Synthetic spinel: description, specifications, photos

Spinel is a gem used as a decoration in jewelry. Since the price of this stone is high, recently synthetic spinel is most often used, obtained under artificial conditions and very successfully imitating not only a natural crystal, but also some other gems (aquamarine, zircon, sapphire, topaz, alexandrite). We will describe this stone in more detail below.

Origin history

For the first time, the famous traveler M. Polo, who visited the Pamir Mountains in the 13th century, spoke about spinel. There was a little-known Kuhilale deposit, where this gem has been mined for about four centuries. Polo called this place “ruby mines” - he confused spinel with ruby ​​and corundum, like many others.

Green Synthetic Spinel

A few years later, scientists concluded that spinel belongs to a separate group of minerals, which has physical properties that are different from others.

This gem has been revered since ancient times, as it was not only very beautiful, but also a rare mineral, and therefore expensive. In 1762, the crown of Empress Catherine II was crowned with this gem, which had a unique dark red hue. Also, natural spinel stone flaunted in the frame of the famous Monomakh Caps.

Over the past centuries, the history of stone has several names - it was called picotite, celonite, tripe, lal and noble spinel. In Russia, the gem was placed on a par with emerald, sapphire and amethyst. Today spinel is used in jewelry as often as pearls and diamonds.

Why artificial

Currently, natural gem is very rarely used for the manufacture of jewelry, and it can hardly be seen on the market. This is caused by a number of factors, such as the rarity of the mineral, the high complexity of its extraction and subsequent processing. For this reason, synthetic spinel - a stone of artificial origin is now popular and in high demand.

Synthetic stone spinel

Outwardly, such a crystal can hardly be distinguished from a natural analogue, and due to the fact that various pigments are added to it during production, crystals of any shade are obtained. The similarity of synthetic stone with natural stone is quite high, but in most cases it is still used to imitate other gems.

Spinel is a rather unusual and rare stone, so many legends and superstitions are associated with it. In Latin, its name translates as “small thorn” - spinella or spina, and from Greek as “spark” - spinos. In Russia, the mineral has the same name with the mountain, where it was mined.

Types of Gemstone

Due to the fact that synthetic spinel contains a variety of impurities, it can easily acquire any color shades (from yellow and pink to purple and black).

Also, the subspecies of this mineral can have various transparency - from a completely cloudy composition to completely transparent.

Spinel is also produced in the form of different size crystals, which can be connected into druses.

Mineral value

It is worth noting that not all varieties of this gem are recognized as precious stones and are intended for jewelry production. In the process of research, minerologists have identified a number of spinel species that belong to ordinary stones and are not considered precious - these are black and brown gems.

purple synthetic spinel

The most valuable spinel (including synthetic) is orange and red shades, in saturation close to ruby, as well as neon and dark blue crystals. Natural specimens of stone are quite rare, and their price is fabulously high. Laboratory conditions allow you to get the mineral of the right size and shade. Especially fashionable now is a blue gem close to sapphire or aquamarine.

Under natural conditions, spinel is mined in large deposits in Thailand, Kampuchea, and Vietnam. Less significant mining sites are located in Madagascar, India and Australia. The most valuable types of red mineral are mined in Myanmar, and blue - in Sri Lanka.

Synthetic Mineral Properties

Crystals that are grown artificially have different shades depending on the added coloring impurities. Each type of mineral among specialists has a specific name:

  • degussite is a colorless gem;
  • erinid - green synthetic spinel;
  • azurlite is a blue crystal.

Artificial gem stones are distinguished by high density and cleavage, as well as purity indicators that are rarely found in natural minerals.

Spinel synthetic blue

Also, the advantage of synthetic crystals over natural crystals is that they do not contain small bands and bubbles inside, and the growth lines of a curved or broken shape are very weakly visible or absent altogether. And if the gem still has bubbles, then their sizes are different, and the shape is complex-asymmetric, which creates a certain play of light. Two-phase inclusions in the form of flat voids of small diameter, the cavity of which can be filled with gas or liquid, giving them bizarre shapes, are also allowed for laboratory spinel.

