Petralona Cave (Greece): description

There is one peculiar cave located on the Greek peninsula of Halkidiki. Most likely, this attraction is the most interesting in these places, not counting Athos.

What is remarkable Petralona? The fact that it is one of the most beautiful and largest caves in Greece. The fact that in these places were found the remains of the oldest man in Europe!

This unique historical place can be found closer by reading our article.

Cave of Petralon

About archaeological finds

The cave of Petralona in Greece became famous throughout the world for the fact that one of the inhabitants of the village of Petralona found here the remains of the oldest man in Europe. This happened in 1960 on September 16th. Studies have shown that the age of an archanthropus (Homo erectus) is more than 700,000 years! The remains were found at the traces of the outbreak, which is also a rather surprising fact - this is direct evidence of the use of fire by ancient people.

The cave itself was discovered by Philip Cazaridis, a resident of the village of Petralona, โ€‹โ€‹even earlier - in 1959. More serious anthropological and archaeological research was conducted under the direction of Aris Pulianos, a famous professor of anthropology. Since 1965, many discoveries have been made.

In addition to archaeological values, the cave of Petralona became famous for its fabulous miraculous beauties. It is adorned with stalactites and stalagmites created by a witch-nature.

Among the fossils, researchers found the remains of bears, lions, rhinos, hyenas, elephants, panthers, bison, elephants, Pleistocene megacerin (deer family). Also, skeletons of 25 species of birds, 17 species of bats and 16 species of rodents were found here. Surprising fact, but some remains are approximately 5 million years old!

Halkidiki (Cave of Petralon)


Petralona cave is located in Greece, on the peninsula of Halkidiki. This historic place is located near the village. Petralons, 55 kilometers from Thessaloniki. In 19 kilometers there is another settlement - the village of Dionisio.

The cave will be interesting to visit not only for adults, but also for children. It is located on Mount Katsika (western slope), at an altitude of more than 270 meters above sea level.

Cave of Petralon (Halkidiki): description

This amazing natural structure has karst origin.

The length of the Petralona cave is approximately 2 km. To enter it in 1974, a 100-meter tunnel was built at the old natural entrance, passing through a mountain slope that was eroded by winds. On both sides of the aisle there are display cases containing ancient bone and stone tools, jaws, bones and teeth of animals, the remains of which were found here.

In the cave, the temperature always remains constant throughout the year - +17 ยฐ .All the halls with surprisingly bizarre, created by nature itself, stalagmites, stalactites and stalagnates are of interest to tourists.

Petralona Cave (Greece)

To go all the way and explore the cave of Petralon, you need to bring warm clothes, especially for children.

The famous Anthropological Museum is located near the cave, which housed ancient outlandish artifacts found during large-scale archaeological excavations in its halls. There are animal sculptures in front of the museum, which will become an interesting backdrop for photographs.

It should be noted that the skull of that very ancient man is in the museum, but, unfortunately, not in the local, but in Thessaloniki, at the University of Aristotle. The Petralona Museum has just a dummy.

Anyone who wants to visit these places can easily get to the cave of Petralona.

How to get there

You can get to the cave yourself using your own car or taxi (to Petralona from the village of Dionisio Paralia, the fare is about 30 euros).

Every traveler who has come to Greece can see these places with his own eyes. Any hotel offers excursion tickets, as this is one of the most famous attractions. The entrance to the cave can be reached by train, tickets for which are sold in a souvenir shop located at the parking lot. Ticket price - 1 euro. A couple of kilometers to the cave itself is an amazingly scenic road.

For cars, parking is provided here, from which it is very close to the cave, while it is not necessary to go to the cave by a steam train, you can walk on foot.

Cave of Petralon: how to get there

In conclusion about the excursion to the cave

Petralona Cave is open for tourists from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily in the summer. Since 2012, you can make a fascinating journey for free. Guided tours are conducted in small groups every 30 minutes as they fill, the viewing time is 20-30 minutes.

Depending on the prevailing linguistic composition of the group about the cave guides talk in Greek or English. It is officially forbidden to take photos inside the cave, but sometimes the guides themselves offer those who wish to take pictures.


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