Marmeladov. He talks about the bitter fate of his family. The fact that Sonya’s daughter had to go to the panel, since there is nothing to feed the younger children.

Then Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother, which upsets him very much. He goes to Razumikhin, a university friend. On the way he meets a drunk girl, to whom the master is going to approach with "dirty" intentions. Rodion sends her home.

And for himself, he suddenly decides that he will go to Razumikhin after his idea is finished. At home, he quickly prepares for the crime. However, during a visit to the mortgage agent, it was necessary to kill not only her, but also Lisa, the younger sister of the old woman.

Summary Dostoevsky crime and punishment

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": a summary of the second part

Early morning. Rodion wakes up in a nervous chill. He recalls the murder of yesterday, inspects clothes, trying to remove traces of blood. Hides looted things for the detached wallpaper.

All further events occur as in a dream. Raskolnikov was called to the police about non-payment of an apartment. He behaves unnaturally, too excited. In the end, loses consciousness.

Wandering aimlessly around the city, he suddenly decides to commit suicide by jumping from a bridge. But then a woman rushes from the bridge. She is saved by a policeman. Rodion rejects the idea of ​​suicide.

He decides to go to the police. Suddenly, a man falls under a horse. Raskolnikov recognizes Marmeladov and is doing his best to help him. He feels relieved: a visit to the police is postponed.

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": a summary of the third part

Rodion demands that her sister refuse her bridegroom, since he does not accept her victim. It occurs to him to go with Razumikhin to the policeman. It’s important to know if they suspect him of anything.

Going to dinner with his mother, Raskolnikov sees how the janitor shows him to some tradesman. Rodion is trying to find out what is the matter, but freezes in place. The tradesman distinctly calls him a murderer.

Summary of Dostoevsky crime and punishment

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": a summary of the fourth part

Raskolnikov at his mother’s dinner is cursing with his sister's fiancé. He accuses him of lying and drives him out. Sister Rodion says that her former owner Svidrigailov came to him. And that Svidrigailov’s wife left Duna three thousand rubles in her will.

After dinner, he says goodbye to his mother and sister and asks him not to disturb. And he goes to Sonya, the daughter of Marmeladov. They talk for a long time. Rodion believes that they are both “in the mud,” and they need to move on together.

Fifth and sixth parts: summary. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Luzhin invites Sonya to her to give her ten rudders for the widow. And imperceptibly in her pocket throws a hundred rubles. Then he appears at the wake of Marmeladov and accuses Sonya of theft.

A policeman comes to Raskolnikov. They talk for a long time. Porfiry Petrovich tells Raskolnikov that he knows who killed the old woman and Lizaveta, her sister. And it is he - Raskolnikov. Only the investigation has nothing against him.

Prisoner Raskolnikov has been in Siberia for nine months. Sonya goes after him, they often see each other. She writes about everything to Duna and Razumikhin, who became Dunin's husband.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22656/

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