Citizenship of Uzbekistan: conditions of registration and reasons for refusal, necessary documents, terms of receipt, dual citizenship

The last 20 years in sunny Uzbekistan there have been many positive changes in both the economy and politics. Now even this republic has become attractive for immigrants who want a quiet and measured life in a country where the climate is mild.

Pros and Cons of Relocation

Despite the fact that the republic is a developing state, there is a certain percentage of foreigners wishing to obtain citizenship of Uzbekistan. After all, there is a mild climate, inexpensive real estate and life. The country has decent retirement benefits and always formal employment.

There are a lot of natural resources, so industrial enterprises are developing rapidly. America, Japan, and some Western European countries invest in the republic, so it’s easy to find a job. Almost the entire population knows Russian.

But despite the many advantages, there are also disadvantages. Firstly, it is a developing country, therefore, even in comparison with the Russian Federation, the standard of living of the local population is somewhat lower. Secondly, it is an Islamic country, so at first it’s a little difficult for Christians here. Thirdly, the "manners" of the authorities were still Soviet, perhaps not fully, but nevertheless, some representatives of the authorities are not very happy with foreigners, especially emigrants.

But against the background of the long friendship of Uzbekistan and Russia, if you go to the republic for a period of up to two months, then no additional documents are required, and if for a longer time, you will have to issue a residence permit. By the way, this document gives all the benefits of citizens of the country to its owner, with the exception of the right to vote.

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Ways to obtain citizenship

Before you get the right to apply for citizenship of Uzbekistan, you need to apply for a residence permit and enter the country legally. The following reasons may be the purpose of arrival:

  • employment in the country;
  • conducting business activities;
  • investments;
  • connection with relatives who live in the republic and are its citizens;
  • marriage with a citizen of the country;
  • study;
  • obtaining refugee status;
  • membership in a religious denomination, provided that this organization has accreditation in the territory of the republic;
  • Volunteering in the framework of international programs.

Upon arrival in the country, a person must register and obtain a residence permit. The first time it is issued for a period of 12 months, then it should be extended.

The most common ways to obtain citizenship

First of all, obtaining citizenship of Uzbekistan to a citizen of Russia or another state can be through employment. Due to the rapid development of industry in the country, there is a serious shortage of technical specialists. Therefore, local employers are eager to hire foreigners, helping them to obtain citizenship in the future.

Ample opportunities in the country are presented for beginner businessmen. The main thing is that the office is located in the country. You can invest in the state, although this is quite an expensive pleasure. To date, to accelerate the procedure for obtaining citizenship, it will be necessary to invest at least 300 thousand US dollars in the country's economy.

A reduced term for obtaining citizenship is also provided for cases when a person moves to the republic with his relatives or with his spouse. In these cases, you can claim citizenship after three years.

Where to go and what documents are required?

In fact, obtaining a residence permit is the first step to obtaining citizenship of Uzbekistan, so it is important that the documents are prepared carefully. It is necessary to contact the police department at the place where the arrived person registered. The main package of documents consists of the following:

  • an application in the prescribed form, the form of which is issued at the Department of Internal Affairs;
  • birth certificate;
  • passport of a citizen of a foreign state;
  • foreign passport, the validity of which should not be less than one year;
  • 4 photos (size 3.5 X 4.5);
  • a certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record;
  • a certificate confirming registration at the place of temporary residence;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • a certificate from a medical institution about a medical examination and the presence or absence of socially dangerous pathologies.

According to Uzbek laws, documents and applications must be considered no more than 2 weeks.

In addition to these papers, you will have to pay the state fee. Its size this year does not exceed 40 US dollars. If the residence permit is extended, then the state duty is reduced by half.


Permanent Resident Status

How to get citizenship of Uzbekistan? The next step is registration of the status of a permanent resident of the state.

It is already possible to apply with the relevant application after one year after receiving a temporary residence permit. It is necessary to come to ATC too. The package of documents is the same as during the initial application, but you will additionally have to receive confirmation that for the period of stay in the country the person has not violated the law of Uzbekistan and confirm the constant and official income. The main thing is that earnings allow you to live in the country without receiving government subsidies.

Consideration of the application lasts no more than 30 days. The maximum term for which the applicant can count is 5 years. In the status of a permanent resident of the country, you can live no more than 15 years, then you will either have to leave the state or obtain citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

If we are talking about people whose age is 60 years or more, then they become permanent residents of the country on an unlimited basis and are not required to obtain citizenship.

Exceptions to the Rules

Despite the fact that according to the current legislation of the country, for obtaining citizenship of Uzbekistan it is necessary to live at least five years in the status of a permanent resident, and there are exceptions to this rule.

