How to build a tank in Minecraft using a mod

Minecraft has a huge variety of tools, items, devices, vehicles and so on. Every time you think that you have reached the limit and have already done everything you could, you just need to dig a little deeper, and new spaces will appear before you. For example, if you like military equipment, then you will find it very attractive to add it to Minecraft. But at the same time, you should not think that the tanks will be already in a ready state - you will need to learn how to build a tank in Minecraft, in order to then show off to your friends.

Adding a mod

how to build a tank in minecraft

Unfortunately, in the original version of Minecraft, even after all the updates, military equipment did not appear. Therefore, you will have to add it yourself, and this is done using a special mod. He will add military equipment to the game, and you just have to find out how to build a tank in Minecraft. In fact, this is a very exciting activity, and it is somewhat reminiscent of the construction of a toy model - a hobby that every second boy had. Only here you can show your work to all your friends and those who want to look at it. Therefore, if you want to arrange a real tank division for yourself , you just need to learn about how to build a tank in Minecraft.

Creating a custom workbench

how to make a tank in minecraft

However, the creation of the tank will not have to start with him, but with a kind of assembly workshop. On a regular workbench, you can only produce parts for a tank, while you can only make a car on a special workbench, which has more cells, and it looks completely different. So, to get to how to build a tank in Minecraft, get down to creating a special workbench. To do this, you will need two bowls and four metal blocks. Immediately it is worth noting that you will need a lot of metal, so stock them in advance. Do not forget to melt blocks of material into ingots, since in its original condition you are unlikely to need it. By placing four metal ingots in a square, and two bowls above them, you can press the crafting button and a new workbench will be at your disposal. But its use should be postponed until later - to find out how to make a tank in Minecraft, you first need to build all its components.

Tank tracks

Minecraft shooting tank

As in the case of the car, where you first make the wheels, when crafting a tank, it is also recommended to start with the tracks. Only here everything will be a little more complicated, because you want to get a moving and shooting tank as a result. In "Minecraft" you can create a wide variety of sculptures, and many create their models of the tank from colored blocks. For such a mod, you will not need it, but it will not ride and shoot - it will only perform an aesthetic function. Caterpillars are needed for driving, and they will have to be created very painstakingly. The fact is that you will need as many as eight links, and each of them needs to be created separately. This is where a large supply of ingots comes in handy, because each link consists of six metal ingots. The result is forty-eight units, which is really impressive. But the result is worth it, so create tracks and proceed to the next stage, but linger for a minute if you play Minecraft 1 5 1. "How to make a tank in this version?" - the question is a little more sensitive, because it is quite old, and the mod may not be compatible with it. Therefore, before you waste a huge amount of time, check how well everything works. If you succeed, then you can proceed to create a tower.

Tank tower - main detail

minecraft 1 5 1 how to make a tank

The tower will play a key role, since it, in fact, is the body of your equipment. Here again you will have to spend a lot of iron - first to craft the barrel, and then to combine it with the tower itself, which also consists entirely of iron. If you are not ready to mine such an impressive amount of iron, and then remelt it into ingots and use for such purposes, then you better not immediately take up the tank, since it will require not only a large amount of time, but also incredible metal reserves. But if you nevertheless decided on such expenses, then craft the tracks, the tower, the cabin and proceed to the creation of the tank itself.

Final craft

Unfortunately, a tank cannot go without an engine, so get it first. The automobile, as you can immediately assume, is not suitable for the tank, and here new resources come to the rescue, which are added to the game with the installation of the modification - pistons. You will need four pistons and one iron bar to get a tank engine that you have to combine with the rest of the parts. But at the same time, in no case should you forget about the dye that will give your tank the final look. Only with it you will receive a full-fledged model that will ride, shoot, and will also become an excellent exhibit for demonstration to everyone.


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