How long does the cat move from anesthesia after castration? Castration of cats: age and consequences

Getting a pet, namely a cat, many owners forget about its physiology. In the first months, the kitten practically does not cause problems: it is playful, active, funny. But after some time, when the furry pet grows up, he stops sleeping at night, becomes hyperactive and wild.

The fault is that the kitten reaches puberty and begins to look for a kitty. Some owners solve the problem medically: specialized pills can pacify the cat’s temper for a while, but after a week everything repeats.

how much the cat departs from anesthesia after castration

The only way to permanently get rid of this problem is surgery. Castration of pets has become one of the most popular procedures provided by veterinarians. But the arguments for and against operations have not subsided to this day. The owners should weigh all the pros and cons, find out how much the cat moves away from anesthesia after castration , what side effects can be, and only then decide whether to resort to surgical intervention.

Why castrate a cat?

A cat living in a natural environment mates with a female of its kind about eight times a year. During these periods, he becomes especially active, marks the territory, does not sleep at night and makes a lot of noise. In nature, these manifestations of physiological features do not cause any trouble. But here are the owners living in the apartment, such actions can cause many difficulties.

However, many do not want to castrate their pet, because they do not understand why to do this and how much the cat departs from anesthesia after castration.

But still - why expose the cat to surgical intervention?

cat castration care after surgery

There are several reasons for the operation. Sometimes castration is used to treat diseases of the urinary tract. But most often castration is a way to reduce the aggressiveness of a furry friend.

Also, after the operation, the cat no longer needs to mark the territory, which will save the apartment from an unpleasant odor.

Before being interested in how much the cat departs from anesthesia after castration , it is important to familiarize yourself with the positive and negative sides of the operation.

The benefits of castration cats

castration of cats age and consequences

  • Reduced pet discomfort associated with unsatisfied sex drive.
  • Conducting timely castration reduces the risk of developing prostatitis, adenoma of the prostate and its tumor.
  • The cat calms down: it ceases to mark the territory, becomes quiet and affectionate.
  • Castration changes the character of the cat: it becomes kinder and more playful.
  • Without being dependent on instincts, the cat will not want to run away from home to satisfy its needs.
  • Without mating with cats on the street, the cat will not be able to catch infectious diseases.

Cons of the operation

In some cases, the solution to the problem is not castration of cats. Age and consequences of surgery can be fatal. The main disadvantages are:

  • If veterinarians do not follow nutrition guidelines, your cat may develop urolithiasis or obesity.
  • The effects of anesthesia can be unpleasant for the cat.
  • During the operation, there is a likelihood of developing anesthetic shock.

castration operation

At what age is it better to castrate a cat?

Cat puberty occurs at the age of eight to eleven months. In cats, this period begins a little later. Tailed pets begin to produce hormones. The behavior of cats is undergoing major changes.

Firstly, the cat begins to meow for a long time. Often such concerts can last all night. Males living in apartments are attempting to escape. Also during this period, the cat begins to mark the territory, which becomes the cause of an unpleasant smell. The animal is becoming more aggressive.

It is this time when the cat has begun puberty, but has not yet had the first mating, ideal for surgical intervention. If you allow the first mating or do not have surgery before he turns one year old, signs of sexual desire may persist even after castration.

Preparation for surgery

If the owners still make a decision and agree to the operation, it is necessary to conduct thorough preparation of the pet. Doctors strongly recommend that the owners decide in advance whether they will castrate the cat, as for a positive result, you will have to shift the time of vaccination. Between the operation and the last vaccination, several months should pass.

You should also contact your veterinarian a few days before the operation. He will talk about which cats after castration, what you need to bring with you, etc.

what cats after castration

However, all directions converge in a few points. Ten to twelve hours before castration, you can’t feed the cat. An empty stomach will make it easier to tolerate anesthesia. Two hours before the operation, it is worth restricting the cat’s access to water.

How long does the cat move from anesthesia after castration ? Only a few hours, and, as a rule, he is sleeping at this time, so it is better for the owners to take a carry and a warm blanket - after the operation, the body temperature drops significantly.


There is no special preparation for the operation, in addition to restrictions on food and drink. However, it is important that the owners themselves remain calm. Cats are able to feel the insecurity and fear of the owner, begin to get nervous themselves.

Before the operation, the veterinarian will listen to the heart and determine the temperature of the cat's body. If all the indicators are within normal limits, then the owner will be offered to wait at the reception. The time of the operation depends on the skill of the veterinarian, on average - about twenty minutes.

the cat for a long time departs from anesthesia after castration

At the end of castration, the veterinarian will again listen to the heart and only then will give additional recommendations. Some experts note that if the owners have such an opportunity, it is better to leave the cat under surveillance for several hours.


Castration of a cat, care after surgery, adherence to a diet - all this is important. But complications can rarely occur.

  • Body temperature can drop markedly. To normalize it, it is necessary to rub the limbs and apply a heating pad. If the cat did not recover, then you need to seek help from specialists.
  • If the temperature remains high after four days, you should also contact your veterinarian.
  • The seam may bleed. More often than not, the cat simply licks it. Then it’s worth putting a collar on him.
  • If the cat does not go to the tray, then it is also worth contacting a specialist.

By itself, this is a simple operation - castration of cats. Age and consequences are directly related. Because pull with surgery is not worth it.

How much and how does the cat “depart” after the operation?

What to do if a cat is castrated? Care after surgery is very important. But first of all, it is important to understand what to do if the cat for a long time departs from anesthesia after castration.

“Symptoms” are: impaired coordination of movements, apathy, insecure gait. All this causes castration of cats. Age and consequences also play an important role.

After the cat has been brought home, it is better to lay it on a soft litter. It should be placed in a quiet and darkened place so that he can rest calmly.

the first days after the castration of a cat

The cat departs from anesthesia for about three to five hours. During this period, it is necessary to carefully watch him: every half an hour to shift it from side to side, check the reaction, touching the nose and ears. If the pet frowns and moves its ears, it will soon come to its senses.

The tray should be moved to the room where the cat lies. After anesthesia, it will be difficult for him to travel long distances.

In the first days after the castration of the cat, the owners should pay as much attention to their pet as possible. The animal remains lethargic and inactive for several more days. But as soon as the effect of anesthesia disappears, the pet will again become playful.

Each owner must decide for himself whether to castrate a cat. The operation has its pros and cons. It is important to weigh everything and come to a decision. However, it is worth remembering that a castrated cat is more affectionate and calm, he will not try to escape from home, and will also sleep without problems at night.


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