How and how to clean gold at home: step by step instructions

In the process of wearing gold jewelry, precious metal loses its attractiveness: the surface becomes dull, dirt particles accumulate in microcracks. To return jewelry to its attractive appearance, it is worth knowing how to clean gold at home. You can ask for help at a jewelry workshop, where the procedure will be performed by specialists. Such a service requires certain financial investments, and a result of this quality can be obtained independently with a minimum expenditure of resources. This procedure can take a lot of time, so you should consider options that indicate how to clean gold at home quickly.

Preliminary preparation

In the manufacture of jewelry, pure gold is not used, since this type of precious metal is too ductile. Often, jewelry, in addition to gold, includes copper, zinc, silver and cadmium. The component of these impurities is minimal, but significant. It is because of their presence that a certain type of oxidation occurs, which spoils the appearance of the product.

Before you clean gold at home, you need to prepare:

  1. It is worth determining the sample of gold. The sample is informative regarding the percentage composition of the precious alloy. Thanks to this, a gentle and effective cleaning agent can be selected.
  2. If the decoration contains inserts made of stones or other precious metal, then it is worth considering the methods of connection with the main body. In accordance with this, mechanical methods of exposure will be selected.
  3. To further cleaning was more effective, you need to prepare the decoration in advance. Rub the product with fleece cloth daily for several weeks. Do not come into contact with alkaline substances.

If you take into account the recommendations regarding the preparation of jewelry for cleaning, you can get a high-quality result without much effort. Gloss and polishing will last for a longer time.

Methods for cleaning gold items

In the specialized literature, you can find a lot of ways to clean gold at home. Basically, they involve the use of aqueous solutions, washing or polishing. This is due to the availability of devices and tools that are necessary under these conditions, and a simple algorithm of actions.

ways to clean jewelry

The most popular cleaning options are:

  1. Systematic polishing of the surface of the jewelry using natural fabric.
  2. Wet processing of precious metal with special agents with an active composition that helps to remove dirt particles.
  3. Mechanical impact on contaminants that can form layers of dirt in hard to reach places.
  4. An active method of washing and acidifying in weak solutions of substances with an active effect on pollution.

In accordance with the design and other elements of the decoration, cleaning methods are selected. Sometimes several methods are used simultaneously.

Gold Jewelry Readers

The people who will clean the gold on their own come to mind the logical question of how to clean the gold at home. The list of suitable products is so great that for almost any gold product you can choose the best option.

mechanical impact

The most popular options are:

  1. Soap solution. For 250 milliliters of warm water, dissolve a teaspoon of cosmetic liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Soak jewelry for 20 minutes.
  2. Powder with ammonia. In hot water, pour a teaspoon of washing powder and ammonia. Foam the mixture lightly and place the decorations in it for 60 minutes.
  3. Ammonia, soap, hydrogen peroxide. Add 3 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 0.5 teaspoon of alcohol and the same amount of liquid soap to a glass of warm water. Soak gold elements in a ceramic or glass container for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Home-made paste for gold: mix ground soap and chalk, water, petroleum jelly and toothpaste in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 1: 1. Apply the product on the metal surface and polish the product with a natural fabric.
  5. It is easiest to clean gold at home with hydrogen peroxide. Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to the cotton pad and wipe the gold product. The tool is ideal if the surface is flat and there are no additional decorations in the form of stones, patterns, engravings.
  6. Sweet water. Add 3 tablespoons of regular sugar to a glass of warm water. Decorate jewelry in sweet water for no more than a day. An analogue to this tool is salt water. The principle of preparation, use is the same.
  7. Pour a solution of soda into a ceramic bowl: 1 teaspoon of soda is diluted in 1 glass of water. Food foil is pre-laid on the bottom with the matte side down. Decorate the jewelry on foil, holding them for 12 hours.

The tool is selected in accordance with the type and degree of contamination. Sometimes you have to use several tools in a certain sequence, increasing the effectiveness of the components.

Choose the right cleaning method and product

It is important not only to know the basic methods of how to clean gold at home, but also to apply the right method for a certain type of jewelry. In jewelry stores and shops, before cleaning, they study the product, and then begin to work.

variety of gold jewelry
  1. In the presence of semiprecious gems, hot cleaning methods and acidic products are not used.
  2. Jewelry with precious stones must be polished with a special method.
  3. Depending on the quality of the metal and its additional impurities, a cleaning agent is determined.
  4. It is better to avoid mechanical influences that can damage the surface of the product, forming cracks and scratches.

There are too many nuances, so it is better to consult with a specialist regarding each product separately.

Cleaning gold and silver at home

When there is time in order to devote himself to his care for jewelry, I do not want to separately bother with silver and gold jewelry. At home, you can prepare a tool that by its actions will become universal for these metals.

