Details on how to craft a leash in Minecraft

Today we’ll talk about how to craft a leash in Minecraft. This item is incredibly useful, because thanks to it we can create our own livestock farm.

Instruction manual

how to craft a leash
In this section, we will describe in detail how to craft a leash (1. 5. 2. and other versions of the game). We emphasize once again that this subject is useful for housekeeping. With it, you can translate animals, bypassing various obstacles and ponds.

In order to decide how to craft a leash, we will need the following ingredients: 4 strands and a clot of mucus. It is impossible to create these components, so we go in search of them. We get the thread, destroying spiders. We can also do otherwise. We go to one of the abandoned mines, look for a web there and cut it with a sword or scissors. A thread is also often found in treasuries. We proceed to the extraction of the next ingredient, destroy small slugs. You can meet them in the swamps. Thus we obtain the necessary clot of mucus. As soon as we have all the components, we place them accordingly in the crafting window. We fill two cells on the left in the first row horizontally with threads. Next, use the mucus. We put it in the central cell of the second horizontal row. We put the thread to the right of the mucus. We proceed to fill the third horizontal row. Put the thread in the cell on the right. All is ready.


how to craft a leash 1 5 2
So we figured out how to craft a leash, but you need to understand how to use this item with maximum efficiency. First of all, take it in your hand. Next, right-click on the animal (cat, sheep, horse, chicken, wolf, cow, pig) and put a leash on it. This item may tear or fall out. This often happens if the character is far from tamed cattle. Similarly, a leash is worn on created snow and iron golems.


how to craft a horse leash
The instructions given are suitable for different animals. Thus, we now know how to craft a leash for a horse, but it still needs to be found. It should be noted that we are talking about friendly and very useful creatures. They will be useful for exploring the area, as well as long-distance travel. Horses are more elaborate than other creatures in the game. Thanks to this, they can perform various actions: eat grass, swing their tail, stand on their hind legs, expressing dissatisfaction. These animals can be found on the plains. This type of territory is one of the most common in the game. A plain is a relatively flat surface on which, however, rare hills with tall grass can be found. There are practically no trees here. Sometimes there are ravines, ponds and canyons, so you need to move carefully. Finding horses in such conditions is quite simple. First you need to go around the territory around the perimeter, however, if it was not possible to find the desired animals, we move in a spiral, reducing circles. That's all, now we know how to craft a leash and where to find an animal to tame it.


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