Mais - what kind of culture is this? Maize: description, composition, useful properties

In Spain it is called cucurucho, in Russia it is known as corn, and in Mexico as maize. This plant is familiar and loved by many peoples of our planet.

maize is

Goes for everything

But how could it be otherwise? Maize is a plant with a host of beneficial properties. Besides the fact that it is tasty and people and animals eat it with pleasure, various products are prepared from it and even chemicals are extracted. Corn is processed to obtain molasses, glucose, syrup, dextrin, starch, alcohol. All kinds of pastries are also prepared from maize flour, many people are used to seeing corn flakes on their table as a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Corn oil is very healthy. The phosphatides and saturated fatty acids contained in it reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body, and help the brain to function normally. But this is not limited to the beneficial properties of maize. He owes them his composition. It includes vitamins of groups B, A, H, trace elements, including magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, nickel. Corn is also rich in acids that help cleanse the body of toxins, normalize cholesterol levels.

maize plant

It's time to be treated

I must say that in medicine they use all parts of this plant, and not just grain, as one might think. Even the waste left after it is used. Glutamic acid is extracted from them. But this is one of the main components of folic acid. Glutamic acid plays an important role in the treatment of nervous and mental diseases, polio, muscular dystrophy, and Down's disease. Medicines based on corn stigmas are also used to treat various diseases. Extracts, decoctions, infusions are prepared from them. They treat with their help diseases of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and other body systems.

maize in mexico

Not just food

Maize - a plant that in different countries with pleasure is eaten. Prepare cereals, bread, cereals from it. Eat fresh and canned. In China, pollen from this plant is used to make a special food product. Corn can be eaten without fear. After all, its grains are not able to accumulate nitrates. This plant is absolutely harmless to the human body. Therefore, it is recommended for baby food. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

In addition, maize is also a feed for animals and birds. Moreover, about 60% of the total corn crop goes for these purposes. The stalks, ears and leaves of maize are processed, after which the raw material is formed, which is used for the production of linoleum, plastic, activated carbon, paper and other types of products useful for the economy. Of particular interest is the production of ethanol.

maize seeds

Just grow

Corn is a thermophilic plant. Therefore, the most delicious varieties grow in the southern regions. In the northern regions fodder corn is grown. Frosts are fatal for adult plants, but young shoots are quite capable of withstanding temperatures up to -3 degrees. Maize seeds germinate at +10 degrees. Breeders are engaged in the cultivation of new varieties that are resistant to environmental influences and have increased productivity. Most corn is grown in China and the United States.

Contact a specialist

What is needed to grow maize? High quality seed products, suitable growing conditions, proper care. Farmers themselves choose companies that can be trusted. One such organization is Mais. The employees of this company are engaged in scientific work on the development of maize hybrids. The products that are produced here comply with international standards, have a trademark and patent. Maize corn seeds are suitable for cultivation in all soil and climatic zones. Selection work is ongoing to improve the properties of the plant. Thanks to this, it was possible to develop hybrids with increased productivity, while at the same time reducing the cost of seeds. Having acquired high-quality seeds, you can begin to grow them.

maize seed products

What does it look like

Maize is a plant belonging to the family of cereals. In the fields you can see corn stalks reaching a height of 3-5 meters. The trunk of maize is hard, dense, reaching a diameter of 7 centimeters. Leaves are up to 1 meter long and 10 centimeters wide. To keep the trunk upright, a herbaceous plant releases air support roots. Ears of corn grow on corn, which, after pollination, are formed into fruits called grains. The grains in such fruits have a square shape and are located on the head in long vertical rows in which each grain is tightly pressed against each other. Corn comes in many varieties. The size of the cob and the color of its grains will depend on this. The most popular is yellow corn.

They love her there

Very popular maize in Mexico. And this is not surprising. It is believed that it was there that this plant was cultivated about 7000 years ago. This was proved during archaeological excavations, during which the "ancestor" of maize was found. Interestingly, in those days, the corncob was not completely covered with green leaves. The same traces of ancient corn were discovered during excavations in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador. Before Columbus discovered America, the Indians were already actively engaged in growing corn. They deified her and portrayed the god of fertility Tlaloc as a young man with his head in the form of a corncob with leaves. Corn was planted in holes at a distance of 90 centimeters from each other. For planting, more and more land was gradually freed. In order for the corn to grow well, it must be well fertilized. So did the Indians, who used raw fish as a feed, which was completely buried in the hole. Columb brought corn to Europe. From Spain, it spread throughout the world. In our country, it began to grow from the 17th century. Soon it became an exclusively cultivated plant; it is not found in nature, but is grown only by humans.

maize corn seeds

Or maybe a miracle?

An interesting fact is that corn cannot grow on its own. It has long been noticed that in order for it to sprout, it is necessary to remove green leaves from the cob, thus freeing the grain. And who can do this if not a man? If, for some reason, the corn crop was not harvested, then it will simply rot, without giving offspring. This amazing property is very interested in all the paranormal lovers. According to their logic, maize could not independently reproduce on the ground. Someone had to bring it as a gift to people and teach how to grow it. Astrologers have suggested that this was done by aliens. But the Aztecs were of the opinion that the god Kukulkan presented them corn.

However, scientists refute this point of view. According to them, before the corn looked a little different. She had a structure that did not stop her from multiplying on her own. In ancient times, it was not such a tall plant. On a low stem from above was an ear of corn, which was covered with a whisk only on top. There were no hard green leaves covering it completely. Therefore, the grains freely fell to the ground and sprouted. But over time, some plants appeared with closed ears, and something forced people to grow this particular species. Perhaps because his ears were larger and the grains tastier. But this does not explain where her wild undersized ancestors went to.

Be that as it may, this nutritious, tasty and healthy cereal is one of the most wonderful gifts of nature, which mankind has more than once rescued in hungry times. Growing maize is easy. Try to do this at your summer cottage. He will surely please you with a crop. Until then, looking at a beautiful plant, one will be able to reflect on the riddle of its origin.


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