How do hares winter? Their habitats, feeding habits

Seasonal changes occurring in inanimate nature have a significant impact on the life of plants and animals. To a greater extent, these changes concern the living conditions of wild animals. Winter is the time of year when it is especially difficult for the inhabitants of forests, steppes, ponds. During this period, for survival, they need to adapt to difficult environmental conditions. Many of them are specially preparing for the winter.

How do hares meet the cold season?

We can say that in the life of rabbits there is no period that can be characterized as preparation for winter. The animal does not build shelters, nests, does not organize beds in advance. He does not make food supplies for the winter. The hare does not need to do this beforehand, as he will find everything he needs for himself in his habitat at any time of the year and under any weather conditions.

how hares winter
The only thing connected with the preparation of the hare in the life of a hare is its molting. It begins in September and ends in October, and in some cases in November. In this case, the color of the coat changes. In winter, a hare in the forest is invisible to predators and hunters due to the fact that its fur coat acquires a white color. The fur becomes thicker and longer, which saves the animal from severe frosts.

Types of hares and their habitats

Before giving an answer to the question of how hares hibernate, it is necessary to know exactly what kind they are in question. In Russia, two species are most common - grouse and white hare. They live in different conditions, so their habits are excellent. The life of rabbits in winter will not be exactly the same.

hare in the forest
Mermaid prefer open places - meadows, fields, steppes. Only occasionally do they visit coppices and orchards.

The hare lives most often in mixed forests, where there are thickets of aspen, willow. Sedge growing in marshy places also attracts hares of this species. The whites that live in the tundra are usually found in bushes. In the forest-steppe, hares are inhabited by spikes - small forest areas.

How do hares winter?

Both species arrange stays in winter. These are secluded places where they spend the entire daylight hours. Hares usually lie under some kind of shelter - a bush, a snow mark, a woodpile, a fence, in a hole, a ravine. During a snowfall or blowing snow, the animal sweeps with snow and it becomes invisible. It is in such weather that the hare is most protected: the tracks disappeared under the snow, and he himself is not visible. With the onset of darkness, the animal goes to feed, because at this time of day the hare also feels more secure.

where does the hare winter
Between the den and the place of lodging, you can see clear traces of the animal on fresh snow. It is on them that hunters and predatory animals track the hare. But to do this is not so easy. Returning from the place of feeding to the bed, the animal confuses the tracks. To do this, he winds, makes big jumps to the side, passes through the same place several times.

What do animals eat in winter?

From the footsteps, you can not only determine the location of a brown or white hare, but also find out how hares winter. For example, it was noticed that at the very beginning of winter, when there is still not a lot of snow, both species live near fields with winter crops. It is here that they feed on young shoots of rye and wheat.

winter hare life
Hares have to change their habitat as snow cover increases. In the fields it is no longer possible to find enough food. Animals choose less snowy areas. Rusak moves closer to gardens, gardens, cottages. Here, animals, eating the bark of fruit trees, cause considerable damage to the plantings. Young saplings suffer especially from the teeth of a hare.

In the forest, where the white hare overwinter, enough food until spring. Animals feed on bark and branches of deciduous trees and shrubs, frozen berries, dried grass. On the mowing, they eat hay harvested for pets, which also cause certain harm.

How do rabbits escape from enemies in winter?

Talking about how the hares winter, we must not forget that a small animal often becomes the prey of animals such as a wolf, a fox. He also has to hide from birds of prey. What helps the hare to cope with such strong opponents? This is primarily his ability to run. The soles of the paws of the animal in winter are covered with thick wool, which makes its foot wide and allows you to easily move even on loose snow without falling through. The hare’s finger pads liberally sweat, which prevents snow from sticking. The animal moves freely both in deep snow and on ice - ice crust formed on the surface of the snow cover.

Hares have very strong hind legs. Thanks to their special structure, animals can perform large jumps during movement. In addition, by hitting the hind legs, the animal is able to fight off the predator. The fast running of the animal, its strong legs not only help him in search of food, but very often save him from his pursuers.


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