Making a wooden shower

Many of us rush out of town in the summer heat, especially if we have our own land. Rest in the shade of trees, swimming in a river, the ability to sunbathe and barbecue - this is a set of activities that have become traditional for summer residents. However, such a pastime will be incomplete if you do not have the opportunity to take a shower at the end of such a busy day. And then the question arises: where to do it? You can offer such a convenient and practical solution as a wooden shower. If you are interested in this option, read on.

Wooden shower
Where is it better to install a wooden shower ?

The convenience of operating a shower cabin completely depends on the correct selection of a suitable place. The best option would be to place where there is usually no drafts or wind, as this can cause a cold after a shower. An ideal place would be where there is plenty of sunlight. It is worth remembering that a wooden shower should have a territory for draining water, there should not be any obstacles to this.

Important points

Regarding the drain pit, you must decide for yourself whether to do it or not. The main reason for its creation is the large number of people who will take a shower. If the number of people is 2-3, then a pit is not required. With a larger number of people it is worth building it. In this case, there will be enough volume of 2-3 cubic meters. It is better not to place a wooden shower near a gazebo or other rest facility. This is due to the fact that in the stagnant waters very often midges and mosquitoes appear. Such a shower does not require a sewer system, since the water consumption in it is quite small. The wooden grill, which serves as a stand, can be sanded, after which it should be impregnated with a special composition.

Wooden shower for a summer residence
Wooden shower for a summer residence is easy enough to build. However, it does not take so much time and effort. In modern construction stores, all the necessary materials and tools are presented. Here we can note the following stages of construction. First you need to make a pallet, which is then lined with roofing material. You can concrete it. It is worth making a shower to give at least a meter per meter. After that, a drain hole is made , which is located a few meters from the shower. Around it will need to make drainage, and its walls - to strengthen. From the cab to the drain pit, it will be necessary to organize a drain, and its gutter should be made of waterproof materials. The gutter with the pallet must be connected by means of special fasteners. Lighting should be near the shower, but not inside for security reasons. A tank for collecting water should be installed on top.

Around the drain pit it is quite appropriate to plant shrubs or plants that love water. They can quickly take all the moisture out of the ground, preventing decay processes, which will prevent unpleasant odors from appearing.

To give
The walls of the soul are lined with wood. This material is the best option due to its properties. You will be pleased to wash in such a shower.


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