Gold and silver

How to clean gold and silver at home:

  • Dissolve a small piece of toilet soap and a teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water. Put the jewelry in a container with this liquid for half a day. Rinse and dry. For effectiveness, you can wipe the surface with a natural cloth before rinsing.
  • Pour a tablespoon of washing powder into a liter of water and boil the solution. Place gold and silver products in a hot foamy liquid for a quarter of an hour. Pull out and rinse immediately in warm water.
  • If the dirt is insignificant, then you can put a small handful of baking soda in your palm and lightly moisten it. Put the decorations here and wipe them with a mixture until the soda becomes gray. Rinse jewelry and wipe dry.

It is worth paying attention to the presence of stones in jewelry and the sample. The possible degree of impact on a luxury item will depend on these factors.

Express methods

If there is no time for quality care for luxury goods, and the owner always likes to shine, you should know several express methods.

How to clean gold at home quickly:

  • Moisten a cotton pad with ammonia and grate the surface of the product.
  • To speed up any process and remove dirt from the smallest gaps in a chain or bracelet, you can use the following mechanical effects: put products in soapy water or ammonia water and pour it all into a half-liter jar. Close the container with a lid and shake the jar vigorously for several minutes. After rinse the jewels.
  • Place several balls of food foil in a container with soapy water, decorate and shake the contents of the can several times.

In order for any of the cleaning methods to be fast and of high quality, it is worth constantly caring for luxury goods.

Cleaning gold jewelry with semiprecious stones

In gold jewelry stones are often inlaid. Sometimes they are semiprecious gems; in other cases, they are completely ordinary natural minerals that are subject to cleaning and cutting. In any case, such decoration transforms the appearance of any item made of gold.

gemstone inlaid gold jewelry

To clean gold with stones at home without harm to the mineral itself, but effective for metal, you need to determine the type of stone: soft or hard. Semi-precious stones are referred to soft species. In accordance with this, the means and method of cleaning are selected.

Precautions and advice regarding the procedure:

  • Soft stones do not brush.
  • Hard pastes are not used.
  • To polish the stone, take wipes to clean the glasses. You can buy wet wipes for cleaning glasses.
  • Soft stones are washed in soapy water without any soaking. After the procedure, rinse and completely dry with a lint-free cloth.
  • Real pearls cannot be cleaned with products that contain acid.
  • Instead of ammonia, ordinary medical alcohol is used.

If you adhere to these tips, then semiprecious stones will not cloud and will not become more fragile. Gold, in turn, will acquire its original appearance and purity.

Methods for cleaning jewels

Gemstones are a type of solid gem, so there are fewer restrictions on cleaning. But still, it is worth considering some nuances regarding the procedure.

polished gold jewelry

Most often, diamonds are used for inlaid gold jewelry. Although the stone is durable, caring for it should be neat and complete.

How to clean gold with diamonds at home:

  • Moisten a soft cloth in medical alcohol.
  • Wipe the entire product.
  • Wash jewelry in soapy water.
  • Rinse after cleaning under running water.
  • Blot with a towel until it dries completely.

Sometimes, for more thorough polishing of a gem of this kind, special means are used. You can buy them at a jewelry store. Some jewelers offer an easier way: to burn a match to ash. Apply combustion products to the cotton pad and rub the ash into the stone in a circular motion. Then rinse the product and dry.

Methods for cleaning a chain or bracelet

Gold chains and bracelets are considered jewelry for everyday use, so they are almost never removed. During operation, the product may lose its attractive appearance - become dull and dirty. Fat, sweat, skin particles, shampoos and villi from clothes accumulate in the weaving cells.

variety of weaving chains

It is quite difficult to remove such impurities due to complicated weaving. The gaps between the links need not only to be cleaned qualitatively, but also to give the metal its original shine. In this case, it is professional cleaning that will become effective, but home methods will also work.

How to clean gold chains at home:

  1. Dishwashing detergent in combination with boiling. Lay a piece of fabric on the bottom of the container that does not fade. Add water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the container. Put bracelets and chains on the fabric so that they do not touch each other. Boil the contents of the pan over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove items and rinse in warm water.
  2. Soak the chain and bracelet in soapy water. Pour hot water into a container and pour a tablespoon of liquid soap. Place the products in a container for two hours. After time, remove the jewelry and clean along the entire length with a soft brush. Rinse in warm water.
  3. If the weaving is large, then you can use the express method: moisten a cotton swab in liquid ammonia and wipe each link separately. Then rinse the product under running water.

Features regarding the use of hydrogen peroxide and soda

Many people wonder how to effectively clean gold at home. To do this, use the simplest and most well-known substances that can be found in every home: soda, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide.

The easiest way to clean gold at home with peroxide. But there are a few precautions. If semiprecious gems are present in gold, then peroxide can spoil their appearance - they will become cloudy. Do not use this tool constantly. Exposure should be limited to a minimum amount of time.

Cleaning gold at home with soda can be very effective, but excessive mechanical stress can increase the number of micro-scratches. Usually a solution is prepared from soda and water, which is used to process jewelry. After such work, thoroughly rinse the gold product.


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