How to dig a well: process features

Each owner of the cottage wants his house to have all the amenities. Naturally, you can’t do without water, so it’s best to organize a well on the site. However, before you do this, you need to find out about all the nuances of construction. About how to dig a well, and can be found in this article.

well device
First of all, you need to think about who will be involved in its arrangement. Naturally, it is necessary to ensure all safety measures during operation. You should also determine the place where to dig the well. For this, a special technique is used that is able to determine the level of groundwater. It must be remembered that there should not be cesspools, toilets or manure piles near the structure. It is best to choose the highest spot on the site. You need to try to do this so as not to fall on the floating.

Before you dig a well, you must remember that doing this work is better in early autumn. Basically, concrete rings are used to equip the pit. And you can make them yourself or buy ready-made ones. Their number depends on the depth of the shaft. The well structure consists of such parts: a water intake (lower part), a main trunk (middle part) and a head.

how to dig a well
Before you dig a well, you need to decide what shape the mine will have: round or square. As for the water intake, its depth is about 1 meter. However, it may be incomplete and complete. In the first version, the influx of water occurs through the bottom and side walls, and in the second - only through the side walls. The head should have a minimum height of about half a meter. This part protects the water from debris and freezing.

Before digging a well, you need to make sure that the water that arrives can provide the daily needs of the whole family. However, it should not stagnate.

In addition to concrete rings, wood and stone can be used to construct the well. However, the first option is the most common due to its strength and durability. Before digging a well, it is necessary to decide how the work will be carried out. You can use special rigs to carry out all the procedures, or you can dig a well manually. To do this, prepare all the necessary tools: a bucket with a tied rope, a shovel and a crowbar.

well device
Concrete rings must be installed in turn. Digging must be continued to the required depth, each time installing a new element. They will fall under the influence of their own weight. Elements are recommended to be interconnected using steel brackets. When digging, one must not forget about the increased danger to health and life, therefore, all measures for their protection should be provided. You should not spend the whole day in the mine, as dampness and cold can have a detrimental effect on health.

The upper part can be constructed of wood or concrete. If the second option is chosen, then it is necessary to build the formwork or put the last upper ring. There should be a lid on the well to protect water from debris and rain.


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