What is Khopersky Reserve famous for?

Part of the territory of the Novokhopersky district of the Voronezh region since 1935 received the status of protected and protected. And now this place has become known throughout the world. The Khopersky Nature Reserve, which stretches along the Khoper River, is one of the oldest in Russia. In 2015, he celebrated his eightieth birthday. This place has such a diverse flora and fauna that it is one of the most famous protected areas in the world. The Khopersky State Nature Reserve was especially popular because of the distribution of a relic animal in it - the Russian desman. But besides it, many other species are studied and protected in this territory.

Geographical features of the reserve

1. It is located in the east of the Voronezh region and stretches along the middle course of the Khoper River.

Khopersky State Reserve

2. Khopersky Reserve is one of the few in the world having such an elongated shape. Its width does not exceed 9 kilometers.

3. More than 16 thousand hectares of the territory are located in floodplain meadows and upland terraces of Khopra. This ancient valley has a glacial origin, this can explain the preserved relic plants and some species of animals.

4. More than 80% of the territory is occupied by forests, which are part of the ancient Telllerman forest.

5. Khopersky Reserve is also unique in that it is located on the border of the steppe and forest-steppe zones. This explains the diversity of plants that is not even in the larger Voronezh Biosphere Reserve.

6. On its territory there are many floodplain lakes, the largest of which has a length of about 4 kilometers. The protection and study of the flora and fauna of these ponds are carried out by the workers of the reserve.

7. The climate on its territory is temperate continental: summers are hot and dry, and winters are cold.

The vegetation of the reserve

Most of its territory is occupied by oak forests. They mainly grow oaks mixed with maple, linden and ash.

Hopersky reserve animals
More than 1200 species of higher plants are found in the reserve. A lot of wild fruit trees and berry bushes. Ancient black alder forests and aspen forests are common. Khopersky Reserve is the only place where rare species of white poplar have been preserved. Meadows are located only in the floodplain on the left bank of Khopra. On the border with the steppe zone, rare feather grasses, gorse, meadowsweet and other herbs grow. Especially a lot of legumes and cereals. Khopersky Reserve is unique in that it has very rich aquatic vegetation. Many relict species of hydrophytes have survived, for example, chilim or floating sylvan.

Animal world

hopers reserve

Extremely diverse and representatives of the fauna of the reserve. It was created primarily for the protection of a rare animal - the Russian desman. One of the few places of its distribution is the Khopersky Nature Reserve. This amazing animal is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book. For normal life, muskrats brought beavers to the territory of the reserve. Many other animals also appeared here thanks to humans. And now, in addition to the desman, sika deer, wild boars, moose, bison, jerboas, and more than 40 species of mammals live in this territory. The life of freshwater fish and amphibians is being studied. Many rare and endangered species of insects and birds are famous Khopersky reserve. Animals in this territory are protected and studied, but people try not to interfere in their lives.

Modern problems of the reserve

The employees of the reserve are engaged not only in the protection and study of the unique nature of floodplain lakes, but also in scientific and educational activities.

hopers reserve
But the territory of the reserve is very vulnerable, as it does not have clearly defined borders. There are ecological trails for exploring nature , you can also get acquainted with its unique flora and fauna in a museum located in the village of Varvarino. The most acute problem of the reserve in recent years has been the planned development of nickel deposits on the banks of the Khoper River. This production can destroy a unique world that has been left untouched for many years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2266/

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