Documents for a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child: list and rules for their submission

When a child is born in a family, citizens can count on state support. It can be unchanged under any circumstances, or it can depend on the number of children. Usually the attention of the population is attracted by benefits and payments. They help provide for the baby. In Russia there are one-time and monthly compensations for a newborn. Today we will be interested in the first. What do you need for a one-time allowance? Documents prepared by the family need to be submitted to which authorities? And how much will a person pay for raising demographics in the country? Answer all these questions and not only try further. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems, but it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming paperwork in advance. This is the only way to avoid serious hassle.

Documents for child benefits

Working women

What are the lump sum documents? The main problem is that citizens can make out various children's lump sum payments. But the package of references for their appointment, as a rule, remains the same, supplemented by new elements from time to time.

The first one-time payment for childbirth is maternity. They are entitled to formal women. They are issued upon maternity leave (usually 70 days before delivery). The amount of payment depends on the average annual earnings of a woman for the last 2 years of work in the organization, as well as on the course of childbirth and the number of children born together.

Important: men cannot receive maternity leave.


Documents for lump sum benefits in connection with the birth of the baby must be prepared in advance. Only in this way will it be possible to quickly achieve results without significant difficulties.

Another one-time allowance a mother can count on is payment for registration in the early stages of pregnancy. To obtain the right to appropriate compensation, a woman must be “registered” in a antenatal clinic or in a private clinic with the appropriate license as a pregnant woman until the 12th week of an “interesting situation”.

Since February 1, the amount of the corresponding compensation is 655 rubles 49 kopecks. A working girl and an unemployed can get it.

Important: in order to prove early registration, it is required to take a medical certificate of the established form from the doctor. It is drawn up by a gynecologist who watches the pregnant woman.

Getting a one-time child allowance in Russia - the rules

For childbirth

Assignment of lump-sum allowances in Russia, as a rule, is a simple procedure. The bulk of them can get all citizens, regardless of their financial situation and the fact of employment.

There is a one-time maternity allowance. It relies to all women who have given birth to a child. Paid for every birth and for every baby born.

To date, the amount of compensation mentioned is 17,479 rubles 49 kopecks. Both the father who cares for the newborn and the mother can get it.

Regional payments and capital

In Russia, each region has its own benefits, as well as ways to support the population. For example, in a number of cities for childbirth you can get the so-called capital. It is issued in the form of a one-time allowance. Documents for it are submitted together with all the above compensations.

Find out about regional payments for childbirth and children in the city administration or in a multifunctional center. For example, in Kaliningrad you can get 3,000 rubles for one child.

Maternal capital

In the Russian Federation, families with two or more children have been supporting for a long time. It is about the appointment of maternal capital. It can also be called a one-time payment, only it is made out a little differently.

At the moment, the size of the capital is 453 thousand 26 rubles. It is not issued in cash - only a certificate that can be used for certain needs. For example, to treat or educate children, as well as to improve housing conditions.

What you need to apply for a one-time child allowance

Important: the rest of the children's allowances can be spent at your discretion.

Place of registration

Where to apply for a one-time allowance in a particular case? The answer depends on the specific situation.

If we are talking about the usual lump-sum compensation awarded to a working woman, you must contact your employer. More precisely, in accounting.

Otherwise, children's payments are issued through the services of a single window or multifunctional centers, as well as the FSS. It is necessary to contact the authority at the place of registration of the applicant.

The exception is maternal capital. It is drawn up at the Pension Fund of Russia. It is possible to apply for matkapital through the MFC.

Where can I get child benefits

Main package

Documents for a one-time allowance, as already mentioned, must be collected in advance. The thing is that for some payments it is necessary to submit a request within six months from the date of delivery. So it’s worth the haste.

To issue children's payments, the following certificates are required:

  • a completed application for the appointment of compensation;
  • details of the citizen's account to which funds are to be transferred;
  • passport of the recipient of money;
  • birth certificate;
  • extract from the place of residence of the baby and parents;
  • certificate of form 24 (on the birth of the baby, issued upon registration of the newborn).

As already mentioned, if a woman early registered with the Housing Authority, she will have to supplement the indicated list with a medical certificate of the established form. But that is not all.

Form 25 from the registry office

For family

The thing is that families are complete and incomplete. If the previously indicated package of documents is supplemented with the help of form 25, a single mother can draw up benefits. But what if the family is complete?

In this case, you need to prepare:

  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • a copy of the passport of the second parent;
  • certificates from the place of work of the second legal representative of the baby about not receiving child benefits.

If the parent does not work, you will have to prove it documented. For example, by providing a certificate from the labor exchange or place of study. Some show labor books.

Important: proof of employment is usually necessary for monthly child compensation.

For mothercapital

It will be necessary to act somewhat differently if documents for a lump sum payment mean certificates necessary for maternity capital. It can be issued by both full and single-parent families. The main thing is that in the cell of society in the education there were from two children.

When applying for the appropriate funds, you need to prepare:

  • statement;
  • birth or adoption certificates;
  • passports of all family members;
  • extract from the place of residence;
  • pension insurance certificates;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce (if any);
  • stamp of death of a spouse or a court decision declaring him dead / missing.

All specified certificates are prepared along with copies. Assurances are not required.


Now it’s clear how to apply for a one-time allowance in a particular case. Typically, citizens require the above certificates to implement the task. But when it comes to regional compensation, it is better to clarify additional documentation in advance. It is possible that you will have to confirm the income of your family.

Child Benefit Application

If you prepare in advance, you can very quickly arrange children's payments, not only one-time, but also monthly. Support for families with children is guaranteed to citizens of the Russian Federation. If the documents for lump sum benefits are not fully collected, the authorized body may refuse to accept applications.


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