Stages and structure of scientific research

The structure of scientific research is something that no creative work closely related to one or another branch of the corresponding knowledge can do without. Forming it is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance, the most important thing is to adhere to the logic of presentation, otherwise the work will turn out as if torn into several parts.

When writing any diploma, dissertation, report and other creative works, a structure is simply necessary. You should start by highlighting the object of study to which the scientist will devote several months to his life, and then the means of research that will be used to study the hypothesis being studied. It is always important to understand what exactly you are studying, otherwise there is a risk of getting confused and doing a bunch of useful, but completely unnecessary work.

Why do we need such work?

The vast majority of the things that are now existing and familiar to man could not have appeared without preliminary research. This applies to absolutely everything, starting from the invention of the light bulb and ending with mathematical calculations of the orbits of the planets. A clear structure of scientific research is 50% of its success, because when a scientist clearly understands the result that he must achieve, all the smaller goals seem to line up themselves in a convenient and understandable route.

research structure

Modern scientists daily create such works, and it is worth noting that they do not always exist in the form of familiar diplomas and dissertations. For example, using mathematical calculations alone, it was possible to prove the existence of a large number of objects located beyond the orbit of Pluto, which later, when forming the corresponding justification, got their name - the Oort cloud.

What does any research start with?

The initial stage in the structure of scientific research should consider the formulation of the problem. It is here that the creator of the work searches for the most interesting problem, and also clearly formulates the tasks of his work. If the author of this study has a supervisor, he can help with determining the topic of work, as well as with the correct formulation of a number of tasks related to it.

It should be noted that the formulation of a scientific problem must necessarily include working with the source information. It mainly concerns the collection and subsequent processing of information about all the methods for solving similar problems, as well as the results of studies that were carried out in this or related fields. It should be noted that additional data processing and analysis must be carried out constantly - from the beginning to the end of your work.


The structure and content of scientific research at its next stage suggest the development of a primary hypothesis that will be studied. This happens only if the task of the work is formulated quite concretely, and all the source data has been subjected to critical analysis. The latter involves a detailed study of information in terms of generally applicable and strictly professional scientific dogmas.

Science is a great platform for creativity, which is why the working hypothesis is often presented in several ways. The main task of the author of the work is to choose the most appropriate of them, while all the rest can not be abandoned. In some cases, an additional experiment is required; it is with its help that one can study the object of scientific work much better.

Theoretical stage

The third stage involves a series of surveys. The structure of the theoretical level of scientific research consists mainly of the synthesis of a large number of laws that are relevant to its object. Based on the material studied, the author should try to find completely new patterns that were not previously known. This can be done using a large number of fundamental sciences (linguistics, mathematics, etc.). For example, the unusual behavior of the planet and its satellites may indicate the presence of another celestial body nearby, which has a corresponding effect.

At this stage, the author must find all possible connections between the phenomena that were identified during the analysis of the hypothesis, as well as summarize the information received. Ideally, the working hypothesis should be partially confirmed using all the data analyzed. In the event that the assumption turns out to be erroneous, it can be said that the theory was formulated incorrectly or insufficiently.

scientific research principles structure

If the logic and structure of a scientific study is observed by its author, then it should, with the help of analytical tools, at least confirm the hypothesis taken in the work. The author can easily use the data obtained to develop a theory that can explain the phenomena that relate to the situation under study, as well as predict the appearance of completely new ones.

What if the analyzed material could not help confirm the selected hypothesis? Each scientist makes a decision on his own, some prefer to refine the initial assumption and adjust it, after which they can collect additional data on the subject of the study. Some scientists, after declaring their hypothesis bankrupt, refuse to conduct scientific work, since they consider it unpromising.

The most difficult stage

The logical structure of scientific research suggests that its author will have to conduct a certain experiment or even a number of similar events, the results of which can confirm or refute the selected hypothesis. Its purpose will directly depend on the nature of the work, as well as on the sequence of all experiments.

Experiments that are carried out after performing theoretical research are required to refute or confirm the assumption of the researcher. If the theory is not enough, then the practical stage with the experiments is carried out in advance in order to collect the material necessary for analysis. Then the theoretical work will have a completely new meaning - it will have to explain the results of the experiments and summarize them for further work.


The fifth stage in the structure of scientific research will require an analysis of the results that were obtained as a result of experiments and theoretical searches. It is here that the hypothesis must find final confirmation, after which it will be possible to formulate a number of assumptions about how important it can have in human life. Moreover, it can be refuted on the basis of the analytical work done, and this may well correspond to the purpose of scientific work.

structure of scientific and pedagogical research

Next, it is necessary to summarize the scientific work, namely, to formulate them in such a way that it becomes clear whether they correspond to the tasks that were set by the author initially. This is one of the final stages of the structure of scientific and pedagogical research. If it was only of a theoretical nature, then the work of its author ends.

