Plum Eurasia: a description of the variety, its dignity. Landing and care

A large, spreading fruit tree, Eurasia plum bred by domestic breeders, is adapted for productive cultivation in temperate Russian latitudes.

plum eurasia
The features of this hybrid, its advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in this article.

Plum Eurasia: variety description

In 3-4 years from the moment of planting, a fast-growing culture turns from an annual seedling into a young tree with a lush crown of a classic mosaic shape and begins to give its first fruits. With quality care, plum Eurasia gives good yields - up to 50 kg per adult tree. Being self-infertile, this variety must be adjacent to other representatives of home plums blooming in the same period. The most suitable pollinators are considered to be such varieties as the Record, the Productive Greengrocery, the Volga beauty, the Mayak, etc.

Good winter hardiness allows the culture to successfully tolerate the harsh winters of central Russia. The adaptive properties of the variety are excellent: twenty-degree frosts are not afraid of either the root system or flower buds. In addition, plum Eurasia is appreciated by gardeners for a very high level of resistance to various diseases and pests.

Plum home among gardeners today is considered the most unpretentious and not causing problems when growing stone fruit for areas of the Non-Chernozem region. The absence of serious diseases and pests allows you to do without protective measures.

plum eurasia description

Rounded fruits ripening already in August reach a mass of 25-30 g. Their number in harvest years is significant and, decorating the branches, they increase the decorativeness of the tree. Large drupes of burgundy-blue color are covered with a well-pronounced matte waxy coating, giving the fruit an exquisite appeal. A bone flattened on both sides is difficult to separate from the pulp.

Fruit ripening time, their properties and application

Being an early table variety, plum Eurasia ripens in August and is consumed mostly fresh. Juicy pulp of orange-yellow color with a very loose structure is excellent for processing into juices, jams or jams. The fruits have a spicy sweet and sour taste and classic plum aroma. Juice with pulp is especially good. It has an excellent fresh taste and is rich in valuable amino acids, sugars and vitamins that improve the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and overall tone. Plum variety Eurasia opens the plum season, many gardeners are impressed by the early ripening of healthy fruits and the unpretentiousness of the culture as a whole.

Growing recommendations

How many stone fruits, plum Eurasia, the description of which is presented in the review, loves well-heated areas located on high ground. When choosing a place for planting plums, consider the possibility of approach or close standing of groundwater. Such sites are unsuitable: the culture will not be able to develop qualitatively, it will suffer from freezing, gumming and will die. The best soil for plum Eurasia recognized water and breathable loam. Planting it taking into account already growing fruit trees on the site. Young plums are located on the south side of the landings at a distance of 5-6 meters. A tall tree is considered a drawback of Eurasia, and therefore this aspect must be taken into account.

Plum planting

A tree is planted in central Russia in the spring, because during autumn planting, young crops do not always have time to take root or grow stronger, and therefore freeze out in winter.

plum eurasia grade description
But the plants planted in the fall can well overwinter if they are covered with fir spruce or spanbond and thrown with snow.

Planting pits with a depth of 0.5 m and a diameter of 0.6 m are prepared in autumn or early spring. The excavated soil is mixed with humus in a proportion of 2/1, one-third of the hole is filled. A strong stake is installed in the center of the pit and a seedling is placed vertically. The roots are gently distributed, periodically shaking to avoid the formation of voids, and fall asleep with the prepared soil mixture, tamping the soil layer by layer with your hands. The root neck of a young tree should not be deepened, as this will lead to the bark's aging and impaired sap flow. At the end of planting, the plant is watered with two or three buckets of water, having previously built an earthen roller around the trunk, preventing moisture loss. After watering, the trunk circle is mulched with humus, and the seedling is freely fixed to the stake.

Care and feeding

Plum Eurasia, the description of which is proposed in the material, is demanding on watering. Lack of moisture can cause ovaries to fall and crop loss.

plum variety Eurasia
The best method of watering is to feed water directly under the root. The culture is responsive to feeding not only with classic nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also with magnesium. Well suited to the Kalimag plant. It is introduced in the fall under a tree when digging with 100-110 g each with superphosphate. They feed the culture with nitrogen in the spring, and in summer with the infusion of mullein or chicken droppings: it is introduced for the first time after flowering, and again after 2 to 3 weeks.


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