A little about the breed American Bull Terrier

The history of the American bull terrier is unique. This breed was obtained due to the crossing of a terrier and a bulldog. It all started with bulldogs. Then these dogs were used to bully bulls. But since the bulldogs were not too agile, they began to cross with dexterous and fast terriers. As a result, after a long selection, the American bull terrier turned out. These dogs were also used for fights, which, however, were soon banned.

american bull terrier

It is worth saying that those dogs that showed aggression towards humans were excluded from the selection. Therefore, the American Staffordshire Bull Terrier, as a rule, shows friendliness and patience towards a person. Although he sometimes does not treat other dogs very well.

What is it, a bull terrier from America?

The American Bull Terrier has a very peculiar body structure. The muzzle is slightly elongated, the head is powerful, and the eyes are small. The look of such a dog is always straight.

Although the torso is also quite powerful, the American bull terrier itself is quite compact in size. His physique is very downed and strong. The coat of these dogs is coarse and short. But the color during the selection process did not attach any importance, for this reason you can meet a dog with both black and blue hair.

american staffordshire bull terrier

How to care

The American Bull Terrier, whose photo you can see below, does not need regular combing. However, you need to watch the claws. As a rule, they grind themselves on asphalt. But still it will be better to control it. If the claws grow too much, the pet may begin to limp.

For preventive purposes, it is also necessary to examine the eyes and ears. The American Bull Terrier is not sensitive to a variety of skin diseases, but it may develop an allergy.

Dogs of this breed are clean, they do not have to bathe often. Washing them is recommended only as necessary. If you want the dog to be healthy, then, first of all, take care of proper nutrition. The disadvantage of this breed is its tendency to be overweight. Therefore, if your dog does not experience regular physical activity, then make sure that she does not gain weight.

american bull terrier photo

How to feed

Try to maximize your dog’s nutritional balance. She (and especially puppies of the American bull terrier) should receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins. You can feed as natural products (meat, dairy products, cereals), and special feeds.

A huge number of breeders of this breed prefer dry food because of the ease of feeding. If you want to follow their example, then know that dry food should be designed specifically for your dog. It should also be top grade and contain the minerals and vitamins your pet needs. Of course, a good dry food will not be cheap. But you must admit that saving on the health of a beloved friend is not worth it.

If you want to feed your dog with natural products, then meat must be present in its diet, namely boiled or raw veal. In addition, you must give a boiled egg three or four times a week. Groats to the bull terrier can be given in the form of cereals. It is best to give preference to oatmeal, buckwheat and rice.

Remember that most canine diseases are somehow related to malnutrition. Do not give unwashed vegetables to your dog as there may be hazardous chemicals in addition to dirt. And in no case give your pet chocolate and other sweets! Pork and milk are also best excluded from the diet.

american bull terrier puppies

In addition, the American Bull Terrier should not eat food from the table. So you not only harm the dog in terms of health, but also get a number of problems associated with the upbringing.

Training and education

The American Bull Terrier is a unique dog. She is very brave, selfless and devoted to her master and members of her family. Before you start training your dog, carefully study its nature.

Puppies of the American bull terrier are very sociable, they like to play not only with each other, but also with children. Already at a young age, they begin to adapt to the world and need to communicate with a person. When there is no person in the room, the dog should behave calmly, otherwise there will be damage to the furniture. Do not miss this moment and buy toys and bones for your dog so that she is not bored.

Despite the fact that the American Bull Terrier is considered a fighting dog, he is very friendly to both adults and young children. When the dog is well, she smiles. As a rule, such animals are loyal and do not claim to be a leader in the family.

Where can bull terrier live

The American Bull Terrier can be kept both in a country house and in an apartment. This breed needs long and frequent walks. Otherwise, the dog may gain weight.

These animals are so devoted to their owner that at the slightest danger they rush to his defense. However, they do not think at all that they themselves can suffer. Therefore, if you have the time, patience and money, then you can safely get yourself an American bull terrier.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22702/

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