The category of persons whose applications may be considered before the end of the five-year period includes:

  • specialists of unique professions that the country needs;
  • scientists;
  • large investors;
  • figures of art;
  • Athletes who play for the Uzbek team but have a different citizenship.

Simply put, the government of the country approaches the issue of reducing the time for obtaining citizenship is very pragmatic, as, indeed, most countries in the world.

president of the country

Renunciation of citizenship of Uzbekistan

If you decide to leave the republic, then it is mandatory to refuse citizenship of Uzbekistan. And there is a good reason for this - if you want to enter the republic with a passport of another country, problems can arise. In extreme cases, it is necessary to have a document on hand confirming the initiation of the renunciation of citizenship procedure. Second citizenship is strictly prohibited in the country. Although in practice it is practically impossible to obtain confirmation of a refusal, at least all documents should be submitted to begin the procedure.

It is necessary to apply with the corresponding application to the department of the OVViOG at the Department of Internal Affairs, in extreme cases, to the consulate in the new country of residence. The applicant must personally contact the relevant authorities.

Before applying, you should definitely leave the place of residence in Uzbekistan and register with the consular authorities in the new country of residence.

Residence permit in Uzbekistan

Sample list of documents

If the renunciation of citizenship of Uzbekistan is made in the republic itself, then depending on the territory of residence the package of required documents may differ, therefore, before applying it should be requested. The consulate such a list is shorter, but you need to be prepared for large queues, especially if it comes to Russia.

Sample list of documents:

  • petition in the established form;
  • application form;
  • compiled autobiography in any form;
  • copy of the passport of a citizen of the republic;
  • copy of birth certificate;
  • copy of documents on the conclusion and / or dissolution of marriage;
  • copies of educational documents starting with school certificate;
  • four photographs format 3.5 X 4.5 centimeters.

For persons liable for military service and pensioners, copies of certificates are provided. You will also need to take a certificate from the place of work, where the salary and position of the applicant will be indicated. In the absence of work, you will have to take a certificate from the unemployment committee.

how to move to the country

Additional requirements

In addition, you will have to document the following facts:

  • deregistration at the place of residence;
  • lack of debt for utility bills;
  • lack of tax debts and mandatory fees.

It will be necessary to draw up a notarized consent of close relatives about the renunciation of the applicant’s citizenship. Their circle includes parents, children, spouses, sister and brothers. It doesn’t matter, relatives are citizens of the republic or other countries. The main thing is that such a statement should include consent specifically to withdraw from citizenship of Uzbekistan, and not to leave the country.

You will also need to pay a state fee for considering the application and submit a supporting document on payment.

Officials have three weeks to verify the submitted documents. After that, a certificate is issued stating that the application has been accepted. The process of renunciation of citizenship itself takes at least 1 year.

It should also be remembered that the application is not a reason for an urgent departure from the country.

As a rule, the consulate is much shorter than the list of documents, you do not need to provide proof of payment of utility bills, certificates of employment and so on. You will only have to provide a copy of the departure sheet, the notarial consent of the relatives, the questionnaire, an autobiography, a statement, photographs and a copy of the existing passport.

Relocation to Russia

To obtain Russian citizenship, citizens of Uzbekistan can use the simplified procedure. Its difference from the standard one is that with a simplified application, the applicant is not required to obtain a residence permit. Although it is mandatory to submit documents confirming the rejection of citizenship of Uzbekistan.

Uzbeks are entitled to use the simplified method of obtaining citizenship in the following cases:

  • if they lived on the territory of the RSFSR until 12.21.1991;
  • have relatives in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Persons who studied in Russia after 2002;
  • if a spouse lives in Russia;
  • persons who have a USSR passport and were born on the territory of the Russian Federation.

There are a number of categories of people who live on the territory of Uzbekistan and citizenship of the Russian Federation can be obtained on preferential terms.

Petitions from them are considered within three months.

RF and Uzbekistan

Loss of citizenship of the republic

There are a number of reasons for the loss of citizenship of the republic at the initiative of the state:

  • if a person got a job in the state authorities of a foreign state;
  • if the person has been living outside the republic for three years and does not register with the consulate;
  • in the process of obtaining citizenship, fake documents were submitted;
  • in case of acquisition of citizenship of another state;
  • if a person has caused damage to the republic or its inhabitants.

By and large, the grounds for the loss of citizenship of Uzbekistan and Russia are almost the same, as well as the consequences. So, having lost citizenship, the former citizen of the republic will not be able to vote, get a job in state bodies, and lose medical and social benefits.

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Children's issues

Obtaining citizenship by minors does not fundamentally differ from that for adults. After the onset of 16 years, young people must independently express a desire to obtain citizenship, although parents or legal representatives will still submit documents for it before the age of 18.


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