If there is a practical part, as well as if the scientific work was related to technology, it includes one more stage - mastering the results. The author must explain how the results of his research can be put into practice, and propose technological developments of this process.


When writing any work, it is necessary to observe the structure of the methodology of scientific research. We are talking about the implementation in it of a number of methods of cognition. First of all, it is important to consider all the facts that allow you to get information about the object of study, their relevance and truthfulness. The history of the subject, theoretical knowledge about it, the prospects for its development in the future - all this should be reflected in the scientific work.

When writing it, it is important to take into account the fact that the elements under study can constantly change, both for the better and for the worse. Due to this component of the structure of the methodology of scientific research, it is possible to single out only those that have the greatest influence on the study of an object. The process of work on the research itself must be systematic, the author must understand exactly what result he must come to and how he can do it.

Scientific and pedagogical work

The structure and logic of scientific and pedagogical research, as you already know, consists of seven stages. Each of them is a self-sufficient unit in the general mechanism of scientific work, and it is impossible to refuse any. If the work is planned to be submitted to a commission consisting of professionals in the field to which it relates, the wording should be as clear and transparent as possible.

structure of scientific and pedagogical research

Pedagogy has a number of features that must be considered when drawing up scientific work. In particular, teaching methods that can be used to implement the proposed hypothesis cannot be dispensed with. That is why the author of such a work should have some experience in this field, which will allow him to talk with professionals on an equal footing.

Work organization

The structure of the organization of scientific research is quite simple. First, the topic of the work is determined, it can be formulated independently or with the help of a supervisor. The second option is most often used, the first is more suitable for those scientists who have already made a name for themselves and can create works on their own. As a rule, a scientist tries to give his applicants only topics that they can deal with based on their experience.

At the installation meeting, the leader and the author of the work jointly form the topic and determine the composition of the parts of the study, a list of references for it. After this, a control point is assigned, to which a certain amount of work will need to be prepared, which the supervisor will need to familiarize with in order to provide feedback to the author.

research structure and logic

The topic of scientific research, its principles and structure should be reflected in the work, otherwise it will have nothing to do with science. As a rule, the first time students fail to formulate them, which is why the work is sent to alteration, the next checkpoint is assigned.

Throughout the year, students should meet with their leaders in order to make their scientific papers really interesting and voluminous. Protection of work in a university takes place in the presence of a commission, which includes the head of the department, scientific adviser, teachers of the department, as well as representatives of another university, which explores similar theoretical issues.

Scientific method

When writing any theoretical work, it is necessary to approach the process from the point of view of science. The structure of the scientific research method consists of three components, which must be present in it. The first of them is conceptual, by which they understand the existing idea of ​​the possible forms of the object of study.

The second is operational, it includes all the standards, rules and working methods that stipulate cognitive activities carried out by the researcher. The third is logical, with its help it is possible to fix all the results that were obtained in the process of active work of the author of scientific work with the object and means of cognition. In addition, methods of theoretical and empirical knowledge are usually implemented in the work.

logical structure of scientific research

The first of them is a process of reflection of all ongoing processes associated with the study of the problem. It includes theories, hypotheses, laws, idealizations, formalization, reflection, induction, abstraction, classification and deduction. The second assumes the existence of specialized practice that will be directly related to the problem. It should include experiments, observations, scientific research, measurements.

What happens next?

As soon as the research on the topic of interest to you is completed, the defense was successful, the question arises of what to do next. There are a lot of options, the simplest is to forget about it and switch to another activity, and unfortunately the majority follows it. The minority chooses to continue work on this study, based on the information received, a new hypothesis is created on the same topic, and the process is restarted.

The work can also be used by other scientists, who, on the basis of its analysis, can derive a completely new theory related to the object of study, and then supplement it and make an important discovery. For example, on the basis of scientific work with a large amount of mathematical data, astronomers use a telescope to examine a fragment of the starry sky in order to open a new star or planet, and if the calculations are performed correctly, then the chance of a successful search increases by several times.


The logic and structure of scientific research should be clearly visible throughout its entirety, especially when working on those issues that are related to the exact sciences - mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. If you feel that these two components are pretty much "Lame," you can ask for help from your scientific adviser or more experienced colleagues who have repeatedly dealt with the creation of similar works and are well aware of which particular components should be included in them.

research organization structure

Remember that it is imperative to complete your research, even if it seems to you that it does not entirely correspond to your interests. Firstly, you will get the experience necessary to write scientific works in the future, and secondly, even if you doubt your actions, more experienced colleagues will always come to your aid. And then, if you bring the matter to the end, you will be perceived as a person who keeps his word, and it costs a lot, especially in the scientific world.


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