European nation. Russian traditions

Whoever says anything, but the Russians are a great nation, which plays a significant role in the development of the modern world. And given the centuries-old history, it is worth considering what kind of wisdom is present in this nation, and what contribution it has made to the general progress of mankind. Today, by many people, most often politicians, the nation “Russians” is unreasonably belittled. Let us look at the stages of its development and formation, so that later no one doubts its significance in the history of mankind.

The nation “Russians” as an ethnographic group

Let's start with a statement of dry facts. It is believed that the Russians, or as they have been called since ancient times, Russians belong to the ethnographic Slavic group. It goes without saying that the definition of any nation, as such, is based on territorial affiliation, common moral and cultural values, as well as some general physiological similarities.

Russian nation

On the whole, the “Russians” nation belongs to the Slavic branch of the development of mankind, but in general terms it is a Caucasian type of race (one of the largest among the entire population of our planet). Consider all aspects of its origin and evolution from several points of view.

Russians are a European nation: anthropology

If we talk about the nation itself, then the first emphasis should be placed on some distinctive features of the same appearance, which is quite different from some other peoples.

First of all, it is necessary to note some external signs by which the Russian (Slav) can be distinguished from all other representatives of humanity. Firstly, there is a predominance of brown hair over blondes and brunettes. Secondly, these people are characterized by reduced growth of eyebrows and beards. Thirdly, representatives of this nation have a moderate face width, poor development of the superciliary arches and a slightly sloping forehead. Fourthly, one can note the presence of a moderate horizontal profile with a high tolerance.

But all this is a purely scientific approach. The nation “Russians” should be considered not only from the point of view of some physiology or belonging to the place of residence, but, rather, from the point of view of culture, epic and consciousness. Agree, because understanding the same issue among Russians, Scandinavians or Americans can have different options. All this is due to history.

A story we don't know about

The fact that Russians live on the Eurasian continent, unfortunately, is misleading to many. This has not always been the case. In the light of recent discoveries, it is worth tracing the history of the nation.

Russians great nation

Of course, to some it might seem utopian to mention such a mythical country as Hyperborea. It is believed that it existed in the form of an island state similar to that of Atlantis, but only in the place today called the Arctic. After the global cataclysms that occurred about 12 thousand years ago, representatives of that race, due to a sharp cooling, began to migrate south, populating the current Central and Eastern European territories. In addition, this is believed to have disappeared civilization gave the world a huge legacy - Vedic wisdom. Even skeptics have no doubt about this fact.

Over time, that people divided, mingled with other representatives of humanity, but the main cultural and physiological differences from other nationalities remained, uniting into a race, which today is called Slavs. It consists of three main nationalities, which were later distributed according to some ethnic characteristics: Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. But such a division happened much later than when there was a single nation “Russians”.

But that is not all. Some modern historians say that Russians are a nation of slaves. This can be attributed, perhaps, to the dominance of the Soviet past. However, many of these “writers” should have delved into history. In fact, if anyone does not know, the nation of slaves is the Jews who, under the leadership of Moses, made an exodus from Egypt. So, do not confuse different things.

Russian folk tales and folklore

The very same nation is “Russian”, its traditions and life of those times are associated with the appearance of a kind of folklore. Of course, any nation has tales and legends in the form of a national epic passed down from generation to generation, however, it is Russian wisdom that has a rather interesting character.

Russian nation of slaves

Of course, it is not so veiled as, for example, Eastern philosophy, however, any more or less literate person knows from childhood that "a fairy tale is a lie, but a hint in it ..." What is most interesting is that that some tales contain real information about the past, despite not some abstract or nonexistent images. Researchers of five lakes with healing water near the settlement of Okunevo, Omsk Region, claim that they came to understand that the tales contain a hidden meaning that can implicitly indicate real things or events that took place in ancient times. It is not for us to judge whether it is so or not, nonetheless ...

Russians european nation

But what’s the most interesting! Ershov, who wrote his fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" in less than 19 years old, composed it in this place, and the boilers in which it was necessary to swim are a sequence of entry of all lakes into the water (in his time only three main lakes were known) .

What did the Russian nation give to the world?

In general, let no one be offended, the Russians are the titular nation that will soon lead all of humanity. Russia (Western Siberia) will become not only the main cultural, but also the religious center of the whole world. By the way, one of such legendary prophets as Edgar Cayce spoke about this. A recently interpreted verse was found in quatrains of Nostradamus.

Russian titular nation

As for the cultural heritage, here, whoever says anything, it is simply impossible to argue. Look, after all, almost all the classics of literature or music include the names of exactly Russian figures. And what can we say about such sciences as physics and chemistry? Only Lomonosov and Mendeleev are worth something.

Misconceptions and conjectures about Russian people

Unfortunately, in Western society one can often find some associations with the type of nationalities. For example, the nation “Russians” is often associated with a bear playing the balalaika (usually drunk).

nation russian traditions

Yes, people like to attach to the "green snake", but our man never drinks himself. Look, it’s not without reason that they propose to “figure out for three”?

On the other hand, even the tradition of serving bread and salt when meeting a guest or a stranger at home has also become almost international. And this is only the most famous, but if you dig deeper, in history and everyday life you can find so many interesting things that you will have to spend whole years and even decades to describe.

Aryan legacy

Of course, it can be argued that the Russians are the best nation, however, from the point of view of respect for other nations, doing this is incorrect. There was already one person in history who put the nation above all. This refers to Adolf Hitler. He believed that the ancient Aryans from the already mentioned Hyperboreans were the forefathers of the Germans.

Russian nation today and tomorrow

In the light of recent discoveries, as it turned out, the Fuhrer was absolutely wrong. The Aryans were the ancestors of the Slavs, who later spread throughout the Eurasian continent, but certainly not the Germans, who have more similarities with the Scandinavians or Anglo-Saxons.

Russians european nation

However, if we talk about the Russian nation today, even if it still cannot lead the world movement for cleansing from corruption, this day is not far off. Those who have doubts, read the predictions of those who were never mistaken - Wang and Edgar Cayce. Indeed, according to their statements, it is Russia and the “Russian” nation that will become the bulwark that will provide shelter for a saved civilization.

Instead of an afterword

Even biblical sources in the modern interpretation say that peace will come only when the union of Gog and Magog takes place , and this is West and East, and the role of the east is assigned to Russian people. And no "Uncle Sam" can prevent this. The reason, alas, is simple: by that time, the United States would simply not be on the world map. And is this not why the States are so diligently trying to put pressure on Russia (or maybe even "bite off" part of the territories they do not own for their survival?). I would like to answer: "Do not wake a sleeping Russian bear!". And then, you know, he can not only play the balalaika or drink vodka, but he can also crush anyone who dares to dunk at his den. And if he is also in a sleeping state, then certainly no American special forces will help.


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