Gardening Secrets: Gooseberry Planting in Autumn

Gooseberries are planted in the fall and spring. However, planting young bushes in open ground is still preferable in the autumn. This should not be done in the spring, especially in those regions where late frosts are often observed. In addition, the root system of a gooseberry planted in autumn is more likely to take root. The plant adapts well and manages to grow strong enough to survive the cold season. In the early spring, after the earth warms up, the shrub begins to grow and develop rapidly.

gooseberry planting in autumn
The optimal planting dates for gooseberries are in the second half of September - early October. It is best to focus on weather conditions. If the autumn is warm, then you can postpone planting. But it must be remembered that the gooseberry should be planted approximately two weeks before the start of frost. Plant seedlings are acquired in early September. Planting bushes in open ground should be done on a cloudy and windless day. This is a necessary condition so that the roots do not have time to dry.

gooseberry planting dates
If for some reason the gooseberry was not planted in the fall or the plant still did not take root, then you can re-plant the bush in early spring. The most favorable time for this is the last decade of March. In extreme cases - the first of April. That is, the period when the plant is still in a state of complete rest. However, it should be borne in mind that gooseberries planted in spring take root much more complicated.

To plant gooseberries in the fall was successful, you must first choose healthy and strong seedlings. Almost half of the success depends on how well this was done. It is most convenient to take biennial bushes or layering. It is also necessary to pay attention to their root system: it must be more than 20 cm. The seedlings must have at least two shoots, each of them starting at 30 cm long.

gooseberry planting and care breeding
So, in order to get an abundant harvest of large juicy berries in the next season, it is necessary that the gooseberry planting in the fall be performed not only on time, but also in the right place. This plant is very fond of open sunny places. Ideally, the landing site for this crop should be flat and without dimming. There should not be any buildings or plantings of fruit trees nearby. But gooseberries do not tolerate strong winds, so this is also taken into account when choosing a site. Plants where groundwater lies closer than one meter will not be suitable for planting a shrub . In swampy soils, this plant does not develop well. Clay earth will also be undesirable. The roots need constant access of oxygen, otherwise the shrub will often hurt and will quickly die.

The main thing in growing a crop like gooseberries is planting and care. Reproduction of this plant is not difficult. It is much more difficult to properly care for a young bush. If the plant was planted incorrectly, then a good harvest can not wait. So, planting gooseberries in your garden, consider all the nuances that are required for its successful growth.


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