Saylyugemsky National Park, Altai Republic (photo)

In the Altai Republic, this amazing and unique conservation area is located.

Saylyugemsky National Park : photo, description

The area of ​​the national park is 1184 square meters. km, and it consists of 3 separate clusters: "Argut", "Saylyugem", "Ulandryka". The last two are located close to each other on the northern slope of the Saylyugem ridge, which is a natural watershed between the Chuya rivers (Ob basin) and Argut, and the rivers located in the Kobdo basin. In the south of this section, the state border extends between Russia and Mongolia.

Saylyugemsky National Park

The Argut site is located on the spurs of the North Chuy and Katun ranges, close to the state border of Kazakhstan and Russia. The natural border of this cluster in the north-eastern part is the Severo-Chuysky ridge, in the south - the watershed between the Karagem and Yungur rivers, and in the west - the spurs of the Katunsky ridge along the watershed between the Coir and Akkem rivers.

History of the park, purpose

In 2010, the Saylyugemsky National Park was created. The purpose of this event is not only the conservation of rare objects of the natural world, but also the reproduction of endangered species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

For example, argali live in the reserve - Altai mountain sheep (argali) and snow leopards (snow leopards).

Physical and geographical conditions, flora

Saylyugemsky National Park is located on the territory of the Saylyugem mountain range, located in the southeast of Altai, on the border between the Altai Republic and Mongolia. It extends for 130 km. Its height reaches 3499 meters (Sargematy). This ridge represents the watershed between the rivers Argut and Chuya (in the Ob basin) and between the rivers of the river basin. Cobdo.

Saylyugemsky National Park (Altai Republic)

In total, about 300 lakes of various origins and 17 glaciers are located in these places, the waters of which, together with sediments, feed the following rivers: Tarkhatu, Jazu, Chagan-Burgazy. The valley of the last of these rivers is located at an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters above sea level.

There is practically no woody vegetation in these places, however, the aesthetics of the landscapes are completely compensated by the mountains of the Saylyugemsky ridge. Lichen and stony tundra prevail in the highest parts, on the southern slopes located below 2 600 meters, you can find areas with steppe vegetation.

Desert steppes rise high into the mountains, where wetlands, rocky rocks and rocks are also found. The most common vegetation is herbs and lichens.

Saylyugemsky National Park has small areas with subalpine and alpine meadows. On sheltered slopes there are thickets of false Cossack juniper. Other types of vegetation (salt marshes, swamps and rocky areas) are less represented here.


The brown bear population included in the Red Book of Altai stands out especially here. This bear is found in highlands devoid of vegetation. The individuals have a light color, yellowish white, and light claws. Therefore, they are called white-clawed.

Saylyugemsky National Park: photos

Saylyugemsky National Park (Altai Republic) has a variety of fauna. The largest subspecies of argali lives here - mountain ram (argali) and snow leopard (snow leopard). Most of them live in the lower and middle reaches of the Argut River. This group includes about 30-40 individuals, which represents a quarter of the entire Russian population.

Astragals living in the Red Book of Altai live here: Argut, Aksai, wrinkled, short-leaved, luxurious, Politova, Chuisky. There are also ostracites: Martyanova, Ladygina, Lower Alpine, fluffy bubble, vesicular, Sapozhnikova, etc.

Saylyugemsky National Park solves another important problem of conservation of the Saker Falcon and Siberian Capricorn.

Of the passerine birds, the following birds are found here: pale curler, snow sparrow, pearl mountain finch, nymphus, Mongolian earthen sparrow, etc. There are many large birds in these places, including raptors.

Among the mammals, rare burrow relatives of hares live here - Daurian and Mongolian pikas, Tolai hare (not whitening in winter), mouse-like rodents - Daurian and Dzungarian hamsters, Mongolian vole, etc.

Saylyugemsky National Park: Kara-Ayra site

Saylyugemsky National Park: Kara Ayra site

On the site of Kara ayra (river) of the national park, and not only on it, work is gradually being done to equip tourist camps and cordons. All this is done for the convenient location of tourists who show considerable interest in these unique places.

Campgrounds without the usual benefits of civilization in a beautiful wild mountainous area are a kind of test for fans of eco-surfing. Similar sites are arranged in the area of ​​the Muynoh ridge, near the rivers Soen-Chadyr, Koir and Bartuldak.

In addition, the main hiking trails are cleared of debris, felling and other clutter.

Relief, sights

The alpine-type alpine relief has a sharp roughness. The largest peaks rise to 3,000 meters, with the highest of them having glaciers.

The main attraction of the national park is the parking lot located at the foot of the Krugloy mountain at an altitude of 2000 meters. This is the site of a telengit community called Sarzematy. Near it is Mount Black.

It is interesting both in terms of natural attractions and historically Sailugemsky National Park. Address: Kosh-Agach, st. Gogol, 10 B.

Saylyugemsky National Park: address

Closing on climate conditions

The park has different climatic conditions of the clusters due to the remoteness of its different sections from each other. For example, in the valley of the river. Argut winter period lasts from the last days of October to the end of March. In January, the air temperature here is 18-22 ° , and in July - up to + 17 ° . The Argut cluster is very humid (the average rainfall is up to 700 mm), which is why it contains almost all the vegetation of the altitudinal zones of Central Altai.

In general, the climate of the park is rather harsh, sharply continental (in some places the temperature can drop even to -62 ° C). The period without frost lasts only about 35-60 days.


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