Pushkinia: landing and care. Pushkinia (flowers): description

This miniature bulbous plant with charming flowers migrated to our gardens from the slopes of the Caucasus mountains and alpine meadows, its name is Dwarf hyacinth or Pushkin. Planting and caring for it are very similar to growing other bulbous garden flowers: crocuses or hyacinths. And this very unusual name she received not in honor of the great poet, but thanks to his namesake scientist A.A. Musin-Pushkin.

Pushkinia: flowers.

The genus of Pushkinia is not numerous and includes only two species: Pushkinia scaphoid and Pushkin hyacinth. Each species is unique and will be an adornment for any garden or flowerbed.

Pushkinia forest-like

Her homeland is the dry slopes of the Caucasus and Iran. The plant reaches a height of 20 cm, flowers are large, collected in inflorescence, color from light blue to white, with a blue vein in the center of each petal. The leaves are dense, linear.

Pushkinia: landing and care.

Pushkinia hyacinth

This species is distinguished by delicate blue flowers with a bright blue vein, basal linear leaves are narrower than in the previous species. The Lebanese Pushkinia belongs to the same species, the main advantage of which is larger flowers of saturated blue color. In stores, forest-like pushkinia is most often sold. Planting and care are quite simple and even a beginner grower can do.

Plot Location

Pushkinia is not particularly capricious and, in principle, will take root everywhere. But for good growth and annual flowering, it is better to choose sufficiently lit, sunny places or light partial shade. The soil for pushkinia should be fertile and well-drained. Therefore, before planting, it is good to introduce a mixture of humus, ash and sand into the soil. An important element of care is weed removal and soil loosening.


The soil in which Pushkin grows should be well moistened. But, since it is a primrose and the first leaves appear as soon as snow is falling from the soil, additional watering is very rare. In extreme cases, you can add snow, which will melt, moistening the soil in a natural way. During flowering, it is advisable to water the flowers with mineral fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus. This will contribute to abundant flowering, and then the formation of daughter bulbs.


Pushkinia: growing.

You donโ€™t need to plant Pushkinia annually. Since the bulbs are not very large, a transplant every 4-5 years will be enough. You need to dig out the bulbs when the ground part is completely dry, in terms of time it is somewhere in the middle of summer. Dug bulbs need to be sorted out, damaged or sick it is better to throw it away right away. Place healthy planting material in a special box and put in a cool place with good ventilation. In mid-September or October, bulbs are planted in prepared soil. The planting depth and the distance between the bulbs of medium size (2-3 cm in diameter) should be 10 centimeters. If the soil is dry, and the weather does not portend rain, then it is worth a little watering from a watering can.

Pushkinia: seed cultivation

Growing Pushkinia from seeds is a laborious and not always successful process. Sowing seeds in a specially prepared box is necessary in September-October. With successful cultivation in the third or fourth year, young Pushkinia will bloom. Planting and caring for plants grown from seeds is the same as for adults, only the first time should be careful with watering, avoiding stagnation of moisture. It makes sense to grow rare varieties from seeds, since in shops for gardeners they often sell only the large-flowered form of Pushkinia - this is Lebanese Pushkinia. A photo of this species is presented below.

Pushkin Lebanon.

Therefore, the main and most simple way is the reproduction by bulbs.

Diseases and Pests

Pushkinia is affected by diseases typical of all bulbs, such as rot of bulbs and gray rot. Of the pests, the most common are the root tick and rodents. Fungal diseases are the most insidious. With minor damage to the bulb, you can try to save. To do this, use a sharp disinfected knife to cut off the damaged part. Dry the onion and treat with a fungicidal preparation. You can get rid of the root tick only by treating the bulbs with special chemicals. As a salvation from rodents, folk methods are most often used: spraying the bulbs before planting with a solution of valerian or kerosene. You can also use special containers that have small openings and simply restrict rodents' access to flower bulbs.

Pushing out

Distillation allows you to get flowering plants in early spring, in March-April. For this, like all bulbs, Pushkinia is suitable. Flowers have a high decorative effect and are perfect for a gift, in particular, as part of a bouquet of spring primroses.

Photo: Pushkin Lebanese.

Distillation, as a process, includes two stages: preparatory and main. The preparatory phase is to plant the bulbs. To do this, choose the largest and most healthy bulbs, plant them in prepared small pots with loose, nutritious soil. Then the pots with bulbs are kept in a cool room (8-10 degrees) for three or four months. After this time, the pots are placed in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight, periodically sprayed. Flowering begins after about 2 weeks.

Planting and Care: Pushkinia.

Garden use

For rockeries, rock gardens and in mixborders, pushkiniya is very often used. Landing and care are quite simple, and therefore it is loved by landscape designers. Good neighbors for her will be crocuses, hazel grouse, anemones and hyacinths. Lebanese Pushkin, for example, will create an amazing rug if you plant it in small groups on a lawn. And the snow-white flowers of Pushkinia will decorate the Alpine slide in the garden the very first spring. It is important to remember that high decorative effect is achieved due to the mass planting. Therefore, it will be right to immediately get a few dozen bulbs, the only way you will receive a magnificent carpet in a short time. With a single planting of a beautiful floral "carpet" you will have to wait more than one year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22658/

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