Trinity suburb: history and modernity

Trinity suburb in Minsk has historical significance for the city, located on the left bank of the Svisloch. Previously, there was an administrative and commercial center of the capital.

Creation and Development

The history of the Trinity suburb goes quite deep into antiquity. It was formed in the 12-13 century on the territory of the elevation near the river. Swisloch. Historians believe that the name of this place is associated with the local Trinity Church. It was founded by Prince Jagiello himself.

Trinity suburb

According to another version, the etymological roots are drawn to a redoubt named after the Holy Trinity, or the local church of the same name. Previously, trade was actively conducted here, entrepreneurs from Vilna and Mogilev gathered here. Sellers from Smolensk and Polotsk also visited Trinity Suburb.

In the 16th century, the market began to function, which is the largest area for trade. In the period of 15-17 centuries. fortifications were built here, with the help of which it was possible to protect the surroundings. Craftsmen, peasants, and military personnel lived in wooden houses. In 1809, the layout changed, because an old model of the device in this area was destroyed by a fire. In order to protect themselves from such misfortunes in the future, the city residents built stone buildings by decree of Alexander I.

In the period from the 30s to the 60s of the last century, different parts of the architectural complex were destroyed. In the 1980s, a major restoration was carried out here, the purpose of which was to recreate the architecture of Minsk inherent in the city in the 19th century.

What to see

Interesting objects that can be seen once in the Trinity suburb are Minsk Castle, Tatar gardens, as well as the village of Starostinskaya, Storozhevka, Zolotaya Hill. Here was the first of the Catholic churches of the city, and the monastery of the Holy Ascension has survived to our time.

There is the Church of St. Borisoglebskaya, a Basilian monastery for women, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, a church, a Catholic monastery, in which the mariaves lived - representatives of the monastic order. Local residents and visitors often come to see all these sights.

Trinity suburb in Minsk


Today, the Troitsky suburb district is a historical center in accordance with the 2004 bill of the country's president. This place is an integral part of the old city. The western side of the complex is guarded.

After restoration work carried out here, this place turned into a museum located in the open air. Passing here, you can see stone buildings dating from the 19th century. In 2009, the square, formerly reserved for the market, was called the Trinity Mountain. In the 1930s, the opera and ballet theater was built here. Today, once in the Trinity suburb, you can visit many interesting museums, shops with souvenirs and antiques, restaurant complexes and coffee houses, galleries with works of art.

Restoration work has not been completed at the moment, the result of which will be the appearance closest to that which this place had centuries ago. It is planned to re-create many buildings located in the Upper Town, as well as in Minsk Castle.

Trinity suburb photo

Cognitive walk

Trinity Suburb is rich in attractions. A large number of tourists from Belarus and other countries come here to touch the amazing culture of past years.

You can visit the local museum, whose expositions are dedicated to music and theater. It is called "The drawing room of Vladislav Golubok." There is also a complex dedicated to the country's literature. In the building where the synagogue was once located, the House of Nature now functions. There is a gallery dedicated to crafts.

No less interesting will be a visit to the pharmacy, where you can get acquainted with medical utensils and books used in the 19th century. Here you will find numerous architectural monuments in which people still live. Many interesting sculptures can be seen upon arrival at the Trinity Suburb. The photos depict how picturesque the local surroundings are and how beautiful the buildings are.

Separate compliments deserve the beauty of the Svisloch River, where a small island is located, which can be reached by crossing the arch-type bridge for pedestrians. In 1996, a memorial was opened in honor of the internationalists who fought in Afghanistan.

The local Island of Tears is known as one of the most significant sights of Minsk. In the center is a chapel designed according to the plan of the temple of Polotsk Euphrosyne, which functioned in the 12th century. Entering the island, you can see a stone in which the icon of the Virgin Mary of bronze is placed. Now in the building, previously used as a monastery of mariavitoks, the Suvorov School of the capital functions. Also nearby you can peek into the operating Olivaria beer factory.

Trinity suburb cafe

Temple of love

If you plan to get married, a gorgeous registry office is located in the Trinity Suburb, located in a building dating back to the 19th century. Recently, repairs were carried out here, so the room looks just amazing, luxurious.

There are three floors, internal halls are striking in their light colors and beautiful design. Many beautiful mirrors that expand the space visually.

Historical atmosphere

You will probably want to reinforce your strength after a long walk during which you will explore the Trinity Suburb. Cafes and restaurants are chic and there are a great many. You can drink a flavored drink in a coffee shop. It is noteworthy that the administration of these institutions has made efforts to recreate the historic interior.

registry office in the Trinity suburb

You will find yourself in an ancient tavern, try excellent dishes of national cuisine, high-quality alcohol. But what you definitely shouldn’t pass by is a local restaurant located right on the water. It is one of a kind throughout the city. You can not only eat deliciously, but also look at the beautiful landscapes.

Way here and surroundings

Getting to the suburbs is not so difficult, because it is located in the center of the historical life of the city. The second metro line runs to this point regularly. It is worth leaving at the Nemiga station.

Visitors are amazed at the beauty of these places. Since receiving the Magdeburg Law in 1499, the authorities have made great efforts to ennoble the local places and give the heirs the opportunity to be proud of them subsequently.

The stone town hall, which has been restored more than once, is impressive. Its modern version was opened in 2003. You can go through exhibitions and halls intended for receptions, buy souvenirs. The Philharmonic for children, the beautiful guest yard, the Church of the Virgin Mary, historical museums, cathedrals are pleasing with beauty. There is a center of spirituality and education at the Orthodox Church. There is an opportunity to look at the manor belonging to the Vankovichi.

Time Machine

You can sit in the chic hotel "Monastery", which received four stars. It was opened in the former home of the Bernardine monks who worked in the 18th century. Museum expositions are able to give a lot of new knowledge and vivid impressions.

Troitsky suburb area

It contains the finds of archaeologists, objects that were used by church servants in everyday life. Having traveled to the Rakovsky suburb, you can visit the local cathedral and the beautiful brewery, a restaurant with it, located in an old building. Also nearby is the City Sports Palace, the BelExpo exhibition center of national importance.


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