Description and reviews: tomatoes "mazarini"

Do you plan to plant tomatoes at your place, but don’t know which ones to choose? In this article we will consider one of the most popular varieties, compare reviews. Mazarini tomatoes are not only healthy, but also very tasty. In addition, they are one of the largest representatives of their kind. Breeders for many years went to their goal and in the end achieved significant success. Work on improving and cleaning the variety yielded an amazing result - the fruits of "mazarini" can reach six hundred grams! A decent size did not spoil the taste and the level of the crop, not without reason the variety entered the top ten most popular tomatoes in our country.

Reviews Tomatoes Mazarin

Grade description

How to describe this variety? What give him feedback? Mazarini tomatoes are very large and extremely tasty fruits with sugar pulp. The weight of the tomatoes of the first brush can reach 650-700 g, and the subsequent ones up to 350-400 g. There are few seeds inside.

Fruits have a heart-shaped (cone-shaped) shape. They have a shiny smooth surface, bright raspberry color.

Growing conditions

In what conditions is it better to grow this variety? What do experts say about this? What kind of reviews do they leave? Mazarini tomatoes can be grown both in open ground and in the greenhouse. Experience shows that cultivation in greenhouse conditions positively affects both yield and taste of future fruits. If you grow this variety in the soil, the tomatoes are much smaller, they taste worse.

Tomato Mazarini reviews photos

You may begin to grow this variety from seeds. Usually they are packed in 25 pieces in one envelope. To avoid disappointment in the future, it is recommended to purchase seed in specialized stores. After the seedlings grow in pots, it is transplanted into greenhouse soil. During the landing, observe one nuance, which was suggested to us by experts leaving their feedback. Tomatoes "mazarini" need to be planted carefully, as they have rather weak seedlings, tilt plants to the south.

With proper care, several brushes will appear soon. On the first, as mentioned above, the fruits will be the largest - up to 700 g. On subsequent brushes, the weight of the tomatoes will be less - up to 300 g. Each brush makes it possible to ripen up to 6 fruits. Do not forget about the timely feeding of your bushes. It is also necessary to spud, water and tie up your favorite Mazarini tomato on time.

Reviews, photos tell us that initially the fruits are light green in color. During ripening, it changes, becoming first brown, and then bright crimson.

Twin varieties

Today, breeders are breeding more and more different varieties of tomatoes. Sometimes the differences between a novelty of a season and an old well-tried and proven look can hardly be discerned. Such a breeding incident is the tomato "cardinal mazarini". Reviews of experienced gardeners who cultivated this species indicate that there is no difference between this variety and the usual "mazarini". Apparently, these are just different names for one variety of tomatoes.

The subtleties of growing

If you want to get a crop consisting of really large tomatoes, you should plant the bushes correctly. On one square meter there should be no more than three. It is advisable to add a tablespoon of a mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate to each prepared hole during planting. Form a bush in 1-2 stems, while trying to leave no more than 3-4 brushes on each stalk. In the process of fruit formation, do not forget to carry out radical top dressing with magnesium sulfate.

Tomato Cardinal Mazarin Reviews
Sweet scarlet fruits of tomato "Mazarin" are ideal for preparing various types of salads, their fragrant flesh is quite dry, there are very few seeds.


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