How to distinguish a synthetic mineral

Despite the fact that natural and artificial gems are similar in appearance, they are radically different in composition and properties. Synthetic spinel stone (most of it) consists of magnesium and aluminum oxide, since these substances are used as starting components in laboratory crystallization of the mineral. This property manifests itself in such a way that the refraction of an artificial crystal is much more noticeable than natural.

What is synthetic spinel in jewelry

In the modern market of precious stones for the jewelry industry, blue minerals are most in demand, replacing sapphire, lapis lazuli or aquamarine depending on the shade.

To distinguish a blue artificial analog from a natural crystal, specialists use the Chelsea method, which is as follows:

  • for analysis use a special filter of the same name;
  • if, upon a detailed examination, under it, it is found that the blue gem has a clearly distinguishable scarlet or burgundy reflection, this indicates the artificial origin of the mineral.

This is explained by the fact that the red tint gives cobalt, which is added when grown to magnesium and alumina to obtain blue or blue synthetic spinel.

Application area

Despite the fact that the first experiments on growing an artificial crystal were unsuccessful and the result was accidental, research on synthesis continued and quickly succeeded. They served as an impetus for the active promotion of spinel production in the laboratory, the study of its characteristics and practical application.

Synthetic spinel stone - properties

Today, this synthetic crystal is quite widespread in two areas of industry:

  • manufacture of devices and instruments - spinel is used as a dielectric and optical material;
  • jewelry production - a mineral of bright colors is used in the form of raw materials for the manufacture of jewelry.

A distinctive characteristic of the processed (faceted) artificial stone is the play of light rays, which is practically not inferior to the properties of other stones, for example, diamonds. It follows that such synthetic spinel in jewelry often serves as a cheaper analogue of expensive gemstones.

The magical properties of stone

Since ancient times, it is believed that spinel has quite strong magical properties.

According to them, a stone changes life for the better and is even able to return to a normal life a desperate person. However, he can only help a sincere person with good intentions. Also, the gem brings good luck and love, develops a gift that allows you to see the future.

Synthetic spinel stone - properties, zodiac sign

But an evil and greedy person, according to signs, is forbidden to touch the mineral - it can harm health and even destroy.

These properties are possessed not only by natural stone, but also by synthetic spinel, like a natural crystal, it is energetically connected with three celestial bodies - Jupiter, Venus and the Sun. The effect of the mineral depends on the activity of these bodies and therefore exhibits different intensities.

A golden frame reinforces the effect of spinel, so jewelry made of this metal inlaid with such a gem will affect a person in the best way.

The healing properties of the mineral

For the first time, the wonderful healing effect of spinel was described by the famous healer and occultist Paracelsus, who made extensive use of the crushed mineral to treat various diseases.

Modern folk healers claim that this crystal perfectly helps in the treatment of many diseases.

It is believed that the stone produces a general strengthening effect, activates blood circulation, cures some skin diseases, helps with vision problems, and relieves pain in joints and muscles. In this case, the color of the crystal has a certain value:

  • red - a positive effect on blood circulation, sexual life, helps to tolerate paralysis and strengthens the immune system;
  • synthetic light green spinel will help with headache, joint and heart pain, with poor eyesight, normalizes blood pressure and restores metabolism;
  • pink mineral acts on skin diseases, produces a calming effect and improves sleep;
  • a blue crystal helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, liver and endocrine system;
  • black stone relieves pain during injuries, increases pressure, reduces bleeding and improves well-being.

Zodiac signs and spinel

Astrologers claim that the characteristics of the stone depend not only on color, but also on the signs of the zodiac. Even stars can influence the properties of a synthetic spinel stone.

They recommend wearing the crystal in products such as earrings and rings, the latter on the index or ring finger of the left hand.

The stone is well suited to those born under the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Capricorn. For these people, the mineral will improve their physical condition and activate intellectual activity, as well as strengthen their will.

He will add strength and energy to Libra and Taurus, and Pisces will help to make the right decision.


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