How to grow roses in potatoes? Ways of breeding roses. Rose in potatoes at home

Roses are flowers of amazing beauty. They are presented for anniversaries and simply out of respect for the person. They adorn gardens and parks. These flowering plants are most often propagated by long-established methods. But how to grow roses in potatoes, read the article.

What roses are used for cuttings?

Propagation of a room rose is carried out by cuttings. The favorable period for their harvesting is the end of spring, since it is at this time that roses bloom. Unripened plants are not suitable for receiving cuttings from them.

How to plant a rose in potatoes

To find out whether roses are suitable for breeding or not, you should pay attention to the thorns. They easily break off from the stem of mature roses and bend in green. You need to choose a plant in which the stem will be strong and the leaves alive.

Purchased roses for planting a house

These flowering plants are sold in stores along with peat cups. Before making a purchase, you need to carefully examine the stem of the rose to understand whether it is suitable for dividing by cuttings or not. If everything suits and the purchase is made, the rose is brought into the house, the stalk is cut into cuttings and prepared for planting in potato tubers.

Preparing cuttings for planting

First, a rose is soaked in water overnight to the level of a cup of flower. Only after this should you start preparing the cuttings for planting. The diameter of the stem should not be less than half a centimeter. An initial cut of the stem is made. This is necessary to cleanse it.

Propagation of a room rose

Then the stem is cut again by fifteen centimeters, but not lower than two or three buds. They should stay on the stem. If planting material is not available in sufficient quantity, only one kidney can be left on the cuttings and its length reduced to about six centimeters. Next, the plant is placed in a container with a stimulating solution for a period of twenty-four hours. The solution can be prepared independently from fresh aloe juice and water in a ratio of one to nine. You can use honey water: half a liter of water - a teaspoon of honey.

Potato preparation

How to grow roses in potatoes? In this vegetable, you can easily grow garden and home flowers of this species. But first you need to carry out preparatory work. It is better to choose large tubers. If not available, medium-sized specimens are also suitable.

How to grow roses in potatoes

A thorough examination should be carried out and any damage caused by mechanical stress or illness should be detected. Then you need to remove all the eyes to prevent the tuber from germinating. Propagation of a room rose in a potato medium, provided that the cuttings are properly prepared, will be successful.

Why do roses grow in potatoes?

Vegetable tubers are a breeding ground for cuttings. The solids in the potato make up thirty-five percent of the total mass of the tuber. This vegetable is rich in starch, protein and mineral salts. All these nutrients are essential for the growth of young plants. Potatoes protect seedlings from harmful effects. Do not allow moisture to evaporate. That's why roses grow beautifully in potatoes.

Soil preparation

It is best to use universal purchased soil for planting a home rose. For those who are accustomed to do everything with their own hands and save money, you can cook it yourself. How to plant a rose in potatoes? First you need to prepare the soil. Mixes two parts of garden soil and as much humus. One part of sand is added to this mixture. Everything is well mixed and placed in the oven. This is done in order to destroy possible pathogenic bacteria that die under the influence of high temperature.

Planting the cuttings in the tuber

How to plant a rose in potatoes? The procedure is as follows. After preparing the potatoes, a puncture with a sanitized tool is made in its lateral part. To do this, you can use a knife, screwdriver or other piercing object.

Rose in potato growing method

The hole depth should be five centimeters, and the width should be slightly larger than the diameter of the handle. Otherwise, planting material may be damaged. When choosing a variety of potatoes should focus on the moisture content in it. Varieties such as Golden Yukon, red and white potatoes correspond to these qualities.

How to grow roses in potatoes? First you need to immerse the stalk in a tool for root growth. Excess powder is shaken off and the stalk is inserted into the hole made in the tuber. The potato is placed in the soil so deep that its upper part is completely covered with soil. The process of roses in potatoes should remain open, not covered with soil. If planting was carried out before winter, the tuber will take root well during the cold period, the stalk will take root, and it can be transplanted in the spring to another container, or you can leave it in a pot.

The process of roses in potatoes

A peg is driven in at a short distance from the rose. The plant is weakly attached to it with thin twine, preferably from cotton thread. This will serve as a support for the still unrooted plant.

The earth in the pot should be moist and crumbly. But this does not mean that watering is carried out often. On the contrary, excessive moisture can cause the tuber to rot. Rose in this case will die.

In order not to suffer in doubt, the rose began or not, after about fourteen days you need to carefully pull on the tip of the plant. If the handle is easily removed, it means that it has not yet taken. It must be pushed back into the hole in its place. A week later, a similar check is carried out in order to find out how the rose in potatoes feels. If you wish, you can choose another method of cultivation or dwell on this, only for fast growth you should feed the bush with universal fertilizer.

How to root a rose in potatoes?

After planting the tuber with cuttings inserted into it, the planting pot is covered with a film of polyethylene. If this cover material is not available, simple cans of plastic or glass can be used. As soon as shoots and leaves appear, you can briefly remove the shelter, accustoming the plants to environmental conditions. So a rose in potatoes at home will take root more quickly.

How to root a rose in potatoes

The secret of such reproduction is the use of the beneficial properties of the vegetable for the quick rooting of cuttings. Potato is a breeding ground for seedlings, provides them with the necessary amount of moisture. The stems will not dry out and in a couple of weeks they will start roots. Immediately after planting, the pot with the plant should be placed in a place where there will be a lot of light, but there is no direct sunlight.

Potato Rose Home Care

It depends on proper care whether the rose in potatoes will bloom in the future or not. The method of growing is original and not very common. Although the rules of care are exactly the same as for other roses planted in the traditional way, that is, in the ground, and not in potatoes. Caring for a room rose provides for the following:

  • Strict adherence to temperature conditions. For a rose, twenty-five degrees above zero is considered optimal. Extreme heat adversely affects the condition of the plant. Therefore, you should not define it on the windowsill on the south side of the apartment. To maintain the health of the flower in this case, regular ventilation and watering will not help. The plant will suffer from overheating: the leaves will dry out and the buds will fall off. In the cold season, the plant can be put on the south side.

Rose in potatoes at home

  • How to grow roses in potatoes? To do this, they need to be watered abundantly and regularly. Do not allow the soil to dry out, this can lead to the death of the plant. Dosed watering is especially important during the flowering period. On especially hot days, this is done daily. In normal weather, you need to ensure that the water does not stagnate in the pan. After each watering, it must be drained. Spray leaves to maintain their cleanliness should be no more than once a week.
  • To create favorable conditions, roses should be fed with all types of fertilizers, alternating and combining them. The best is liquid fertilizer. It is freely sold in stores. The flower needs enhanced nutrition during the growing season.


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