Snowdrop. The Red Book of Russia: Snowdrop

Charming and tender, surprisingly defenseless and endlessly hardy - these are all snowdrops, the very first to appear every spring on the barely thawed thaw.

snowdrop red book
The amazing fragrance and no less amazing fragile appearance of this beautiful flower, unfortunately, turned against it - enterprising merchants practically mow the spring lawns covered with galanthus, jeopardizing the very existence of this elegant beauty. Since 1981, the snowdrop is listed in the Red Book.

Tender primrose

The botanical name of the snowdrop is galanthus, harmonious and elegant, like the representative of the amaryllis family, one and a half dozen species of which are still found in the European forest open spaces of Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Chechnya and Dagestan, as well as in eastern Georgia and north-west Azerbaijan. Galanthus - the primrose, which is protected by the Red Book of Russia.

red book of Russia snowdrop

Snowdrop is a perennial and earliest flowering bulbous plant, breaking out of the ground with the first warm rays, as soon as the snow begins to melt. Each bulb throws only one straight pedicel. Dark green shiny leaves appear simultaneously with a flower similar in shape to a bell. Snow-white flowers with a green fringing, have three inner petals, surrounded by three larger ones. This unusual structure makes them unique and elegant. The plant reaches a height of 15-18 cm, abundant flowering begins in early April.

The Red Book of Russia: Snowdrop

Unfortunately, the collection of galanthus for bouquets or for trade is not the only reason affecting a significant decrease in the number and representatives of this plant. Factors leading to unpleasant consequences, causing the snowdrop to disappear, the Red Book believes:

β€’ digging bulbs by amateur gardeners,

β€’ deforestation, reducing the area on which snowdrops previously grew;

β€’ trampling or destruction of forest litter;

β€’ environmental problems of the region.

For example, in Dagestan, all species of snowdrop plants growing in the republic are threatened with extinction. The Red Book of Russia assigned galanthus the third category, which characterizes it as a rare species, which today is not threatened with extinction, but since it is already found in small numbers and in fairly limited territories, with a negative change in the habitat provoked by any natural or man-made factors, it may well disappear soon.

Snowdrop: description. Red Book and Plant Protection

The Red Book provides for the responsibility of the country in whose territory endangered species grow, therefore, the implementation of protective measures, such as prohibitions on the sale of rare plants, the creation of reserves and reserves, as well as their cultivation, should bring results.

red book of Russia plants snowdrop

I would like to believe that it will be possible to maintain the galanthus population, because the Red Book of Russia is engaged in its protection. Plants, including snowdrops, including those under protection, must not be plucked, sold, etc. Selection surveys for the cultivation of many rare species are carried out constantly, and the cultivation of snowdrops is welcomed among gardeners. For the propagation of galanthus in its own suburban area, you should know about its preferences and developmental features.

Cultivation agricultural

Snowdrop is unpretentious. Growing under a canopy of forest trees and shrubs, it has long adapted to tolerate partial shade perfectly, but it also feels no worse in open spaces. Excellent winter hardiness and endurance to changes in spring temperatures make it possible for gardeners to plant it in various parts of the garden. You just need to know that it will grow better on loose and well-drained, humus or compost fertilized soil. It is worth adding sand to heavy clay soils. But the stagnation of groundwater will not allow the snowdrop to successfully take root.

snowdrop is listed in the red book

Garden propagation welcomes the Red Book of Russia. Plants - snowdrop, crocus and other bulbs - are planted as a general rule: to a depth corresponding to two bulbs. Usually, snowdrops adjust the depth of planting themselves. If they are too deep, they form a new onion at the peduncle going up at the right distance from the soil surface. With a shallow arrangement in the soil, the bulbs become smaller, but children quickly form.

About the choice of planting material

It is better to buy bulbs in July-September, and to plant in the fall. At this time, the plant is at rest. When buying, you need to pay attention to the condition of the planting material. Bulbs should be tight to the touch, with preserved shells, without mechanical damage and putrefactive manifestations. If they have regrown roots and stems, then this will require an early planting. Small cuts (dried and unaffected by mold) on the scales of the bulb are acceptable, but there should be no damage to the bottom. Planting material with a cut top, but not damaged by the bottom, is considered viable. It is not worthwhile to purchase beaten or wrinkled bulbs - they may have internal damage or foci of decay. It is impossible to grow a good snowdrop from such planting material. The Red Book does not give recommendations on the cultivation of species, only determines the status and territory of growth. The most favorable conditions will be for breeding exactly where the natural range is located.

snowdrop red book description

Galanthus bulbs do not tolerate prolonged drying. No need to keep them outdoors for more than a month. If the planting time has not yet arrived, then the bulbs must be, sprinkled with sawdust or small shavings, removed in a cotton bag or perforated plastic bag. Shelf life will last for 2-3 months.

Top dressing

While the snowdrop is actively growing, it needs liquid top dressing of inorganic potassium phosphate fertilizers without nitrogen, which can cause excessive leaf growth. Potassium is needed for the formation of healthy winter-hardy bulbs, and phosphorus is needed for flowering. Active growth requires a lot of water. Usually in early spring watering is not needed, but if suddenly the spring is dry, then the grower will have to provide the plant with moisture. Watering small onions is not burdensome - they are very resistant to drought and will not die, but will be low. After flowering, snowdrops do not need care until the end of the season.

red book snowdrop

So, the burdensome care of caring for an unpretentious and rare flower will bring joy to gardeners and save a snowdrop. The Red Book is needed as a document controlling its protection.


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