Rosa Rugelda: variety description, characteristics, care rules, photos and reviews

Many gardeners, before buying and planting new varieties of roses, look through the information in the corresponding encyclopedia. Rosa Rugelda, according to reviews, someone liked, but someone wrote that she is not very good. In this article, we offer to get acquainted with this variety. We will give the maximum amount of care information. Also in the article you can read reviews and impressions of the Rugelde rose from people who are familiar with the variety firsthand.

Breed cultivation

This variety is no longer new, but still few gardeners know all the information about it. Rosa Rugelda is a hybrid of Rugosa, some believe that this is a more successful variety compared to others. It was launched by Cordes in 1989, and for almost 30 years of its existence has won not only the love of gardeners, but also unpleasant reviews.

But, as they say, the taste and color. Perhaps it is you who will like the park rose of Rugeld. After all, she really has beautiful flowers. Description of the variety will be considered in the following sections.

Rugeldy bush

Like all park plants, this rose is quite compact. In height, the bush often reaches one and a half meters, but in the southern regions it can grow up to two.

Not too spreading bush, reaches a meter and a half in width, is good for pruning, so both height and width can be adjusted to your preferences.

Rugeldyโ€™s rose foliage is glossy, dark green, in places yellow-green. The shoots are spiky and thick, and their tips during flowering are decorated with beautiful flowers, but more about them later. Ornamental shrubs are complemented by young shoots, which are painted in a pleasant purple color.

Rugelda rose on the plot

Flowering Rugeldy

The rose blooms all season, and with proper care and timely pruning of waves, it is practically not felt. Large flowers, reach 8 centimeters in diameter, are collected in the brush on average 7-10 pieces.

Flowering is alternating, so it seems that the bush is constantly decorated. When the peak passes, the second flowering begins. But it is already weaker, not as plentiful as the first.

As for the color of the flowers, they are the most elegant of the entire rugosa line. The peculiarity is that the scarlet buds bloom into flowers of a pale yellow hue. The outer leaf and rims of some buds remain red, and inside the flower is almost white. With a constant presence in the sun, the red color begins to fade and turn into pink, and then completely whitens. But this happens gradually, and not all flowers bloom all at once, so the Rugeldy rose bush is constantly decorated with red-yellow-white flowering.

Petals of flowers are wavy, wrinkled. Flowers for a long time retain their original shape, normally respond to rains - the leaves do not fall.

The aroma of the described rose is weak, and many consider this feature a negative quality. Others, on the contrary, do not like a strong aroma during flowering and choose similar varieties for planting on their sites.

Winter hardiness

Rosa Rugelda, although a delicate creature, experiences frosts with ease. At the forums of flower growers there is various information on this subject. Some write that the shrub winters well even without shelter, you just need to cut it to a meter, and then lay it on the ground and fix it. Others insist that without a covering material the rose freezes, which subsequently affects not only the quality of flowering, but also the health of the plant as a whole.

Gardeners recommend that when growing in the central and northern regions, nevertheless, pruning before winter and using high-quality covering materials. If we are talking about the southern regions, then we can completely limit ourselves to trimming and pressing the bush to the ground.

fading at fading

Gardeners reviews

After the description of the variety, we decided to immediately proceed to the reviews of gardeners. And after you find out what people who already grow it think about Rugelda, you can go directly to the rules of planting and care.

Opinions of people about the bush vary. Some are delighted with the rose, others write that there is nothing special in it and there are varieties much better.

Here's what they write about flowering. It is plentiful, the bush constantly pleases the eye with beautiful inflorescences with a delicate, but tangible aroma. The coloring is elegant, beautifully combined with other shrubs and flowers.

Others say that they are not happy with flowering, since the inflorescences are located at the tips of the shoots, and it does not look very nice. The first flowering is long, plentiful, and the second is poor and unprepossessing.

But everyone has one opinion about the departure - no more complicated than with other roses.

Orgeldy flowers in a brush

What seed to choose?

Rosa Rugelda, whose photo can be estimated in the above article, is very rarely grown from seeds, since this process is quite laborious and lengthy, the first flowering with this method can be observed no earlier than three years later. Of course, no one wants to wait for the fruits of their labor during such a period, especially when it comes to decorating the site.

The best way to plant a rose in your area is a cuttings or root shoot, which is abundant in this variety of rugosa. Sowing material can be purchased in a nursery that is engaged in the cultivation of roses, or taken from neighbors and acquaintances from their adult plants.

  1. Root shoots need to choose the strongest and healthiest. Then the shoot is dug up, carefully separating from the main plant.
  2. If the method of cuttings is selected, then shoots from the young are selected. Next, the stalk should be held in a growth stimulator, and then germinated in a mixture of peat and sand - the ratio is 1/1.
    ornamental shrubs

Selection of a place, landing

As with other crops, before planting, you need to choose the best place. The rose of the Rugelda variety grows well in very sunny places and in shaded areas. The advantage of the second is that the flowers will burn out much more slowly, minus - the possibility of infection with fungal infections due to dampness.

Water after rains should not be collected on the site, since roses do not really like dampness and excessive moisture. Drafts and northerly winds are also undesirable companions of Rugeldy.

The ideal option is to plant bushes along the fence, which the sun will let through, but also cover from it, will not allow strong winds to break through, but it will not allow stagnation of air.

If the purpose of planting a rose is a hedge, then pits are prepared for bushes with a small distance from each other (about half a meter).

how to plant a rose

How to plant a rose?

Before planting, it is necessary to fertilize the earth with a mixture of potassium salt, humus and superphosphate. Pits for bushes are prepared in a depth of 15 centimeters, and the width depends on the purpose of planting. If by separate bushes, then by one and a half meters, and if by a hedge, then by half of a meter.

After planting, plants need to be watered well, but not so that the water remains in the hole. After that, the soil is mulched with sawdust. In the first two weeks after planting, the bushes must be shaded in order to protect them from the burning sun.

You can plant a rose both in spring and in autumn. But the first option is preferable, as the bush more easily takes root over the summer.

orgeld flower

Care Tips

For good bushiness, you need to trim the shoots well in spring. In the fall, this procedure is performed so that the plant more easily survived the winter.

So that the foliage does not turn yellow, the Iron Chelate preparation should be used for processing. Throughout the life of the shrub, it needs to be fed, this will provide a stable and abundant flowering.

Throughout the growing season, the plant can be attacked by insects and disease. We must not forget to carry out treatments with special tools, inspect the bushes for the presence of parasites and infections.


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