Water Tanks: Overview, Dimensions, Applications

It is very difficult to do without a water tank at any summer cottage, especially if the regular water supply is irregular or does not exist at all. The benefits of such tanks are obvious - this is a stable supply of water, as they say, in case of emergency.

The variety of water storage tanks in today's market is impressive. But not all tanks cope with their task and are made in proper quality. So there is something to understand here.

So, we present to your attention an overview of water tanks. Consider the main types and types of tanks, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the appropriateness of the purchase in a particular case.

Volume of the tank

If there is at least some water supply on the territory of the site, then you should not get carried away with large volumes, because the water simply becomes moldy as unnecessary and will have to be poured. The most serious option to consider in this case is a 1000 liter water tank. If strong interruptions in water supply are not observed, and the site is not so large, then 200 or even 100 liters will be enough.

water tank

In the case when the water source is quite far away, and there is a lot of landing space, it makes sense to take more capacious containers for water. In hardware stores you can find options for 2000, 3000 and 5000 liters. Naturally, such volumes will cost much more expensive.

Tank shape

Universal options are considered square water tanks. For them, you can always find a place in some corner, put one on the other or connect together. The same can be said of rectangular tanks. Both that and others are presented in the market in a wide assortment.

water tank shape

Square or rectangular tanks are used both as containers for drinking water, and for watering beds or showers. Due to the variety presented, the cost of such tanks is noticeably lower than products of other forms.

Rounded containers for drinking water are no longer used, but they are mainly intended for the organization of other summer cottage needs. Tanks are installed, as a rule, on a special podium and, due to natural pressure, organize a local water supply system.


Water tanks can be made of different materials. The scope of the tank will largely depend on them: technical, domestic, or it will be a universal option. You should immediately warn that all materials have their own qualitative gradation, so many tanks, it would seem, with the same composition can dramatically differ in price.

Stainless steel

This is the most noble material for a summer cottage, which meets all household / food standards. Most often, tanks come in the form of tanks or small barrels.

stainless steel water tank

Corrosion-proof tanks are used, as a rule, for drinking water, because it is simply impractical to store liquid for technical needs in such an expensive tank.


Plastic containers for water - this is the most practical and also inexpensive option for a summer residence. Tanks are lightweight and easy to install, so one person can handle the installation in place.

plastic tank

In plastic containers for water, you can store any liquid, both technical and drinking. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the marking of plastic. There are special tanks for domestic and technical needs.

In addition, plastic tanks can be of various shapes and sizes, ranging from 5-liter canisters to 200-liter engines. But both of them are afraid of direct sunlight, so you need to take care in advance that there is a natural or artificial shadow at the installation site.

Metal tanks

Metal containers for water, due to their low cost and simplicity of design, are suitable for any technical needs. Household liquids cannot be stored in them, because bare metal is not protected in any way and is subject to corrosion.

metal tank

Metal tanks are noticeably less durable than other types of tanks, but they cost a mere penny. Some summer residents even completely independently weld tanks from used sheets, and they last for two or three seasons.

It’s almost impossible to meet large, as well as voluminous metal tanks for sale, because massive tanks are simply unprofitable to sell or to make yourself. The most common options are tanks for 100-200 liters.

Assignment of tanks

All tanks can be divided into several categories. The type of container and the material from which it is made will depend on the type of liquid. We will not consider simple portable options, but we will pay attention only to capital summer cottages.

Drinking water

It is better not to save here, because health is more expensive than an extra couple of hundred rubles. Drinking water requires a good stainless steel tank. It is best to place it in the shade and as close to home as possible. On sale you can find special containers already equipped with a tap or outlet for hoses.

drinking water tank

If you buy a solid tank without technical holes, then subsequent welding of the taps can damage the coating, and the water in the tank will deteriorate. Therefore, there is also no need for excessive savings.


Water flowing from the roof of the house can be an excellent option for subsequent watering of beds. For such purposes, both plastic and metal tanks are perfect. If you do not want to organize a whole system of drains for the tank, then it is better to take a tank with an enlarged neck or you will have to take care of buying a special funnel.

Storage capacity

Tanks in this direction will come in handy somewhere near the greenhouse. After each serious watering, the liquid is filled into tanks, which is much easier than wearing watering cans or buckets. The shape of the tanks can be any, but many summer residents prefer rounded containers made of plastic.


For this case, it is better to purchase an inexpensive stainless steel. Tanks for drinking water are made of thick plate and are equipped, as a rule, with special outlets. Thin stainless steel is quite enough here. This will allow noticeably faster heating of the liquid.

shower tank

For shower cabins, mainly square or rectangular designs are used. Both the local water supply and rainwater can serve as a source of filling the tank. In the latter case, it is necessary to equip the entrance with an expansion funnel.

Plastic or metal tanks are not suitable for these needs. The metal will become unusable too quickly due to the frequent change of water, and the plastic will simply melt in direct sunlight. Of course, you can buy a heat-resistant and reinforced version, but a decent volume and good quality will cost much more than stainless steel.


Almost all sensible and capacious containers for giving are self-sufficient. That is, the design provides a tap or bends for plumbing. On sale you can find a lot of special options, for example, for showers or greenhouse needs. They already have all the necessary canopies, and you just have to install the tank in place.

Speaking of the place of installation. You need to take care of it in advance. First of all, you choose the installation site and think over the water supply system, and only then you select the necessary capacity that will meet these requirements.

If you doubt the volume of the future tank, it is best to take in reserve. There is never enough water. If on ordinary days you have, for example, an excess of drinking water, then you can always water the beds with the rest, but when relatives and other guests arrive at the cottage, then the lack of it will be felt more than ever.

If you plan to organize your own water supply system with the help of such tanks, then there is no need to invent a bicycle and make some complex multi-story structures. You can find an intelligent specialist in this area who will tell you how best to do everything. They will take a little for the consultation, because they rely mainly on subsequent installation services. The received competent advice will help to save not only on tanks and plumbing, but also save your nerves.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22759/

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