White-faced dolphin: description. Habitat

"Delphos" in Greek means "brother." This definition is really very suitable for dolphins. The law of mutual assistance reigns in their flocks; they always come to the aid of each other. There are many cases where dolphins rescued people in the water, protecting them from sharks. Handsome men are distinguished by a high level of development; they are still not completely unraveled by man. In this article we will talk about one of the representatives of this genus, it is called the white- faced dolphin. This is a little-studied and rare species, but there is still information about it, and quite curious.

White-faced dolphin: description

Basically, people can chat with dolphins and view them at close range in dolphinariums. Classic gray animals are usually kept in captivity, but sometimes white-faced beauties are also found in performances.

Red Book of Russia White-faced Dolphin

They belong to the order of cetaceans and stand out among the rest in large sizes. An adult white-faced dolphin weighs about 270-280 kg with a body length of 3-3.5 meters. Males are much larger than females. They can be recognized by large fins on the chest, developed ridges on the back and a massive tail. Unlike their gray counterparts, animals of this species have a small (about 5 cm) beak, thanks to which beautiful creatures look kind, cute and harmless.

The color of the back and sides of the dolphin is dark, the belly is contrast white. Animals have 22-28 pairs of thick, large teeth up to 7 mm long. For humans, these marine inhabitants are not dangerous, but there were cases when during the game a dolphin accidentally injured people. So it does not hurt to behave carefully next to these handsome men.


If we consider the world habitat of the white-faced dolphin, then it is found in the natural environment in the North Atlantic. From Labrador, Southern Greenland, the Strait of Davis, Iceland and the Barents Sea to the south to the shores of France, the Gulf of Massachusetts, the Baltic and North Seas, inclusive.

The migrations of these animals have not been completely studied. In the Davis Strait, for example, they appear at the same time as porpoises when they go to the north of the narwhal and beluga whale. They leave these places around November, at the end of autumn.

On the territory of Russia, the white-faced dolphin is found only in the Baltic and Barents Seas.


The animal is flocking and does not like to be alone. Beauties live in groups of 6-8 individuals. You can often observe pairs of dolphins, as their unions are strong. It happens that throughout life a male lives with only one female. If a lot of food is found in a certain place, then flocks can be found there, in which about 1000-1500 animals. But when food becomes scarce, the pack breaks up into small groups to travel in different directions in search of food.

white-headed dolphin

The breeding season of white-headed dolphins takes place in late summer and early autumn. In the wild, marine animals live 30-40 years. In captivity, they feel and develop poorly; it is better not to separate them from their usual habitat.


These cute creatures feed on fish, crustaceans and mollusks. Favorite food is saffron cod, capelin, capelin, herring or merlang. Strong thick teeth give dolphins the opportunity to eat well.

Interesting details about the life of white-faced dolphins

The life of white-faced dolphins is very interesting and mysterious. People today have been able to find out some interesting details about these animals with white tummies and cute noses.

white-headed dolphin description

  • Dolphins are known for their playful character, at any opportunity they are ready to frolic. Their favorite pastime is to jump out of the water, roll over in the air and flop back. When the body hits the water surface, a million splashes rise. Isn't it a fun game?
  • Underwater, white-faced dolphins spend a lot of time chasing algae. Watching such games of playful animals is very interesting.
  • Until now, scientists have not been able to give an exact answer, why very often these beautiful creatures themselves are washed ashore and die.
  • The white-faced dolphin makes sounds whose graph has the shape of a flower. None of the sea creatures are capable of this.
  • Scientists have found that ultrasound of a dolphin has a positive effect on human health and helps to cure diseases.

The Red Book of Russia: White-faced Dolphin

It is known that animals of this species are listed in the Red Book of Russia. This is despite the fact that they were never of interest to commercial fishing. Although in countries such as Greenland, Norway, Labrador, Iceland they were caught and used in the food industry.

Considering the population on a global scale, we can conclude that representatives of this species are still in a stable position. To date, there is no threat of extinction or reduction in the number of animals. The total number of adults is approximately one hundred thousand. In this state of affairs, if the fishing of the sea beauties is not opened in the future, it will not be necessary to include them in the Red Books.

endangered species of animals in Russia white-faced dolphin

It is very sad to list endangered animals in Russia. Unfortunately, the white-faced dolphin is also included in this list. But let's hope that in the future, thanks to the thrifty attitude of man to nature, rare animals will not be on the verge of extinction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22696/

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