Experiments with a magnet for preschoolers: stages, purpose, results

Children are very inquisitive and, wondering at something, are ready to find out the reasons for the miracle. Parents should take advantage of these features to begin introducing science, including restless, to their child. Especially in children, experiments and experiments are successful. Remember that children are always interested in developing activities in the form of a game, and each parent can make a plan scenario.

experiments with a magnet

The article has prepared a selection of the most simple, but informative experiments with a minimum of necessary props: you will need a magnet and a few more things that can be found in absolutely any apartment. Experiments with a magnet for preschoolers can be carried out at home or demonstrate properties in nature.

At what age will a child understand experiments with a magnet?

In general, teachers do not make restrictions: the properties of a magnet are shown in kindergarten and in school. Babies perceive magnetism as real magic, older children through experiments with a magnet more deeply learn the phenomena occurring in the world around them. During the experimental studies, curiosity develops and the child’s mental activity is activated. Therefore, it is unnecessary to worry that the child will not understand the essence of the experiment. The development of cognitive interests is also a good goal of experience with a magnet. And when the baby grows to new knowledge, you can repeat the lesson and explain the causes of the occurring phenomena.

Experience 1: what attracts a magnet

Carrying out an experiment with a magnet is easy to organize. You will need several experimental materials - light and familiar to the baby. For instance:

  • handkerchief;
  • paper napkin;
  • pencil;
  • nut;
  • penny;
  • a piece of foam;
  • pencil, etc.

And, of course, a magnet. Invite the child to bring a magnet to each exhibit and observe.

This experience can be expanded using products from various metals: aluminum, gold, silver, nickel and iron. Through experience, you can explain the characteristics of metals, showing how iron differs from others.

conducting an experiment with a magnet

Be sure to disassemble the results of the experiment with a magnet. Children absorb knowledge like a sponge, so you should not be afraid to “load” the baby with unnecessary information. It is at this age that the ability to learn and the desire to learn new things are laid.

Experience 2: “Find the treasure in the desert”

A very easy experience with a magnet for children in the form of a game. Put paperclips or other iron small objects in the container, cover them with flour or semolina. Invite the child to think about how to get the treasure. Sift? To the touch? Or maybe a magnet is more convenient?

This experiment will help children understand that magnetism acts on iron objects and through other materials, such as paper and glass.

Paste paper clips on a cardboard or wooden sheet and, moving a magnet under the material, demonstrate the movement of the iron parts. The same experience can also be done with a sheet of glass. For example, on a regular coffee table with a glass top, put some iron objects and drive a magnet from below.

Conclusion: a magnet can magnetize iron through paper of different densities, a thick board or glass.

By the way, experience can be turned into another game. Make an application on a piece of paper, for example, a flower meadow. Cut out a butterfly from colored paper, fix a paper clip on it and, moving the magnet from the back, “transplant” the butterfly from one flower to another.

experiment goal with magnet

Test 3: magnet, water and magnetic field

Amazing children seem to experiment with water. Take a glass from transparent plastic or glass, lower the paper clips there and start to drive the magnet along the glass wall. Objects from the water will "creep" up behind the movement of the magnet.

Another experiment is the action of a magnet at a distance. Draw on a sheet of paper at different line distances. Put a paper clip on each one. Ask the child to analyze how far the magnet acts, bringing it closer to the experimental materials.

A magnet shows its strength only at a certain distance from the subject. When the distance between the subject and the magnet is significant, the subject is out of scope. Thus, it is possible to reduce the magnetic force or even neutralize it.

This phenomenon can be shown with a coin. Tie it with thread, stick the thread to the cardboard and lay it on the table. Bring the magnet to the coin at a distance of one meter. Move the magnet closer to the coin until the coin begins to move. Measure the distance with a ruler. Bring the magnet even closer so that the coin is pulled to it. Measure again. When the magnet is within the line, it attracts a coin. But when the magnet is out of line, the coin remains in place.

magnet test results

Thus, you can explain the concept of a magnetic field and its properties, and then show. Usually the magnetic field is invisible, but with the help of metal chips you can demonstrate its boundaries. Pour metal sawdust onto a sheet of paper or glass, hold the magnet on the back side - the chips will gather in a three-dimensional pattern. This is the influence of the magnetic field, which can be seen by applying a magnet also from the bottom of the sheet under the area occupied by the sawdust on the sheet. The chips will be located along the lines of the field.

Magnetic field “dampens” sand

Another experiment on this property is with sand. Dip the needle in a glass and pour a little sand into it. Bring the magnet to the walls of the glass - the needle does not respond to the magnet. Now put the needle in a glass of water and do the same with the magnet. The needle will follow the magnet to the edges of the glass.

experiments with a magnet for preschoolers

Explain that a magnetic field penetrates water. If the walls of the glass consisted of some kind of magnetic material, then the needle would still be attracted to the magnet, but not with such force. The magnetic field would be weakened by the walls of the glass.

Experience 4: conductor magnet

A magnet can transfer attractive properties through iron. For this experiment you will need a strong magnet. Actions are best done vertically. Hang a paper clip to the magnet, and the next one to it. Ask your child to help you by attaching the “links” to the magnetic circuit.

By an almost similar experiment, it can be shown that a magnetic field is easily created artificially. Remove the magnet from the chain of clips, if you later bring them to each other, then they will begin to attract, as if the magnet worked. This is because the atoms in an iron object under the influence of a magnetic field line up in the same row as in a magnet, temporarily acquiring its properties.

Experience 5: Compass

You can demonstrate the effect of the Earth's magnetic field. To do this, you need a compass, a needle and a transparent plate. Explain all stages of conducting an experiment with a magnet.

Hold the needle for a few minutes on a magnet, then apply oil to it and dip it in a bowl of water. The needle will begin to move until it freezes in one position. Bring the compass to the plate, if the device is working, its arrow will show the same direction as the magnetized needle.

Tell your child that the Earth is also a magnet. And the planet’s magnetic field directs the compass’s magnetic needle to the north.

An experiment with a compass can be carried out in nature - so exciting and even more informative. Of course, determining the direction in this way will not be very convenient, but interesting. Thus, you will demonstrate an example of the “magical” properties of familiar objects that can replace a compass on a trip.

Miracle Magnet

Not only experiments with a magnet are interesting, but also a short story about it. Show your child that there are magnets in many things: telephones, computers, cabinets, etc. Magnets are used in cars, electric motors, musical equipment, toys, etc. Tell your child:

  1. The origin of the magnet.
  2. About magnets in the solar system.
  3. About natural and artificial magnets.

stages of the experiment with a magnet

A cognitive lesson can be held before the experiments, during the experiments or after revealing all the secrets. We will help you a little, however, our material is easy to supplement and expand.

What is a magnet?

This is a body that can attract iron and steel objects. Known for a long time, even the ancient Chinese more than two thousand years ago knew about magnets. Magnet - from the name of the region where the magnetic deposits were discovered - Magnesia. This is in Asia Minor.

We have already said that the Earth is a magnet, add also that in man there is also a magnetic field. Tell us about people who attract iron objects. There are many videos and photos with examples on the Internet. The magnetic field in a person makes his energetic shell visible through special equipment.

If you told a child about a galaxy, then the fact that the planets in the solar system are also giant magnets will seem interesting to him.

experience with a magnet for children

Tell your child about the types of magnet. There are natural - deposits of magnetic ores - and artificial - created by man from magnetically hard materials or using electric current.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22731/

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