Bird voices: who is gurgling from birds?

Little is known which birds gag. But everyone is pleased to go into a park or garden to hear the feathered birds, the loud twittering of small birds. Especially in the spring, when they begin active work on arranging their nests, breeding chicks. Without their polyphony, nature would plunge into dead silence, numb.

With their unforgettable singing, birds revive forests, meadows and parks. But each bird speaks in its own way. These sounds are diverse and unique. Next, we learn in detail how the birds "talk" among themselves: who is cracking, ringing, and who is gurgling.

The sounds that birds make

Each bird makes a sound. Ornithologists divide the entire bird vocal into long songs (trills) and short sound signals. So what kind of sounds do birds make? Nightingale, thrush - are poured, whistle, click. The singing of the Oriole consists of the sounds “fiu-liu-li” or “gi-gi-gi-gi”. Starling imitates many sounds. The Lark is ringing. The cuckoo was called so by her cry - "cuckoo." With this sound, the male attracts the female during the mating season. They say: "cuckoo cuckoo." But where did the yellow-bellied titmouse get its name?

After all, she does not have blue plumage. People noticed that a titmouse, especially in spring, pronounces “zin-zin”. In the people it is still called Zinka, zinziver. It is known that the swallow chirps, the rook shouts “gra”, the sparrow chirps, the crow croaks, the magpie rattles, the pigeon cooes, the woodpecker knocks, the eagle owl sniffs. Of the poultry: a duck - quacks, a goose - cackles, a cock - crows. Below we find out who is gurgling from birds.

who gags from birds


Before answering the question of who is gagging from birds, let's look at Dahl's explanatory dictionary and find out what the word "gurgle" means. The dictionary explains to us its meaning as “making characteristic sounds reminiscent of“ Kurly-Kurly. ” The cries of turkeys are called grunts. But sometimes they say that the turkey is kicking.

In vernacular, sometimes domestic turkeys are called kuldyks. There is a small process on the head of the turkey, which vibrates when it blows air and makes a low but loud sound. In letters, it looks like this: "kh-ul-dykh."

which birds gag


Turkeys are not the only ones who gag from birds. Cranes shout in the same way. Returning to Dahl, another interpretation of the word "grunt" is: "screaming like a crane." With its loud trumpet cry, this bird stands out among other birds' polyphony.

Crane among many nations of the world symbolizes holiness and spirituality. The ancient Egyptians considered him a bird of the sun, close to the gods and the sky. In the Caucasus, it was believed that after the death of the souls of soldiers who fell in battle, they move to cranes. It was a great sin to kill this bird. In Japan, the crane was often depicted on artistic canvases, and poets composed their haoku about it. And also in this country there is a tradition to give newlyweds (during a wedding ceremony) paper origins of “cranes” as a symbol of longevity, health, faith and peace.

Tall, thin-legged, elegant in its own way, this marsh bird has always been an inspiration for writers, poets and artists. For example, Paustovsky compared crane shouts with sonorous transfusion of water in a glass vessel.

what sounds do birds make

Signs related to cranes

So, you already know who is gurgling from birds. Cranes in Russia have always been revered. They were considered mystical birds, and many signs were associated with their appearance:

  • It was believed in antiquity that a crane wedge flying away in autumn takes the souls of the dead with it to the underworld.
  • In the spring, on the contrary, he brings the souls of unborn babies. A particularly joyful event was to meet a crane wedge in the spring. Hearing a loud croaking in the sky, the peasants ran out into the street and turned to the birds with pleas for health and well-being. Often, cranes were mentioned in ceremonial spring songs, cries.
  • It was believed that someone who first sees a crane pair in spring will marry or get married this year. And whoever meets the whole flock will be soon replenished in the family.
  • A crane wedge in the sky is a harbinger of the thaw. "It became warm, and the beetle flew in, and he says: I brought!"
  • If the cranes fly to the Nut Savior, then there will be frost on the Veil; but no, winter is later.
  • If the cranes fly off to the southern countries one by one, then be poor in crops, and if in a pack, then you should expect a rich harvest.


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